by k88
generating random numbers in an array without repetition
[1 reply] : #include <set> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostre... (by Repeater)
by shauryadan
Assignment Operator for class with struct pointer member variable
[3 replies] Last: These are ok: CSNerd::CSNerd( string name ) // but I prefer initili... (by keskiverto)
by w208395063
having problem with the this problem
[1 reply] : std::list is a linked list. std::list has sort(): http://www.cplusplus... (by keskiverto)
by benjm
[C] Reusing pointer for new string
[2 replies] Last: just reuse it? You appear to be overthinking something. step 1) allo... (by jonnin)
by rookie000
Circular Buffer
[6 replies] Last: Thank you for your detailed explanation. It's now clearer to me, and t... (by rookie000)
by davidjayce
Search and display the comparison
[4 replies] Last: Do you mean the number of comparisons until a match was found? Like th... (by Manga)
by chrichri
copy elemnt in buffer
[1 reply] : I have no idea what you ask. Can you explain with more detail? (by keskiverto)
by GoForBroke
Can't modify array with pointer
[2 replies] Last: Holy cow, I'm sory, my mistake - don't catch this assignment. Thanks a... (by GoForBroke)
by joaoeduardo
what(): std::bad_alloc error, what is that?
[1 reply] : Duplicate of . DON'T c... (by MikeyBoy)
by LordOfPens
Nested Loops Help
[3 replies] Last: holy crap i got it. i had the inputRainAmount as an int and was typing... (by LordOfPens)
by Tduck
Why am I getting a segfault?
[3 replies] Last: Why is my code starting at line 10? ??? Please explain. Yes, your ... (by keskiverto)
by Verti
I need help with a project.
[2 replies] Last: You basically read from a (text)file like you read from std::cin using... (by Thomas1965)
by fivestar
calling function from class
[1 reply] : not much info is available from your code, what errors are you getting... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by Stuffman
char/string ambiguity causing crash?
[6 replies] Last: You haven't actually checked if your input is correct. I tested it and... (by poteto)
by rravelin
My program give me errors What is w
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { double fahre... (by JLBorges)
by Awsom3Alan3
Need help with reading a text file and displaying it.
[3 replies] Last: I see, Thanks for the help! (by Awsom3Alan3)
Const |
[2 replies] Last: When you declare something const, the compiler will enforce that promi... (by keskiverto)
Best selling items program |
[3 replies] Last: Im also having trouble with getting the first and second products high... (by Usm6rn)
explain fragment of code |
[2 replies] Last: Hello COOGSHOUSE713, the expression i / 5 evaluate to an integer becau... (by mycuser)
by Kiryu
Why does my exception skip the catch block and just terminates the program?
[16 replies] Last: Taking a brief look at your code I noticed a memory leak, not gonna te... (by poteto)