by eliiofaddoul
sum two quadratic polynomials
[8 replies] Last: The original question, although slightly oddly phrased, seemed to impl... (by closed account iE8M92yv)
Help again! |
[7 replies] Last: Hello kns2872, Yes just posted there. Andy (by Handy Andy)
by elay
returning an object pointed by iterator
[2 replies] Last: thanks jlborger. didnt notice i was returning an object when my retur... (by elay)
by david lev
counting vowels
[7 replies] Last: Actually "y" is sometimes a vowel: (by koothkeeper)
by nadouglas1
[1 reply] : Enter the tax rate for each $100 of assessed value It looks like th... (by wildblue)
by bubbleshere
Virtual destructors clarification!
[2 replies] Last: So, if i have declared any functions virtual in a derived class should... (by bubbleshere)
by rance
The beginner's 1D 8 Queens without goto program
[4 replies] Last: @vin, Check the value of c @line 35 and also col @line 47 and 48. You... (by Handy Andy)
by mzdigigirl
Help with C++ prorgram
[2 replies] Last: As Samuel said, you are not asked to read the integers from string but... (by sheel)
by leoleoleo
Edit a file
[2 replies] Last: Actually no, I am just starting to learn the basics of I/O and I wonde... (by leoleoleo)
by cppfighter
How to create multidimensional array with an input variable?
[2 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Benjidude
Super new to this, would appreciate some help from anyone (slope calculator)
[10 replies] Last: Also remove the semicolon in line 44. (by vin)
by Benjidude
Star wars and Lord of the rings if else statement troubles
[15 replies] Last: That's not my new code above. This is it: #include <iostream> usin... (by Benjidude)
by R Six Raven
Embedded If and Logical Operators
[2 replies] Last: Private messages again? On a public forum? @OP: Don't take this wrong... (by Duthomhas)
by alewurm
how to input IP address?
[4 replies] Last: Use inet_pton unix: (by JLBorges)
by alewurm
Super basic client server program
[1 reply] : learn python fast, or get a tutor. (by SamuelAdams)
by rooftopz
Trouble With For Loops
[2 replies] Last: i see. i had to assign n = startnum and then assign n <= endnum. I tho... (by rooftopz)
by pnkdlphn
user input rep. side lengths of a square
[3 replies] Last: stav you're the man! (if you're a man) could you explain the code to ... (by pnkdlphn)
by naegleria73
Expected initializer before "do" error message
[2 replies] Last: you could use another function other than recursive to better understa... (by miqafa)
by MisterBren
Need help with "if else" program
[3 replies] Last: Line 11: sale is an uninitialized variable (garbage). Line 18: You ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by moonman239
Objects' initialized variables lose value
[3 replies] Last: I found the solution. Use new InputClass(*inputObj) to create deep c... (by moonman239)