Beginners - October 2017 (Page 18)

Hey i need help with my little homework my teacher gave me today
So i wrote this program you kinda see what i am trying to do, is there a better way to make this program? Im fairly new so i dont know all the functions I know...
[8 replies] Last: The code i wrote in the beginning works fine. I just didnt understand... (by jlb)
Validating infix expresssion (Checking correct brackets)
Greetings to all. I am writing unit tests for testing the Reverse Polish Notation. The first thing i want to test is to make sure that the expression entered i...
[2 replies] Last: @Ihatov, I have tested it with "(24-5)+553*(2+2)" // correct (... (by longberns)
Need someone to debug this program.
I have made this chatbot(not finished) but I am finding some difficulties in doing so. #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdi...
[2 replies] Last: I am having problem in the file handling part. The switch case 4 is co... (by pulkitg2k)
Iterating through a vector errors
I'm getting weird compiler errors: line 65: qualified-id in declaration before '(' token void Account::remove_account(string name) line 108: ...
[4 replies] Last: The inputs are the accounts that the user has created, for example: c ... (by runrabbitrun)
Vector subscript but not array out of range
I am not sure why having a vector instead of an array is a problem here. I've narrowed down my issue to the following. I can use cout to print out each element...
[3 replies] Last: And don't forget that reserve doesn't alter the size of the vector and... (by jlb)
hi guys I must be mistaken,as I thought references are aliases to other variables of the same type so I'm not sure why this code won't work,now I know this is a...
[7 replies] Last: If you bind a const reference to a temporary, then it extends the life... (by MikeyBoy)
by Bopaki
This program is exactly as it is in the book C++ by Malik but I am getting these errors
2 0 C:\Dev-Cpp\MalikChapter10\Example10-1\main.cpp In file included from main.cpp 4 50 C:\Dev-Cpp\MalikChapter10\Example10-1\orderedArrayListType.h expected ...
[6 replies] Last: The list and length are included from "arrayListType.h" now I do not k... (by Bopaki)
C++ Programming Mentor?
I need to find good mentor. I heard there are three people on this site who do it for free. If this is true, I'd like to talk to one of them if possible. I...
[no replies]
Difficulty creating Matrix class
I've been trying to debug this matrix class for more than a day now. I'm not experienced with C++ and I'm sure I've made some careless error. Header: ...
[3 replies] Last: Problem solved, thank you (by GriffinH)
Decimal number
Write your question here. How can i write a code that if a number is demical, tell me "wrong" ?
[4 replies] Last: There are two different angles on this. For example, 1.0 is a decimal ... (by Chervil)
still problem with MySQL connection.
I use this instruction: I made each listed point. But still have an ...
[3 replies] Last: So, how did I fix it: 1. installed 32x connector instead of 64 on a ... (by mynameisalexey)
Comparing arrays of strings doesn't work.
Hey Guys! I have a task where it's neccassary to compare two array of strings to eachother. However when I try to test the program, it prints out a higher numb...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Andy, that was the issue. :D (by doncsoo)
by eci0x
number m in numberic system with a base of n
Hello! I have a task for univerisity which I don't quite understand.. ---> You are given a natural number m and a natural number n=2..16 Print m in a countin...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! I'll figure it out (by eci0x)
l-values and r-values and r-value references
I am slowly trying tolearn c++ sand have moved onto the above topic. Please see below. Can someone explain ot to me please... Thanks in advance #include <i...
[5 replies] Last: It is usually used for the operator . See: (by coder777)
New to c++
Hi guys, I'm in a c++ class and i'm a little lost. I'm praying for some help here. My program works fine with this compiler ,
[2 replies] Last: I could kick myself in the teeth. I'm pretty sure i set totalmonths, t... (by derekb87)
Could someone help me with this code i have the application working properly but my professor said he would like a "do while" in it could someone help me with t...
[1 reply] : my professor said he would like a "do while" in it well, lines 15 t... (by Chervil)
If Else help and showing the letter x
Hello, im pretty new with c++ and i can only get formating correct but not the if else stuff on where to show an X. complete a C++ program that will ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks Andy, and have a good one! (by sr2cute702)
by Clos
displaying the first n prime numbers
hello i am stuck and need some help. I am trying to make it so it displays the first n prime numbers (starting with 2 and n being user input)to the console but ...
[2 replies] Last: my bad i didn't think the other one posted. do you know how to delete?... (by Clos)
Beginner Help
How do I make this code to where if a user entered credits that are less than 0 and greater than 100 as Invalid? Then repeat and as the question How many credit...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, thanks for the feedback I''ll be sure to adjust my code. Appreciat... (by PredatorSlayz)
by sa ll
vending machine - selection issue
Good Evening, Everything seems to work fine with my program, unless a selection is made other than 1 through 6. I have tried using nested loops and a do/while...
[4 replies] Last: This is my final code, all tests passed, I appreciate you, your time a... (by sa ll)
October 2017 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 33
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