Beginners - October 2017 (Page 23)

hw help
Im lost on this home work i have the first part of it done but i have no clue of how to do the second part of it here is the problem would be awesome if you cou...
[5 replies] Last: This is probably two levels of nesting short to do your homework ... ... (by lastchance)
by pnc 55
Please Help Me to Give Algoritham for this program.
Write your question here. // 7} WAP to print number in ascending order using array. //Asending Order #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void mai...
[3 replies] Last: c++ has a built in sort, which is smart and fast. If you want to do... (by jonnin)
Subscript out of range error
Good afternoon everybody, I've been trying to made converter of values entered. Basic idea is to make converter which converts a lot of values different units....
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! Now it really works! Have a nice day =) (by Greenyl)
How to use Rand???
I am trying to create a program that produces random addition problem. When the user gets the answer correct how do I make it to where it displays 4 different t...
[7 replies] Last: Hello LyonPredator, Working off what keskiverto suggested with if/els... (by Handy Andy)
scoping issues?
What's wrong with my code? When I try the deposit/withdrawal function. the balance won't update accordingly. Similar to delete_acct function, it doesn't delete...
[1 reply] : The problem is that getAccount(index) returns a copy of the object. H... (by coder777)
Why does this function count upwards and not downwards? Any help is appreciated thanks. #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> void f1(int x); int main...
[4 replies] Last: Okay thank you! (by Minessota)
I am trying to figure out how to use a while loop so that my program continues to ask the user different addition problems. When done the user should type -1 wh...
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> int main() {... (by JLBorges)
by hmay
pyramid of numbers
For an assignment I am supposed to print out a pyramid that is a certain amount of columns wide and and the rows count. As an example, if the user enters the nu...
[1 reply] : Hi, line 25 can be replaced with cout<< ((col+1)%10) ; HOPE IT HE... (by shadder)
MySQL with C++
Hello everybody, Thank you for your support. I am trying to use MySQL database with C++, but can't find any good explanations of new for me type of code...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much Helios, Correct, I translated in from another lan... (by mynameisalexey)
Rand for different results
This is my code so far, I need help on the line I commented //help on. I am trying to get the feedback to display 4 different ways for example great job, well d...
[1 reply] : Use a loop. while (userGuess != -1) ... You should give your varia... (by JayhawkZombie)
24 hour notation to 12 hour notation problem.
Write your question here. #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; void time(int& hours, char& ampm, int& minutes); void change(in...
[2 replies] Last: Thankyou!!! (by MAZambelli4353)
Hi guys I am messing around with IO,also I am currently taking a course on udemy and I noticed the instructor said that this when you specify a delimiter in the...
[3 replies] Last: is it the same for all streams such as string stream etc? yes. A st... (by AbstractionAnon)
How is C++ better than other High level languages like Java ,C# etc.
What advantage does C++ has above other languages besides Speed?
[3 replies] Last: C++'s type system is more powerful, on account of templates. On the ot... (by helios)
Trouble creating Shipping Cost program
Hello. I am trying to create a shipping program for class. I have constructed a code with a pretty good idea on how to calculate the price by pound, but I am ha...
[14 replies] Last: Hello JustMcCollum, Two things that I found. When you prompt the use... (by Handy Andy)
Error when opening a file in command prompt via program
Write your question here. Hello, I wanted to make a c++ program that would open the command prompt, change the directory to the Y: drive, prompt the...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, Repeater is right. What you'd need to do is construct the entir... (by MikeyBoy)
throw, try, except error
Can anyone pleas explain why this code is throwing "no opearator "<<" matches these opeands" error in 13th line? int main() { try { throw - 1; } catch (...
[3 replies] Last: could I forgot include string :/ Thanks!!! (by spartannn)
holding values from other functions?
Ok so im confused because when I call a function on its own the decimal is kept, but when I call the display function it no longer displays the correct decimal ...
[4 replies] Last: wow thank you so much! no wonder I couldn't even search correctly on g... (by noob at C)
simple calculator
i'm sure it is just a simple mistake somewhere but no matter what 2 values i enter, the result always ends up as 6.95322e-310 double calculate(char op, do...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> double calculate(char op, double n1, double n2) ... (by JLBorges)
cin issue
I'm having trouble with cin, in this code it doesn't allow the user to input the name void display2(char char1, int num) { for(int count = 1; count ...
[1 reply] : Line 18: // getline(cin, name); getline( cin >> ws , name); // extra... (by JLBorges)
if, else, switch
Im trying to create a program that takes two integers (pass-by-reference) and divides int1 by in2. The program needs to error check both integers and needs to m...
[5 replies] Last: I have gotten the typos and if statement sorted out and it has compile... (by Minessota)
October 2017 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 33
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