Beginners - October 2016 (Page 47)

Friend's Challenge!!
Hello fellows!! So, my friend challenged me with this question and i have no clue how to do it but now i have a bet with him that i'll do it.. Please help me wi...
[11 replies] Last: @printf if you try #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using names... (by MichaelBhattacharya)
by cm123
geometry calculator
keeps failing but i can't figure out why. can someone please help me instructions: Geometry Calculator: Write a C++ program that displays the following menu...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int mai... (by sabbirshawon)
Random number generator and restricting conditions
Hi guys, working on a program that is meant to be a math quiz for the 3rd grade level. It is for homework and for the extra credit I can have the program provid...
[9 replies] Last: Honestly I had forgotten about if it tried to divide by zero until I w... (by yourhighness)
Akinator Problem
Hi, my friend wrote this code for his software development class. He sent it to me to help him after he couldn't figure it out. I couldn't either. #inc...
[1 reply] : your brackets are bad line 115 if (response == "male") { cout << ... (by willuwontu)
Dev C++ .rc file help
Hello all i am working on a C++ console application using Dev c++ 5.11. I am trying to add resource file so they "ship" with the .exe. in other words i need the...
[2 replies] Last: would that be the best and easiest way to add files to my program usin... (by brink1123)
How to run a program inside another?
Hello fellas, I am sorry to bother you all but I would be pleased if you guys could help me with a problem that I have. I've got two codes, the first one...
[1 reply] : Put both sections of code into functions and call them when you need t... (by theturk1234)
Rubiks Cube Program
I am supposed to write a program that does the following: write a program that prompts the user to input the side of the Rubik's Cube they wish to rotate. Use t...
[1 reply] : This is a huge undertaking. The only thing I would recommend is to mak... (by theturk1234)
I have 19 errors that i do not know how to fix this is written in visual studio string driver1, driver2, driver3, color1, color2, color3; ...
[2 replies] Last: I wrote it and I forgot the easiest things!!! Thank you so much!! 0 er... (by channing0411)
Reading in scores from a file
I am having trouble figuring out how to read in scores from a file. The first line of the file has three integers, each indicating the number of quiz grades, ho...
[8 replies] Last: I thought about for loops, but I am having trouble thinking logically... (by AbstractionAnon)
by ll1234
Help! How to compare three integers using c++
Write your question here. cin a,b,c,then cout the maximum integer. For example,cin 1,4,8,cout 8.
[3 replies] Last: Hello ll1234, See message (by Handy Andy)
by polklk
Simple task to compare 4 inputs and find the largest
Hi all, First time posting online for any help so please be gentle if I mess up the formatting etc. I've been given homework to compare two inputs and out...
[9 replies] Last: maby so #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; t... (by Peoples)
Asterisk Printing (Rectangle)
Any idea on how to incorporate m * n? /* Write a complete program that reads integers m and n and character c from the console and outputs mn occurrences of ...
[1 reply] : Hello andygarc1a, You have the right concept, but the for loops are i... (by Handy Andy)
Problem with matrix
Hello I am completely stuck with my matrix problem. First funktion should read numbers one by one to the square matrix. Matrix rotate90deg function should cr...
[1 reply] : What is the size of 'matrix' after line 9? The vector has both operat... (by keskiverto)
Hi, I've implemented a method to find a value from a 'Stack'. I just want to know that are there any logical errors or any kind of errors in this code? Thanks....
[3 replies] Last: You haven't shown the definition of stackArray, so it's hard to say. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
How to read string and ints from a file and access them?
Okay, I have a .csv file and have a bunch of code that is supposed to take the items and allow access to them when I need to. The problem is I get a build error...
[4 replies] Last: Hello jlmccart01, The quick fix I used is to change weatherD .variab... (by Handy Andy)
Looking for an old DirectX prgrammer
I know this is totally mad. I'm part of a group which is trying to keep, what is the best Flight Sim, from 1998 going. Because of it's age we are using Direct...
[5 replies] Last: As a good hearted, Old , dx programmer I'd like to help but having ju... (by Moooce)
storing to array from a txt file, comparing it with user input.
Hello, I have two txt files where I am displaying baseball teams, and then asking the user to pick a team, and then the program is supposed to tell the user how...
[1 reply] : Hello vessel91, A few thing I noticed: after line 13 you should check... (by Handy Andy)
Multiple Inheritance
Can someone help me on this question? The following class diagrams are designed for a restaurant that also provides home delivery services. Study the given clas...
[2 replies] Last: @futurefelicia001 Send me a private message. (by SakurasouBusters)
Can someone guide me of using stub functions
I want to know what is stub functions and how they get replaced when shared library is linked and the shared library has same function names
[1 reply] : Hello TechEnthusiast, I believe this link will explain everything you... (by Handy Andy)
hello, First Time here. i dont know what to say but i have a problem. i am doing a program that is showing odd numbers using three cycles, for, while and do-whi...
[10 replies] Last: Hello rexorzz, Maybe you misunderstood what I meant about the pause. ... (by Handy Andy)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 4546474849... 51
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