Beginners - November 2017 (Page 21)

Simple question
Just a quick simple question. How can i have an infinitely running while with operations here and there, and when the user presses the B key, the while executes...
[4 replies] Last: SFML has a solid, multi-platform interface for dealing with events, wh... (by Ganado)
Array output
Alright, I'm trying to create a board so it resembles a battleship board. 1-10 across the top and A-J across the left side. Currently, I'm getting 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you good sir. (by The hemporer)
Correcting the Output of my code.
Hello, I am really new and need your help with getting this formatted correctly. my output is all messed up. this is what the code has to due. • ...
[6 replies] Last: how do i fix the spacing A string is ideally identical to an array o... (by Enoizat)
by Jakjam
String in array crashes program
I am trying to make a program that holds soccer players' name, number, and points scored for my homework, but the last string crashes the program. I will type i...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Jakjam)
by arbwok
Buffer overflow help
So I've been looking at this: and I still don't really see what I should be looking at for hexedit. The code is...
[4 replies] Last: My code is similar, but change getName to getPassword. For the outpu... (by arbwok)
Average of grades, asks for # of grades, when I say 2, it asks for 3 grades
Hi there all! This is my first time on this forum, and I tried to solve this problem by other methods previously, but I haven't found a solution yet. In school,...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guys so much!! I just fixed it and it works perfectly :) You... (by Cpp HELP PLEASE)
Hello everyone, i am a begginer and still learning C++ at school. Now i'm working on a project and i have no idea about the way to do this assignment. My profes...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, you are getting somewhere now. So start the program and break it ... (by Manga)
by trogne
syntax question : std::vector<int> vec (256, -1);
Hello, I'm trying to understand this : (256, -1) , in this line : std::vector<int> vec (256, -1); Everywhere I look on std::vector, I never see th...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you ! (by trogne)
by Bopaki
error: `root' was not declared in this scope
I have started working on binary trees. On the first example I get this error: C:\Dev-Cpp\MalikChapter11\Example11.6\Example11-6\bSearchTreeType.cpp:16: erro...
[2 replies] Last: I have corrected that typing error. The same error still comes up wh... (by Bopaki)
command line arguments w an arbitrary number of files
I am writing a program that takes an arbitrary number of file names as command line arguments and counts the frequency of each letter in the English alphabet (a...
[2 replies] Last: Avoid making naive assumptions about how alphabetic characters are enc... (by JLBorges)
How do I learn properly to print different patterns like diamonds and triangles?
I'm not asking anyone to write the code for me but what I wanna ask is how do I learn this effectively I wanna develop my logic and polish my programming skills...
[5 replies] Last: Amazing Thank You (by ammar629)
masking password issue
i wrote a program to enter password in such a way that on screen it comes to be ******* but i can't understand how to proceed further. mask(pass); insid...
[6 replies] Last: See: (by JLBorges)
How to pass variable to function as reference, variable and as pointer?
I am currently working on a project, in which i need to pass object to a function. Based on this I understood that ...
[4 replies] Last: file->samples should be a 2d vector. It is not empty... And it seems... (by DrJones)
by cash
Hey, I have to create a menu using functions. I already completed the menu, but using if statements. Can you show me how to fix my program in order to use these...
[1 reply] : The main() function should be fairly simple. It needs to control whi... (by Chervil)
Need help
Write a program that computes the central tendencies mean (average), mode, median and the variation: variance, standard deviation and range for a set of numbers...
[7 replies] Last: After that you need to store the values, the C++ way is to use a std:... (by Chervil)
function not returning variables
My professor in an introductory C++ class asked us to take a program, and debug it, and have solved most of the bugs present in said code, however, I cannot fig...
[3 replies] Last: 1. don't use global variables. Remove int myHeight; at line 10. 2. ... (by Chervil)
replacing value of 2D array
I doing the task where i have 2D array filled with '.' and after pressing n on keybord code have to be replaced with code below. I don't know how to do this and...
[no replies]
Writing an array of integers into notepad (or some other word processor).
I'm a very novice programmer and I've been trying to create a simple program to "encrypt" a message. I'd like to fill an array with integer values and create a...
[2 replies] Last: a=message.length(); int arr ; Variable length arrays (VLA) are... (by Thomas1965)
Encrypt Message via Array
Could anyone tell me why this code is placing arbitrary trash in certain inputs but not others? For example, these inputs: * * ** * * ** * ** *** ** ** ** ...
[3 replies] Last: experience. Many, many, many years of it. You will think of it next ... (by jonnin)
Help newbie in c++ here
Is there any way for me to run the program again without exiting, like it just resets. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { system("c...
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot. (by immortal47)
November 2017 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 33
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