If statement function (inside a class) with private strings |
[1 reply] : Hint: You are mixing input and output (cin and cout) in your class ra... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by dcneo
Getting function to return double
[4 replies] Last: lol Thanks!! (by dcneo)
by Elysian
Formatting with leading 0s and spaces in the same line
[7 replies] Last: Finally got it working. Used spaces as padding and something was block... (by Elysian)
clock() questions!!! |
[4 replies] Last: What I'm actually trying to do is figure out how "clock()" can accurat... (by theironlion23)
Associative containers |
[7 replies] Last: The link I posted should work fine for Windows 7, I recall having it i... (by Zhuge)
by fenixzplyr
loop until user choose to exit
[3 replies] Last: thank you very much for all your comments and inputs. @Little Bobby T... (by fenixzplyr)
by xxgixxx
advanced random number generator help
[5 replies] Last: What problem were you having doing that? Was there something about the... (by Zhuge)
by msrt92
Linked List Delete Node
[5 replies] Last: Still Have Problem (by msrt92)
by xxgixxx
help with the for loop
[3 replies] Last: when you need to index an array or RAII container? (by Little Bobby Tables)
by MRangel
Arrays to functions
[2 replies] Last: rafae11 thanks for your help! I thought I replied and closed this ques... (by MRangel)
cin statement is skipped |
[1 reply] : The stream is in a failed state after while((cin >> input_coef) && (... (by JLBorges)
by dunnDolphin
Name program
[7 replies] Last: Did you manage to figure it out? (by art1986)
by and kand 97
C++ Switch/Loop Problem
[7 replies] Last: Inside your loop read in the status. while(cout << "Enter your employ... (by giblit)
by Ganado
Efficiently calculating expressions at run-time
[6 replies] Last: Hi, just wanted to let you know I finally got around implementing my f... (by Ganado)
by hatepotholez
HW help
[4 replies] Last: if(a%i ==0) You are trying to use a variable that isn't initialized... (by mobotus)
by Uruku
letter guessing game for class, flipped
[5 replies] Last: Hmm, I haven't had a test yet that gave more than 5 tries, but I do un... (by Uruku)
C Server |
[2 replies] Last: Worked like a charm. Thanks for the help. (by haglerchristopher)
by mlholder
CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData) Error
[3 replies] Last: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15937707/error-message-cannot-find-... (by mobotus)
by dyay108
Help with classes
[3 replies] Last: thank you both!! (by dyay108)
by Guzfraba
Compare numbers in string
[1 reply] : i think no. (by anup30)