Beginners - November 2018 (Page 4)

removing commas in web data
Hi, I was wondering how I could remove the commas and organize the data so its not all over the place in the console. data I'm using is from this site https:...
[8 replies] Last: Here's a simple program that will parse a CSV file using a good old fa... (by dhayden)
Book Error????????
So i retyped this book code in on a c++ compiler and it gave back an error though in the book there is proper output. #include <iostream> using namespac...
[4 replies] Last: (by iamyiyaj)
[1 reply] : this is a mess. void getPlan(char& package, int& comics) { ifstre... (by jonnin)
How to automatically cast to children types in a vector<Parent*>?
class A { public: void log() { cout << 0 << endl; } }; class B : public A { public: void log() { cout << 1 << endl; } }; cl...
[8 replies] Last: I'm now using this which completely meets my needs: template <typen... (by wengwengweng)
by Bopaki
Still battling with doublyLinkedLists
I have written another program. It runs but then it bombs out after listing all the elements in the list. Here is what I get: Enter integers ending with -9...
[4 replies] Last: I fixed my copy constructor and got it to work!!!! FINE Thank you a... (by Bopaki)
by Bopaki
I am having problems overloading operator<< on my doublylinkedList program
The code is too long so I posted the sections that I have problems with: Here is the error message that I get on the build log: In file included from C:\Marti...
[2 replies] Last: I got it to work eventually Thank you all (by Bopaki)
by MrMode
SFML game programming
Hello, just started gusing SFML library to create a game, its not really importat question, but if some1 would find time to help me out it would be apriciated. ...
[2 replies] Last: For letting a projectile moving for a distinct time you could add a li... (by nuderobmonkey)
Having an issue with searching through an array
so im about done writing this program but ive run into a problem near the end. When i run the program and the results are not entirely correct. the program does...
[1 reply] : The error is at the returned value of 'readFile(). It's some sophistic... (by nuderobmonkey)
Create vector of the sums of the absolute values of the negative elements of the matrix rows
Hi. I need to create a vector using function and can you please check my code and help with it? #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace ...
[1 reply] : Take a look at the for loop that you used to get sum. for (i = 0; i <... (by Satan)
Scaledown tbitmap as fast as possible
Hello all and happy holidays... I am simply trying to scale down a Tbitmap as quickly as possible in C++ Builder... I am still fairly new to C++ and some ele...
[12 replies] Last: Tried StretchDraw() but the usage is far from clear ... at least to me... (by Trondyne)
why we need functions prototypes
In c++ execution of the program starts from main () function. If it is so then why we need to define user-defined functions prototypes before main () body? I...
[9 replies] Last: Wow..Thanks alot..I got my answer. I was mixing the compiler functiona... (by zoeChan)
Need help printing a 2D array Please help.
I was given a skeleton code to follow by implementing functions. LOTS of them! To create an interactive 8–puzzle game that will generate, valid, solvable puzz...
[6 replies] Last: Good Morning, this is where I'm at right now. Been hitting a wall for ... (by enrikm84)
Reverse array
how would i write a function that would take an array of characters and return the characters reversed.For example, passing test will return tset, John will ret...
[7 replies] Last: I've never used the win API. I would want to return like-for-like, so ... (by lastchance)
by RoseMS
Help with setting up the program
Write your question here. I currently working on a code that takes info from files and put it into a string and int classes 2d array. I get the E0349 error wh...
[4 replies] Last: in the month's file is January February March April May June July Augu... (by RoseMS)
by shide
Parsing the file for student information
I have written the code so far but i am stuck with how to get the output , which i have pasted. Pleas can someone help me? thanks! #include <iostream> #in...
[4 replies] Last: The input is as follows: FNAME: Andrew MINIT: S LNAME: Yu ID: 91234... (by shide)
Please help with language translating
Write your question here. Hello everyone, I just started learning C++. I studied other language like python, C# in the past. But C++ is quite different. co...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for your replies! These helped me a lot ! (by hxw1302)
recursion function
This function is a recursion function that sums all the values from 0 to n.It accepts one parameter which is the value to sum to inclusively. I know now how...
[2 replies] Last: What on Earth is Recursion? - Computerphile (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Need some help with Home work
Just got some home work where my teacher asked me to write some functions. I honestly have no idea where to start... first is a function that sums all the v...
[13 replies] Last: good job getting the loop. if you are being asked to do recursion and... (by jonnin)
Binary files
Hello. I was recently learning about files in C++ and I came across binary files. What is the difference between binary files and regular files, and when should...
[3 replies] Last: it may. copy con … still expects ctrlz to end it. unclear if you c... (by jonnin)
is it possible to new a const char * ?
Can i do something like this ? cout << "Enter a command: "; getline(cin, command); const char * com = new const char * (command.c_str()); size_t bytes...
[7 replies] Last: Furthermore, the "const new" is nominal I don't think so: do you have... (by mbozzi)
November 2018 Pages: 123456... 24
  Archived months: [oct2018] [dec2018]

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