Beginners - October 2014 (Page 30)

If statement function (inside a class) with private strings
My issue is stated down in the comments, right at the beggining of the code: //I am trying to create a program that tells the user to enter a password, st...
[1 reply] : Hint: You are mixing input and output (cin and cout) in your class ra... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by dcneo
Getting function to return double
Hey guys so this is exactly what i'm suppose to do. Write a function named avg that has three int parameters and returns a double representing the average of th...
[4 replies] Last: lol Thanks!! (by dcneo)
Formatting with leading 0s and spaces in the same line
The code computes, but I need it to align like this: QTY--Description--------Unit Price------Total Price XX---TV------------------XXXX.XX-------XXXXX.XX With s...
[7 replies] Last: Finally got it working. Used spaces as padding and something was block... (by Elysian)
clock() questions!!!
I would like to determine how long it takes a stack class to "push" elements onto a stack. I am trying to use the "clock()", but I am unable to get the time t...
[4 replies] Last: What I'm actually trying to do is figure out how "clock()" can accurat... (by theironlion23)
Associative containers
hey there. i want to learn how to use maps in a programm. i want to learn how to initialize maps and then to iterate over them. in order to learn this, im goi...
[7 replies] Last: The link I posted should work fine for Windows 7, I recall having it i... (by Zhuge)
loop until user choose to exit
Hello all, This is my first post on this forum. I like this forum a lot. My go-to place when i need help with c++. I am trying to write this program that w...
[3 replies] Last: thank you very much for all your comments and inputs. @Little Bobby T... (by fenixzplyr)
advanced random number generator help
hello ,i need help with this number generator. i want the program to tell me when i am close to the number he picked. i.e : if the program generated 40 as a...
[5 replies] Last: What problem were you having doing that? Was there something about the... (by Zhuge)
by msrt92
Linked List Delete Node
When I delete first node it work fine.. But when I want to delete specific node its not working fine :( for example # Value 1 12 2 22 3 ...
[5 replies] Last: Still Have Problem (by msrt92)
help with the for loop
hello i need help. i know how to use the for loop its like: for (int i = 0 ; i<10 ; i++) { cout<<i; } and the output will be : 123456789 but w...
[3 replies] Last: when you need to index an array or RAII container? (by Little Bobby Tables)
Arrays to functions
Alright so I'm trying to send an array to a function but I only want to mess with certain values for certain rows or columns. I kind of wrote a quick code so ki...
[2 replies] Last: rafae11 thanks for your help! I thought I replied and closed this ques... (by MRangel)
cin statement is skipped
My code is skipping cin statement below, so I never got to input a value. #include <iostream> #include "LinkedPolynomial.h" using namespace std; LinkedPo...
[1 reply] : The stream is in a failed state after while((cin >> input_coef) && (... (by JLBorges)
Name program
I've written a program that takes a user's name in the format "First Middle Last" and out puts it in the format "Last, First Middle-Initial" It almost works ex...
[7 replies] Last: Did you manage to figure it out? (by art1986)
C++ Switch/Loop Problem
Hello everybody! I am in a Beginners C++ class in high school and we have been give this problem: I'm ha...
[7 replies] Last: Inside your loop read in the status. while(cout << "Enter your employ... (by giblit)
by Ganado
Efficiently calculating expressions at run-time
In my code, I have something like this //assign Z for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { Z = Z * Z + C; // Your classic fractal //test for divergence of...
[6 replies] Last: Hi, just wanted to let you know I finally got around implementing my f... (by Ganado)
HW help
Hello everyone, I've been trying to solve this problem for days. I read the text, watched Buckyrooms C++ videos and other videos, unfortunately nothings stic...
[4 replies] Last: if(a%i ==0) You are trying to use a variable that isn't initialized... (by mobotus)
by Uruku
letter guessing game for class, flipped
This is for my beginning C++ class. My teacher wants us to create a program where the computer tries to guess the players letter, usually within 5 tries. Now I ...
[5 replies] Last: Hmm, I haven't had a test yet that gave more than 5 tries, but I do un... (by Uruku)
C Server
It has been a while since I have done any programming because I have been finishing up my math classes, and I seem to forgotten a lot when it comes to C. I am h...
[2 replies] Last: Worked like a charm. Thanks for the help. (by haglerchristopher)
CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData) Error
Hi all, I am currently trying to teach myself about classes, constructors and destructors. I am writing a program that uses a dynamic array as a vector and t...
[3 replies] Last: (by mobotus)
Help with classes
Trying to have a user input 2 digits to calculate area. The program doesn't behave properly. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class CRectangle ...
[3 replies] Last: thank you both!! (by dyay108)
Compare numbers in string
Hello :) If one has some numbers stored in (a vector of) strings, and wants to compare them without converting them to int, is there a function that does this ...
[1 reply] : i think no. (by anup30)
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