Beginners - October 2017 (Page 24)

by iif201
switch statement
I'm trying writing a program that someone enters a code for tv = t, new release = n, non-new releases = m. If they enter either one of the first two they will g...
[no replies]
how to stop function at end of document
Hey guys. Quick question: How can I edit the getScores function to get it to stop when there are no more values in the data.txt file?? #include <iostream>...
[1 reply] : I think you are looking for EOF (by shadder)
display2() help
I am supposed to have the user enter a character to use as the header and the number of times they want to have it printed, and the footer character and the num...
[1 reply] : Hi, Could you show us what you did/tried? (by shadder)
Compile Error
I'm trying to compile my program to make check if I coded everything to do as it should, but I get Build Failed every time and I do not know why. Could someone ...
[3 replies] Last: That helped me figure out the problem, thank you! It runs on NetBeans ... (by Griffinflame21)
Function Calling
I've been given a template on a high/low game to program. I'm having trouble understanding how to write the syntax for a function and how to call a function to ...
[17 replies] Last: I think that I finally have the code where I want it. I am coming up ... (by smitty007)
Variables in Functions
Hello to all, I am new to C++ and having difficulty getting my code to execute properly. I cannot understand how to properly write the code to initialize variab...
[3 replies] Last: Hints: #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #in... (by Enoizat)
questions... i'm a noob
Hey guys, I have a few questions with my code. Here is my code, along with a comment at the bottom with output. #include <iostream> using namespace std;...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome! I fixed both of those now, thank you :) I'm still trying to ... (by jacobgallipeau)
Input dynamic array in OOP
How can input some dynamic array in my class(2ns line of code in main())? Is void inputArray optimaly written? #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #in...
[5 replies] Last: But now I did some self study and found std::list_initializer among ... (by Enoizat)
by Bopaki
This program runs fine but does not sort the list
Write your question here. #include "arrayListType.h" template<class elemType> arrayListType<elemType>::~arrayListType() { delete list; } temp...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, Bopaki. For what I can see, you gave us the header for the templat... (by Enoizat)
declared or defined???
It's been quite a while I'm struggling to resolve the exact usage of "using namespace std". I doubt if all classes are declared in that special namespace 'std',...
[8 replies] Last: Hello SoumyadeepRoy, Not sure if I a right here, but form what I have... (by Handy Andy)
Compiler and linker
so I am basically looking at different tutorials online on how to use the windows api but I am totally lost most of these tutorials require you to have some kno...
[1 reply] : If you use Visual Studio there is nothing to set up. Create an empty W... (by Thomas1965)
Type 'Test' could not be resolved
I'm starting to get annoyed by eclipse,there is nothing wrong here yet I'm getting an error Type 'Test' could not be resolved how can it not be resolved? ...
[2 replies] Last: Class Test is declared nested inside class myException . In main,... (by Chervil)
MySQL C++ connector one error
Hello everybody, I try to connect my C++ file to MySQL. I did everything as in MySQL connecter instructions but have only one error: LNK1104 Cannot open ...
[no replies]
Passing random numbers to an array
Hey guys and gals, I'm new to c++ and I have a project that I'm trying to complete but I can't figure out how to pass the random numbers to the array. I think I...
[8 replies] Last: I actually figured it out late (really late) last night into this morn... (by talemache)
How to call a function that will write to a file and within that function call other functions
Hello im learning c++ and i was wondering how i can call a function that will write to a file. within that function it will call other functions and will print ...
[2 replies] Last: You have three distinct functions, build, print, write. Each function... (by AbstractionAnon)
loops and calculations
I am totally new to this. I need to be able to add up all the inputs associated with the courses selected. How many credits and grade points and GPA. We are usi...
[no replies]
by huncho
Gravity, .h & .cpp
Hi everyone, I've got this assignment that I been stuck on for days. I've already tried to google some answers and asking friends but that haven't helped. Pleas...
[4 replies] Last: roughly: the class definitions go in the .h file the class member fun... (by jonnin)
kindly help me with this thankyou
Create a Class "Date", with data members: year, month, day. also create Default Constructor, Destructor and parametrized constructor to initialize data. "Date" ...
[no replies]
Finding the values that Match In 2 Arrays
I'm doing a insertion sort to find the same values but placed in two different arrays with different element types. I also want to output this into an output fi...
[1 reply] : The code doesn't compile because an ofstream cannot be passed by val... (by Chervil)
by smich
How can I split the contents of a string array to smaller arrays?
The title is a bit hard to understand, so here is my question: I am reading a file and putting its contents in an array like this:"examplefile.txt...
[6 replies] Last: There will always be three lines and the number in the first line is ... (by Enoizat)
October 2017 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 33
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