Beginners - November 2017 (Page 15)

string length (I'm in a hurry)
so I wrote a code and I want to get a number from user that says how many characters they're going to enter and then I want them to enter a string. the string h...
[6 replies] Last: oh I got it now thanks a lot (by parinaz mellatdoust)
User-Defined classes
Can somebody please help me write a program to analyze a file and display various statistics about it. The analysis should be performed by a class called FileAn...
[3 replies] Last: if you are too busy to write code for it, why not just open the file i... (by jonnin)
a simple game
Write your question here. I'm new in c++ and my friend asked me if I can make her a simple game. it's so simple right now because we are just starting on making...
[4 replies] Last: it's possible, im going to give you a starting point. #include <io... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by ronnin
Call statements
1)funct1(num1 +9, num1, num2); 2)funct1(2, num1); 3)funct1(num1, num2 + 5, num3); 4)funct1( 9, num1, num2 , num3); I am just beginning to learn about subprogra...
[9 replies] Last: yes. (by jonnin)
Misses one item in first iteration of loop
I am rather puzzled. When I run the code below it misses out the prompt for input of the prompt "ENTER DESCRIPTION OF LOAD: " and its input in the first iterat...
[11 replies] Last: @jlb I just want to do it this way. It saves a lot of error checking ... (by RNBW)
Final exam(need help)
I have to create a program for a buy one get one half off deal, and I don't know how I would write that part in the code. The half off will be to the cheaper i...
[6 replies] Last: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using name... (by Dietmil20)
Fixing assignment errors
trying to output the random INTs in an array from smallest to largest. output that actually comes out is usually the smallest int then the largest, repeating. ...
[1 reply] : sort the array, then write it out in a loop. Personally I like to use... (by jonnin)
Help With Recursion In Minesweeper C++
Hi guys! Im a begginer :blush: changed my code, wrote with recursion, but still another problem #include "GameFunctions.hpp" #include <iostream> #include...
[1 reply] : Posted here already: (by Thomas1965)
semaphore mutex and a producer/consumer problem
my program is supposed to accept 4 numbers via initial arguments while running the code, ie %executablefile num1 num2 num3 num4 the code will then take the num...
[1 reply] : cannot seem to be able to tell if the consumer has caught up with the... (by gunnerfunner)
Timer Help For Newbie
Write your question here. Hi Guys, I am trying to create a function that when its on, it counts time. Then off it returns 0, then if on begins counting ag...
[1 reply] : Hello thebig1, Welcome to the forum, Your code slightly revised: ... (by Handy Andy)
by ronnin
Program compiler errors
I am getting some errors when compiling my program but I am unsure as to what to do to fix them. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. These are the ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! Got rid of the brackets and it works great (by ronnin)
reading the year value of a file
Hello guys, I'm working on a code which I have insert a file with the name of xxx-2017.csv How can I make the program return the value of the year value only...
[3 replies] Last: It's a little bit unclear what you are asking. If you trying to extra... (by lastchance)
by cash
Convert to C++
I want to analyze this code, but I don't think it's in c++. Can anyone convert it. #include "stdafx.h" #define MAX 11 struct airplane { int seat; ...
[4 replies] Last: jonnin is right. GCC complains about "unknown typename airplane" (by Thomas1965)
Need help again
what this function will do, l mean what is the function of line 1,2,3 as l mention below. and what is status flag? any help would be appreciated. int getIn...
[3 replies] Last: "Your line 3 should work, but" that should read, "Chervil's line 3".... (by Chervil)
how to secure this program like if user put character in functions then program gives error instead of infinite loop.In short how to put rules and regulation on...
[5 replies] Last: Derscription of this function: int getInteger() { int n; ... (by Chervil)
Document Classification - NLP with 300,000 Ngrams from 200 documents resulting in 50 million frequency values
I am having memory problems in Mac when trying to run computation intensive deep learning algorithms for NLP. My memory is getting full and the process is getti...
[1 reply] : Why the size of datatype is large in Python? Because in Python it is ... (by coder777)
by Joello
C++ super confused..
Hey guys, i am having a very bizarre error with my code for my homework assignment and i'm not experienced enough to know what the heck is going on. Basical...
[4 replies] Last: Wow it's always something simple like that.. thank you! I need to work... (by Joello)
by ronnin
Program to process test scores
I am writing a program to read the test scores of ten students into an array and then print the test scores with the corresponding letter grade and comment. I ...
[14 replies] Last: That is my only option as of now. I get all the same errors after repl... (by ronnin)
finding nth prime number
This program is supposed to be able to output the nth prime number. For example if the user enters "4" the program should output 7 because that is the fourth pr...
[1 reply] : Your IsPrime() isn’t simply unoptimal, it is flat out wrong. (Sorry.... (by Duthomhas)
extracting info from bit patterns
hello everyone, how would one tell if a number is even or odd by inspecting it's bits pattern, i really need this info Thanks. Yolanda
[9 replies] Last: thank yah everyone: if you can look at the least bit, you can check ... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
November 2017 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 33
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