Beginners - November 2017 (Page 23)

help with std::string::npos
I'm trying to learn C++ and have an exercise to perform a case sensitive/insensitive search on a string and return the position if found. We were given the func...
[3 replies] Last: Excellent - thanks for your help. I was on for a quite while wondering... (by jamesfarrow)
Void and Return-Value Functions ~HELP~ -_-"
Having some issues with return value function and void functions.... particularly how to call (invoke). objective: Make a program to have user enter deposit...
[2 replies] Last: Function calling is (IMHO) described quite well in http://www.cpluspl... (by keskiverto)
Issue with deleting a specific node from a BST properly
I realized the way I was going about this was all wrong. Thanks for the help.
[1 reply] : In order to remove a node you need also the parent node where the actu... (by coder777)
by vask0
Problem under c ++
Hello fellow I have the following problem to solve .. I will be grateful to someone who can help with the solution .. Write a program that inputs values V1, V...
[9 replies] Last: here's what I figured out but it returns my mistake. #include<i... (by vask0)
multiple functions not working
I just submitted an assignment where i was to apply multiple functions to a c++11 array. My code would run fine as long as i only applied one function to the a...
[1 reply] : Arrays are indexed from 0 in c++. In your case the indices will be 0 t... (by lastchance)
Need Help Setting Up Visual Studios
So I recently got a new laptop and downloaded Visual Studio 17 which is a little new for me. I used to use VS Express For Desktop which was from 2015, doubt the...
[1 reply] : Menu => Tools => Options => Text Editor => C/C++ => General : Enable ... (by JLBorges)
Parallel Arrays
Working on a class problem involving parallel arrays. We have to write a program which will give us total products sold, which of the seven products sold best ...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry about the missing lines, I didnt put the classroom header in the... (by codingN00b2017)
by caolan
Structs and classes
I wish to define a return value for a member function to be a struct defined within the class, however I do not want to use the class in the return value. Fo...
[2 replies] Last: Use an alias: struct A { struct B {}; B f(); }; // Alias B a... (by mbozzi)
by new2c
Help understanding while loop
I'm reviewing an example from an online course that I'm taking on basics for C++. The program takes in a loan balance and payment amount and calculates the amou...
[2 replies] Last: Hello new2c, Line 3 can be written as "months++;". Line 4 could be w... (by Handy Andy)
I got this homework
1. Write a function that serves to determine the police action to which it is exposed a driver who is guiding under the influence of alcohol. The function re...
[2 replies] Last: Im almost done I having problem with 2 and 4. I just put the whole ass... (by eddiekem)
by div132
AI to tictactoe
Hello! I'm currently working on a tictactoe as a school project, but I want to be sure to get max score from the project, so I want to spice up my current proj...
[4 replies] Last: TTT is the classic example of 'transposition tables'. The idea here ... (by jonnin)
by june89
grading program found only one of three incorrect answers
Can anyone see something wrong the compareAnswers function or the reading of the text files into the arrays. The files contain one character per line and 20 ch...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks so much for the help. This was faster than I expected. (by june89)
by ronnin
Dynamic array
I need to write a code segment to do the following: 1. Define a dynamic array to hold 10 integers 2. Read values into the array (use a pointer to access the e...
[5 replies] Last: Hello ac829, Yes, the first number is because pt is outside the boun... (by Handy Andy)
Passing in a vector that stops at a string.
Write your question here. I am trying to write a code that allows the user to type in a string. And then store that string into a vector, until the user types ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you! This has helped me go in the right direction! (by jollyholly11)
STL Library Question
I am new to the STL, we never really used it in any of my classes. I see that STL comes with the LIST function. Why do I need to know how to hard code a linked ...
[5 replies] Last: Everything you mention are basic skills. I would expect any candidate ... (by helios)
Help with math tutor
hey guys I'm writing a math tutor program and i need it to keep track of the number of correct scores as well as number tries and i also want to have 5 answer o...
[7 replies] Last: yes you could certainly put the loop logic inside of answer. You coul... (by Ganado)
Writing node counter for a BST recursively with pass by reference
How can I modify the code below so that it does not have a return type, but instead, uses a referenced variable? What I mean by this is that the function header...
[2 replies] Last: The issue I am having is the same, but this time for a function determ... (by TeebqneX)
Testing class constructors, setters, and gutters
I need to write a test.cpp file for this class header. I need to test the constructors and the setters and getters. I've attached the header file with the funct...
[1 reply] : #include "Answer.h" void test(bool condition, const std::string& ... (by Ganado)
by JayGln
Hello, I'm having a problem with my program returning the function in the manner i need it to. The program needs to be able to have a value inputted and re...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much I was having a hard time realizing this issue with h... (by JayGln)
by shamar
Stuck. Need help please
Write a program to assist the treasurer of the FELS Management Club (FMC) in managing its weekly dues collection at each meeting. At the beginning of each meet...
[3 replies] Last: Hello shamar, PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button) ... (by Handy Andy)
November 2017 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 33
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