a |
[2 replies] Last: make sure to put your program in code.... and i don't get the question... (by rezy3312)
by aiiight
Help calculating max amt of times a number appears in an array
[10 replies] Last: Using a std::map or std::unordered_map is a way to keep track of the o... (by closed account LA48b7Xj)
by Kbott
String array selection sort
[no replies]
by amoureux
Unable to match function for call using struct and enum
[no replies]
by itsnotme
Exception when printing out values of pointers
[3 replies] Last: #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <vector> std::vect... (by cire)
by anarelle
Add items to linked list: I'm lost in parameter passing
[1 reply] : I just realized all I was missing was a pointer parameter by reference... (by anarelle)
Pointers assignment |
[4 replies] Last: Hello Anonymousandro, As I interpret the last instruction Lastly 'p'... (by Handy Andy)
by curfew
GPA/Scholarship application help
[3 replies] Last: Create a student class and array of students. You could create a stati... (by switchy)
by jlmccart01
How to read string and ints from a file and access them?
[2 replies] Last: Hello jlmccart01, Do not start a second thread on the same question. ... (by Handy Andy)
by david lev
help Fahrenheit to Celsius
[10 replies] Last: I didnt know that cmd, but yea it's better way. (by david lev)
by LannaBanna
Adding the Decimal Place with setpercision
[4 replies] Last: Hello LannaBanna, In addition to Peter87's answer the other alternati... (by Handy Andy)
Putting items in a file into an array |
[1 reply] : Correct me if I'm wrong: The first line of an entry contains three int... (by keskiverto)
by Hengry
Testcase failing??
[7 replies] Last: I figured it out. for my code studentName += classRoster.at(index,s... (by Hengry)
by drinc1030
C++ homework
[1 reply] : First, please post code with code tags. See: http://www.cplusplus.com/... (by keskiverto)
by AraliaKat
Adding strings to a struct (Help)
[1 reply] : I would look over this part of your code. for (int i = size + 1; i ... (by Izink)
by PuppetMeat
Weird class/derived class error
[1 reply] : From what I can see you forgot to include string and that it's part of... (by Izink)
by immortal192
Extremely simple program not compiling
[2 replies] Last: Oh my god, I need to go to sleep. Thanks. (by immortal192)
by Charlesgb
C++ Array practicing help.
[2 replies] Last: TY. (by Charlesgb)
by brink1123
[2 replies] Last: ifstream qFile("MYFILE"); Should be : ifstream qFile("loadfile.tx... (by SakurasouBusters)
by ll1234
how to work out the leap year
[1 reply] : int year; if(cin >> year && year % 4 == 0) cout << "It is a leap ye... (by SakurasouBusters)