Beginners - November 2017 (Page 30)

by cash
How do I fix this code so that when a user inputs the column they want to find the sum of they find the sum of only that column? For example, if the user en...
[9 replies] Last: @Andy, i agree it can be confusing the first time you look at it (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by RP65
Can someone help me with this C++ code?
I am a beginner with C++ can someone help me with this code? I can't figure out why the rainfall inches are not adding up. #include <iostream> #include <i...
[1 reply] : totalRainfall =+ rainfall ; Recheck the syntax of that operator.... (by keskiverto)
How can I make a loop in switch?
Hello. What i'm required to do is to create a menu, call a function, and ask the user if he wants to continue. In this case the user will play a slot machine....
[5 replies] Last: Thank You ne555. I forgot that char only take 1 character. That's ... (by elver garric)
does tdm-gcc support c++ 17: SOLVED
i want to update Gcc on my codeblocks to the latest standard[c++ 17] but when i checked tdm-gcc latest release was 5.1.0 (quite old),can somebody suggest the b...
[5 replies] Last: yea, works great am now on -std=c++17 , thanks again. (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by MegsD
C++ simple GUI conversion
Doing a C++ GUI for extra credit, I want the user to input his/her age and output a result depending on the result. private: System::Void button1_Click(Sy...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks @Thomas1965 for showing an example it finally works Also Thank... (by MegsD)
by cash
How do I fix this code so that when a user inputs the row they want to find the sum of they find the sum of only that row? For example, if the user enters 1...
[1 reply] : cout << "Enter row index 0-2:" << endl; cin >> index; s=0; for(j... (by Repeater)
compare two sets and add elements
Hello everyone, I would like to compare two sets (t_set and n_set). if there is an element in n_set which is not in t_set, I will add it in t_set. However, the...
[5 replies] Last: If ease of programming is the goal, at the cost of run-time efficiency... (by JLBorges)
by i773
Error when trying to build boost
When trying to run the bootstrap.bat for boost_1_65 (Windows 10 64bit) I get this error: C:\Users\User\Source>cl /nologo /RTC1 /Zi /MTd /Fobootstrap/ /Fdboo...
[3 replies] Last: I had the same issue but my compiler was MinGW. I found the solution ... (by KosTTTT)
array function, sum
Write your question here. good day, im having difficulty understanding the problem "cannot convert double to int for argument". sometimes when i change somet...
[5 replies] Last: thank you all for the replies. god bless you all. (by newguy17)
Reference Parameter help/confusion
I am new to Reference Parameters, and am in confusion on why my program is displaying a different output than I expected. I was playing around with this particu...
[3 replies] Last: cout << x << " and " << y << " and " << duplicate(x, y, z) << endl; ... (by Repeater)
by wnp007
Roman numerals to Decimal converter using arrays
I have been able to implement my code to work with unit numbers(less than 10) as well single digit numbers. I am currently struggling with general conversion i....
[8 replies] Last: there is a way, on that website, they listed rules you can use to dete... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Need Help with problem please!
I am trying to make a program that makes you choose a pattern and then a size and then print out that pattern based on what size the user has chosen. For choice...
[2 replies] Last: The part about asking if they want to go again is not is not needed ju... (by surge57)
Help on void functions and functions and my code
Hello, I am really lost in getting my code to work as well as using void functions and non main loop/value returning functions out side of the main. I took a...
[3 replies] Last: start by saying what does not work. the only thing I see right off i... (by jonnin)
by cash
finding largest column in 2d array
For the array created I'm having a problem finding the largest column. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a ; int i,j...
[1 reply] : hello, i understand your problem and the answer is simple but can be c... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Break doesn't work in swith stmt
Sorry about the Italian, but i don't have time to translate. The program works perfectly, the question is why doesn't break work? You know, my professor doesn't...
[3 replies] Last: @BlueRyse Here are some ideas to consider about your code: * Each c... (by TheIdeasMan)
EXplaination of insertbeg and display in layman's language
I make this program work using trial and error and from help on this site but i cant understand what is happening at each step in inserbeg(int x) and display() ...
[4 replies] Last: Oh ok guys i think i get a idea about what is happening. New value ge... (by closed account 1vf9z8AR)
else without a previous if with an if in the code.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ float numero,numero2,numero3, resultado=0; cout<< "write the value of the numbers: "; cin>> n...
[4 replies] Last: Humans are smarter than computers. It cannot understand (A < x < B) Bu... (by jvlinh)
by cash
Calling a Function with arrays
I don't know why my program isn't working. Can anyone help me? Write your question here. Write a program that will input letter grades (A, B, C, D, F), the ...
[5 replies] Last: hello CASH, i can see errors in your code, line 19 - 25, what are they... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by ronnin
Program to compute students' grades
I am having some trouble with my program as I need to be able to input an exam score and 7 test scores for a student to determine their final score and final le...
[8 replies] Last: Hello ac829, As knowclue said yes you can use a while loop and his ex... (by Handy Andy)
Hi I need to know why I got these error for the infix to postfix program
So my task is to change from infix to postfix by using stack. However I got these weird problems throughout my programs Driver File: #ifndef H_INFIXTOPOS...
[5 replies] Last: Don’t feel lonely, tieuholy :-D Have you noticed that gear-like ic... (by Enoizat)
November 2017 Pages: 1... 282930313233
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