Beginners - October 2016 (Page 45)

sum two quadratic polynomials
hello. we were asked to Implement a class named Quadratic that represents second degree polynomials. one of the functions is to sum two polynomials as such: wr...
[8 replies] Last: The original question, although slightly oddly phrased, seemed to impl... (by closed account iE8M92yv)
Help again!
Can you all help me out again. I'm getting a ton of errors. My teach was EXTREMELY vague in the instructions. So I am clueless as to how bad of a job I'm doing....
[7 replies] Last: Hello kns2872, Yes just posted there. Andy (by Handy Andy)
by elay
returning an object pointed by iterator
const std::vector<Account>& getExistingAccount(const std::vector<Account>& acc,const std::string& username) { for ( std::vector<Account>::const_iter...
[2 replies] Last: thanks jlborger. didnt notice i was returning an object when my retur... (by elay)
counting vowels
I wrote a program which counting vowels, but the problem is when I enter a sentence it's kinda mixed up the program, but one I put words it works fine, so what ...
[7 replies] Last: Actually "y" is sometimes a vowel: (by koothkeeper)
Quarterly Property Tax and Annual Property Tax isn't converting into the right decimal value.. Here is what should be inputted by the user. Assessed Val...
[1 reply] : Enter the tax rate for each $100 of assessed value It looks like th... (by wildblue)
Virtual destructors clarification!
When do you need a destructor to be virtual? I read that a destructor should be virtually if it is an abstract class. So if a class is not the base class, d...
[2 replies] Last: So, if i have declared any functions virtual in a derived class should... (by bubbleshere)
by rance
The beginner's 1D 8 Queens without goto program
For some reasons my code is not working correctly and it goes infinite loops, could anybody help me out please? #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> ...
[4 replies] Last: @vin, Check the value of c @line 35 and also col @line 47 and 48. You... (by Handy Andy)
Help with C++ prorgram
Hey guys, so I'm pretty sure I know the issue here but i'm not sure how to fix it. The question I have is: Write a program that reads an unspecified number of ...
[2 replies] Last: As Samuel said, you are not asked to read the integers from string but... (by sheel)
Edit a file
Hi everyone, I want to know how can I edit a file in the middle of it without erasing its content. For example, if I have a file with the text: "I love...
[2 replies] Last: Actually no, I am just starting to learn the basics of I/O and I wonde... (by leoleoleo)
How to create multidimensional array with an input variable?
I am trying to create a multi dimensional array with and input integer This works #include <stdio.h> int main() { int n ={{0}}; printf("%...
[2 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Super new to this, would appreciate some help from anyone (slope calculator)
This is my code that I wrote for my class but it doesn't seem to work as intended. It compiles fine and works fine just up to the point where try to get it to s...
[10 replies] Last: Also remove the semicolon in line 44. (by vin)
Star wars and Lord of the rings if else statement troubles
Hi. I'm writing a code for class and it isn't working the way I would like it to. The program keeps spitting it out sentences that shouldn't be there at that ti...
[15 replies] Last: That's not my new code above. This is it: #include <iostream> usin... (by Benjidude)
Embedded If and Logical Operators
So I'm very new to C++. I only started a month ago and use Visual Studio 2013. I need to write a program that will allow up to 10 scores to be entered into text...
[2 replies] Last: Private messages again? On a public forum? @OP: Don't take this wrong... (by Duthomhas)
how to input IP address?
Hope this is easy. I can't seem to find/recall how to have a program accept the input of an IP address/subnet. For instance: If I am asking for someo...
[4 replies] Last: Use inet_pton unix: (by JLBorges)
Super basic client server program
Background: So, I find myself in a bit of a pickle. I took CS115 about 3 semesters ago and could not take CS215 until this semester due to being way behind ...
[1 reply] : learn python fast, or get a tutor. (by SamuelAdams)
Trouble With For Loops
I am a beginning CS major and have an assignment to code a program where the user assigns a starting number and an ending number. The values are taken into a fo...
[2 replies] Last: i see. i had to assign n = startnum and then assign n <= endnum. I tho... (by rooftopz)
user input rep. side lengths of a square
the problem is as such; "Prompt the user for an integer. The value will represent the side lengths of a square. Print out the square using the number 0." Exa...
[3 replies] Last: stav you're the man! (if you're a man) could you explain the code to ... (by pnkdlphn)
Expected initializer before "do" error message
Okay, so I am super new to programming and our assignment for my class is to write a program that calculates the greatest common divisor but the first number en...
[2 replies] Last: you could use another function other than recursive to better understa... (by miqafa)
Need help with "if else" program
Need a little help with this program, any help or advice would be appreciated! Here is the question it asks.. Suppose that sale and bonus are double variable...
[3 replies] Last: Line 11: sale is an uninitialized variable (garbage). Line 18: You ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Objects' initialized variables lose value
My assignment for this week is to create a class, create an object of that class using the "new" operator, then create two deep copies of the aforementioned obj...
[3 replies] Last: I found the solution. Use new InputClass(*inputObj) to create deep c... (by moonman239)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 4344454647... 51
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