by VincentZero
Baseball Random Generator Project
[2 replies] Last: Thank you jonnin for helping. I did change the headers, but I had to k... (by VincentZero)
by CodeNovice01
Triangle Program
[4 replies] Last: Hello CodeNovice01, After loading the program into my IDE, VS2017, I ... (by Handy Andy)
Re: homework assignment |
[1 reply] : We are all here to help, but you need to start with something. We won... (by dhayden)
SIMD: more generic shuffle function |
[no replies]
by DdavidDLT
Need help printing out correct answer
[4 replies] Last: Hello DdavidDLT, I did manage to put something together to run the co... (by Handy Andy)
SIMD: implement _mm256_i8gather, _mm256_i16gather |
[no replies]
Stupid questions about data structures |
[5 replies] Last: When talking about algorithms, an additional constraint, most of the... (by Ganado)
stoi makes abort has been called error |
[1 reply] : i fixed it by changin position of int muzik_kaydiint = stoi(muzik_kayd... (by ASingleGameEngineDevelop)
by stephcat5
How to fix memory leak?
[2 replies] Last: for (int count=0; count<numTigers; count++) { delete tigers ; //d... (by salem c)
Random Character Program Assignment! |
[7 replies] Last: Hello bethmayweather, For something to work with I created the vector... (by Handy Andy)
by obeeey
How to print only duplicates in an array
[3 replies] Last: A map is also called an associative array, and it is an associative ... (by Duthomhas)
do...while loop not behaving |
[5 replies] Last: do { cout << "Enter the person's age: ";... (by Repeater)
by CodeNovice01
IF question
[1 reply] : No. The list of available operators in C++ is at https://en.cpprefere... (by lastchance)
by Shervan360
>> operator in C++
[2 replies] Last: Used in this context it shifts all the bits of the binary representati... (by lastchance)
by catsonmars
Getting base class member data
[4 replies] Last: Your model seems odd. Is a student's name different to their name as a... (by Repeater)
by valiciousx
greatest common divisor is a prime number (pairs of numbers problem in C)
[1 reply] : It is unclear what you are asking. you maybe are asking how to loop n... (by jonnin)
by lost110
Avl tree deletion
[3 replies] Last: I'm embarassed. Line 308 is wrong. deleteNode(root, z); should be ... (by lastchance)
by surfersss
string permutation using recursion
[1 reply] : Compile with warnings: g++ -Wall -g -D DEBUG -std=c++14 -c foo.cxx fo... (by dhayden)
by lexa19
Pass a string vector index as parameter
[4 replies] Last: Thx:) (by lexa19)
sizeof Class: why larger than all attributes? |
[1 reply] : You forgot to post EncodingType. For DataBlock it is easy to answer. ... (by Thomas Huxhorn)