Beginners - October 2018 (Page 23)

No result in given interval
Hello! I created simple program which asks user to enter two whole numbers, afterwards my program prints out all possible cubes in given interval. But when I s...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void cube... (by lastchance)
Polar coordinate/Theta/Midpoint coordinate program
Hello, Im in a bit of pickle haha, hoping someone can help. Heres the scenario: A straight line connects two coordinates (3, 7) and (8, 12) call them (x1, ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello wirelesskill, From the header file for the "length" I used the ... (by Handy Andy)
Help me to understand a sorted array program
Please help me to understand this code. Correct me if I am wrong, does SIZE - 1 mean the last element in the array? #include <iostream> using namespac...
[1 reply] : Well what it is really doing is preventing you from accessing the arra... (by jlb)
Need help checking if array equals another array
I can not seem to figure out how to check if the arrays are equal, the first half works but when I try to run the for loops to check for duplicates, it just pri...
[3 replies] Last: #include<iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main... (by Manga)
explain fragment of code
Can someone explain why the out out is 1035.840088 I figured it would be 1035.84 #include<stdio.h> #define mypm(zz) zz-1 main() { float x,y=32....
[1 reply] : When working with floating-point numbers you need to expect small erro... (by Peter87)
I want an answer..
If I ask you " Why taking C++ is better choice instead of Java? " what will be your answer? It is to inform you that I am a student of Computer Science & Eng...
[4 replies] Last: Is the future of Java not good? Let me google that for you... https:/... (by Manga)
Copy Constructor help
Hi I'm writing a copy constructor for a queue class but for some reason this code makes both the front and capacity of the copy the same value. This doesn't mak...
[4 replies] Last: Try to comment out your defined copy constructor. Then see if you get ... (by Manga)
Array of Linked-lists?
Hi, so I'm working on a class project where the user can create up to 5 playlists by choosing songs from a master list. Each playlist is going to be it's own ...
[3 replies] Last: Presumably your Music_Info* is a node in your linked list, right? H... (by Duthomhas)
by Blake7
Function identifier not found
I'm declaring the function before main and defining it after main(), but I'm still getting "printCustomersData: identifier not found error" whenever I call it. ...
[3 replies] Last: So after closing out visual studio, reopening it and starting a new pr... (by Blake7)
Embedded C Help needed!
Hello everyone, I would like to ask a rather easy question about bitwise in embedded PIC microcontrollers. I have LED array. In other words it is an LED TOW...
[4 replies] Last: Well, I write the animation to the LED_Buffer and than i use Update... (by RytisBe)
Using a counter for recursion
Hello, so I've had this weird problem. I was making a list and i wanted to be able to add a node at any point in the list. I tried using a counter and recursion...
[1 reply] : I’m not sure I’ve understood your problem. Even if your program se... (by Enoizat)
I need advice to fix my code.
Hello, I need some assistance with my code. So with this question, I need to combine for loop and if/else statements. However there are problems. 1. (I'm not fi...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man for your help. (by CheesyForde1)
Array logic explanation, please help.
I am trying to get a complete understanding on the topic of arrays. Would anyone help to explain the logic behind this code? I added comments about what I do un...
[2 replies] Last: So does the assignment numbers = value; happen after each individual ... (by closed account iv5L3TCk)
accessing a dynamic 2d array
Hey guys, I have a question let's say I want access to the third pointer that examples the pointer to a pointer points to,how would I go about accessing this...
[5 replies] Last: char* c = "123"; is equivalent to char c = "123"; Not quite. cons... (by keskiverto)
[2 replies] Last: So where did you implement those functions? (by jlb)
by AL88
Why is ostream not working?
Why is ostream not working?, I included string.h. #include <iostream> #include <string.h> class String { public: //constructors String()...
[4 replies] Last: Something like this: #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include... (by JLBorges)
Basic integer multiplication
Hi there, Im having some trouble writing a basic program in C++ to multiply two integers, the problem is with the formatting that I cant get right.... The nece...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main () { const int a =... (by JLBorges)
hey, trying to remove puncuation from a c-string. I'm sure there are better ways but assignment wants it like this(including void main) everything works down t...
[1 reply] : If all you want to do is remove the "punctuation" there is really no n... (by jlb)
help me with my homework T T
i lost all my hope in solving it ..please help me ps: i can only use iostream , stdio.h and i think i can use strcpy 1. Your task is to create the requir...
[12 replies] Last: i adjusted it so i wont have problems with overflowing How? Are you ... (by jlb)
help please
can some one help with the addtoppings functions please. Its suppose to loop the what are the toppings useing the vector. #include<iostream> #include<s...
[1 reply] : Please do not duplicat... (by Enoizat)
October 2018 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 28
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