Beginners - October 2017 (Page 32)

Define a 3D array which indexes start with a number other than zero.
Hi, I want to change below code into a 3D array which the indexes are from -1 to 2. I mean, I want change below code to create this: A[-1][-1][-1] A[-1][-...
[4 replies] Last: I need to transfer a code from 2D form into 3D in a simulator that is ... (by Rachelll95)
by Sentoo
Complex Types - Strings
Hello guys, I am completely lost on numbers 3 and 4. As for number 2, I am not sure if I'm on the right path. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciate...
[2 replies] Last: I appreciate your help and thank you for your time. I will follow you... (by Sentoo)
Reading from a file into an array
Hey guys, so i'm working on a program that has to read a shopping list from a file and then after I need to add tax to it. I've managed to get the first item an...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you chervil it worked! Also thanks for the tips!! (by closed account EAk1vCM9)
C++ build all possible chains from grammar
I need to solve the lab from univeristy but I can't understand main idea for the following: you have a grammar and a start point grammar: "S;" "S->S(S)S|<e...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, um, LOL, RD is for parsing LL(k) grammars... (by Duthomhas)
ate and app in files in c++
Can you please give me sort of exmaple program of app and ate?The ones on the net are too complicated and mixed with other programs. I mean this ios::ate and ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks.It really helped me. (by closed account 1vf9z8AR)
Expression and statement confusion
Hi,everyone. I am confused with the questions below. Can someone help me? Which of these statements are true? (a) Any expression can be used as ...
[2 replies] Last: wow, thank you verr much!!!!!!!!!! (by hooi1997)
finding maximum,second maximum and minimum value
I am new to c++ and have been given a task to code the program written below. The use of arrays and functions is not allowed I've to do it only using if-else,wh...
[3 replies] Last: > I did try this but there's no output. See line 42: if( nbooks > 0 ... (by JLBorges)
What's the difference between this... int someFunction(){ return number; } ...and this... int someFunction(){ return(number); }
[2 replies] Last: Parantheses around the operand of the return statement: C++98: Ther... (by JLBorges)
by boosie
Deleting Tricky Placed Comments in Source File
Hello, I am new to these parts but have used this website and others for a long time to find help to questions I am looking for. I am trying to delete comment...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you @JLBorges & @Duthomhas, both of your solutions are also very... (by boosie)
defining user input
Hello, I have been wrestling with a problem code that keeps popping up when I run the program. It says "uninitialized local variable 'guest'". In this program g...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both for your response. They worked out for me. (by ajenell)
for loop not working but cant find the error
this is suppose to be a parallel array and each array contains five elements but i can't see where i went wrong with the for loop. i compiled the code and after...
[3 replies] Last: That's why I always recommend using some programs like checkamrx to de... (by benhart)
convert text file to graph using c++
i have to read data from file and translate it to graph in c++ the textfile looks like this INPUT(G1)INPUT(G2)INPUT(G3) INPUT(G6)INPUT(G7)OUTPUT(G22) ...
[10 replies] Last: thank you for your valuable tips...i assure you, i'll do it...i'll pos... (by ETH11674)
getting rid of repeated numbers
Hello. I have some numbers given and i need to get rid of them if they repeat in an array. I am given an amount of numbers 'n' and the actual numbers that I am ...
[4 replies] Last: 2. I want to remove M but I get no results, that is my main question... (by keskiverto)
Screen flickering help
I made this small maze game using an array. The game is pretty dope ,but the problem is the screen flickers everytime the character moves because i am using the...
[2 replies] Last: Or, don’t cls. Go home and redraw the screen from that. Find an ex... (by Duthomhas)
by DivS
Need a good book for learning oop with c++
Hi, I am new to c++.i have programmed in c. I have to prepare for my semester course of oop with c++ ( not c++ with oop). The main focus is on OOP rather the...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for responding. How does robert lafore's book compare to the on... (by DivS)
The declaration below will assign zero to the integer variable x. int x; Is this true or false? I'm new to c++
[7 replies] Last: @ Handy Andy The “initialize everything” rule of thumb is a very ... (by Duthomhas)
Hi everyone, I was told that there are 6 bugs in the code below. So far I've found only 4 of them. You can see the corrections I made in comments. Could you ...
[1 reply] : With the Microsoft compiler: -W4 -analyze catches (generates warn... (by JLBorges)
Can't figure out how to perform this task with else/if
So the task is to use if/else statements to write a program that helps the user troubleshoot wifi. It displays a statement like "Try rebooting the router and co...
[1 reply] : looks like a good start. Without doing something funky, looping here... (by jonnin)
by adnria
converting arithmetic to c++
is anyone here? i need help, how to convert arithmetic to c++
[13 replies] Last: I think some of the paid for tools may be able to generate C statement... (by jonnin)
Help with RNG
I was designing a dice game where it rolls two dice and adds the values together to find the winner, you or the computer (not much of a game right? mostly just ...
[2 replies] Last: I finally figured it out just before you posted this, thank you though... (by freshii)
October 2017 Pages: 1... 30313233
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