by Jinstry
Distance between two coordinates help
[12 replies] Last: Glad to help. It's always nice to see someone who's actually willing ... (by Disch)
by Oalvarez
re-entering information.
[8 replies] Last: Oh, I see now, thanks for the help! (by Oalvarez)
by Zylaphia
Help Please!!!!!
[2 replies] Last: Thank so much for the help! (by Zylaphia)
by djkwadwo
Help with homework
[1 reply] : Anytime you prepend an identifier with the keyword extern , you are e... (by xismn)
by rlrmorris99
Can someone help me with this code?
[1 reply] : i never reaches 40 and the cout is out of the main while loop. Here is... (by Cronnoc)
by Dknight
Turbo C++
[8 replies] Last: (by vin)
by wolfv
Inheritance question: Use parent's function on child's data?
[3 replies] Last: I found a way to make the parent's puts() function accesses child's da... (by wolfv)
by reese959599
how to read in .txt file input from user then use data in the text file
[3 replies] Last: OK I got it. I did search for a long time but I was still confused on ... (by reese959599)
by drzazga
[9 replies] Last: I figured it out, i created a new integer to equal the equation, then ... (by drzazga)
passing by reference |
[6 replies] Last: What is the book called? (by LB)
by Explodey
"Beginning C++ Through Game Programming"
[8 replies] Last: Sorry -- I should have said "You were correct, Disch." Must give cred... (by Explodey)
by jc150
convert char array to string
[8 replies] Last: @coder777, Mikeyboy, and Tath --> the string str(aa); // worked f... (by jc150)
by serrld113
variable is being used without being initialized in for loop
[4 replies] Last: thank you! it worked! (by serrld113)
by Jose94ji
Counting words in a char array
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main... (by Yanson)
by serrld113
if else not working?
[3 replies] Last: I used a while instead of the if and an if instead of the else and it ... (by serrld113)
by asil
Polymorphism, inheritance, include files
[1 reply] : There is a good explanation here: (by norm b)
by bknick24
I have a couple simple questions..
[2 replies] Last: Your solution to the picture makes much more sense to me now! Thank yo... (by bknick24)
by drzazga
Void Functions in C++
[5 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for the help. I just had the void in the main. :) (by drzazga)
by leo255
Need a very quick clarification on post-incrementors
[1 reply] : Given a = 2 , b = 5 , and c = 0 , after c = a * b++; these be... (by Josue Molina)
Distinct numbers in an array |
[no replies]