Beginners - October 2017 (Page 19)

Creating Libraries with void functions
For my beginner's C++ class my assignment is to create a library with following functions (prototypes are given along with a description): 1. void increasing...
[5 replies] Last: Hello jahymanson, After testing the "increasing" function I found the... (by Handy Andy)
Basic Help If and Else
I had this on my study guide for the test this week. How would you code this to make it more simpler? I just wanted to see how you would make simpler so that I ...
[1 reply] : To do code tags you surround your code with [ Code ] [ /Code ] (No spa... (by Hippogriff)
Will someone explain each step of hand tracing this program. I don't understand how the program gets the output of 9. #include <iostream> #include <strin...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, everyone, my question has been answered. (by phatski)
Random Integer wont regenerate new value
For this "Number Guessing Program" the same input '42' will win the game every time. I was wondering how to get the number to regenerate each time the program i...
[3 replies] Last: Because 42 is always the answer to life, the universe, and everythin... (by Ganado)
string sizeof = 32?
hi guys so I decided to get the size of a string because I may need to use the locations for file pointers anyway I see that it is on my machine anyway (window...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, it may keep track of pointers, its own size, and other possible i... (by Ganado)
input and output files
Hello, I have a bit of a problem. I need to create a .txt file which will hold a column of 11 different temperatures. My program needs to take the data from th...
[14 replies] Last: I figured it out. Just needed to end the line. Thank you so much eve... (by Dominick55)
Confused Beginner Not beginner.
my question is that GUI is important for giving your program a graphical interface. l mean if l want to create a very simple calculator for adding two varia...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for your response.Let me make it simple for you. I... (by daimkhalid07)
How to iterate through a vector of objects?
I am attempting to make a program that stores records of user accounts, including their name, balance, account type etc. Such that the user can enter a line of ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, very helpful, I rewrote the member functions to iterate throug... (by runrabbitrun)
Program won't open file?
I'm writing a simple program to open a file and display the list of numbers on that file. Except when I run it, nothing happens. The numbers will not display. ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello Bradenm95, Coderguy101 has your answer. Since this type of pro... (by Handy Andy)
Getting average from data from txt file
I have been tasked with creating a program that displays an average number for each month, based on a text file with a list of numbers. The list of numbers has ...
[1 reply] : 365 days implies it is not a leap year. Therefore the first 31 values ... (by Chervil)
by Bopaki
Why am I getting this error on earth?
This header file is exactly as it is in the textbook. 4 50 C:\Dev-Cpp\MalikChapter10\Example10-1\orderedArrayListType.h expected template-name before '<' t...
[4 replies] Last: 1. Your orderedArrayListType.h does not include the arrayListType.h. I... (by keskiverto)
Parallel C++ program compiler available?
Is there a C++ compiler such as g++ or Microsoft C++ or any on-line compiler with all C++17 & Parallel TS (Technical Standard) features that can compile b...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Enoizat for the information. If any of the compiler developm... (by AlexCantor)
Char arrays
hey! So when i run my program, i get a segmentation fault, this is the part of my code that gives me the segmentation fault and i was wondering why #inc...
[3 replies] Last: My homework assignment requires us to use c-string for one of our arra... (by wajahatshoukat)
by vktsn
Visual C++ (2017) - Command Window
I recently switched to using Visual C++ (beginner) after using MATLAB for a while. I have been trying to make use of the command window to execute certain line...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your reply! (by vktsn)
How to load the following file into variables and matrix?
I have the following file "" and I need to input this file such that it assigns values to six variables and load values into matrix (matrix ). The text ...
[2 replies] Last: Hints: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #in... (by Enoizat)
Dry running this program
This is a program to find answer of sinx function. I've dry run this program but i'm quite confused. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int mai...
[1 reply] : I might be wrong but it looks like the code computes the Taylor expans... (by ericM)
Data validation
Hello I have an assignment from class that I desperately need help with So I am to make a program that asks user to input a positive integer e.g 1234, 234, 123...
[3 replies] Last: I would try something like do{ //update counter //your check } w... (by ericM)
by MrGoat
LNK2019 errors
[2 replies] Last: Also see: 'Don't write using namespace in a header file' https://gith... (by JLBorges)
Degrees Conversion
Hey guys, how is it going?. two questions, first I was wondering why when I run my code it never shows me what the converted value is, and second I want to avoi...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much that was it hahahaha. (by andreswp10)
While loop to a For loop
Hello everyone how would I convert this while loop program to a for loop program? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 0...
[2 replies] Last: Hey Andy, Thank you so much for the help I appreciate it. Abe (by CTRLALT)
October 2017 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 33
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