Beginners - November 2014 (Page 17)

coords and gotoxy ()
I am looking for coords and gotoxy () tutorials. And it could be better if you explain me
[no replies]
by TRun
Entering multiple values at once with option to type -1 to quit
Hi. I am new to the forum and not quite sure how this works. In my program, I am asking the user to input 4 values (weight, length, height and width) all on o...
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <algorithm> // funct... (by JLBorges)
by RotciV
How to transfer value of int to another function
Lets say I have two functions, for example I'm trying to create a fixed size array. int Recursion::fixedSize(int arraySize){ int arrayMax=1000; cout<<"Wha...
[5 replies] Last: That^ would return an error because its out of bounds(size=arraySize-1... (by rjvc)
printing chars with array.
I just got done writing an array program, and now I got stuck on the next one I had to write. The code is supposed to display. My code displays the proper chara...
[13 replies] Last: Couldn't make anything that works, so I will try some more in the morn... (by Endymion)
Compiler Error
why this code dont compile? what should i do with this codes to compile?sorry for my bad english. #include "includes.h" #include "functions.h" #in...
[9 replies] Last: hmm.. I'm not too fond in dev-c++, but I found this http://stackoverfl... (by rjvc)
Need help understanding how to polymorph
I just went to the tutorials but i still have a hard time understanding how to polymorph. From what i understand so far, polymorphing is basically a function ...
[3 replies] Last: Hi, One really handy thing is the ability to make functions take a re... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Ganado
Unsigned int to int and vice-versa
If I know that the number I'm dealing with is greater/equal to 0, is it perfectly fine to do static_cast<unsigned>(my_int) and static_cast<int>(my_unsigne...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, that clears things up. @giblit It was more about using the > o... (by Ganado)
comparing two numbers
I'm trying to compare two numbers entered by a user and use a main function to read and display the largest and smallest number. What step am I missing? ...
[11 replies] Last: void compareNums(int& large, int& small) { if (large < small) { ... (by Konstantin2)
File IO writing and reading
This programs description is to write a program that generates random product sku numbers and prices, stores them in arrays and writes them out to a text file. ...
[no replies]
strange array values
Hey I'm trying to use a 52 array to create a deck of cards. for each place in the array I'm assigning an int value which will correspond to a certain card. 10...
[4 replies] Last: You were right, it's working correctly now. Thanks a lot for the help.... (by MrBond90)
pass-by-reference help
I have written the following to code calculate and display raises of 5% and 10%. My output is not calculating the 10% raise correctly. Any idea what I am codi...
[1 reply] : LOL I hope you aren't serious. (by giblit)
Palindrome de-bug!
I have this program that I have basically done besides that there is still 2 errors that I am getting. The program is supposed to tell me if a sentence is a pal...
[1 reply] : Seems like it would be more effective to just ignore the non-alphabeti... (by giblit)
by col28
Problem compiling
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <iostream> #define BUBBLE 1000 using namespace std; int main() { int myArray ; int i,...
[7 replies] Last: that's a very good idea! I'm pretty new to this, trying to get my hea... (by col28)
finding the average
Program instructions: Write a program that would allow a user to enter student names and Final grades (e.g. A,B,C,D,F) from their courses. You do not know how m...
[5 replies] Last: Here's my revised code. Like I said everything is fine except the fact... (by thealchemist405)
Printing alternating characters with array
I need to write an array code the prints this. $=$=$=$=$=$ $=$=$=$=$=$ $=$=$=$=$=$ $=$=$=$=$=$ I really have no idea where to start. I was thinking that I...
[5 replies] Last: I like your way better. I think it will work better with the assignmen... (by Endymion)
Text file help!
How can I look for an integer in a text file and replace it with another integer in c++?
[no replies]
by vxk
vector sort and erase
In the following test cases why is the erase function being dependent on sort function?that is when i comment the sort function the letter 3 is not erased prope...
[2 replies] Last: its working properly with the sort... the output is 1 2 3 4 ? its not... (by vxk)
Data loss while reading with cin
Hello everyone, I'm new to C++ programming language and I need a help. I'm trying to create a program which calculates the result of an entire math expression...
[no replies]
How to cancel RETURN keystroke with windows.h? Or set it to “not pressed”?
I'm a beginner in C++, and I'm making a scrolling menu console application. Everything works as it's supposed to work, but the problem is that when I press the ...
[no replies]
by Smilex
No such file or directory
Hello, im using codeblocks and when I try to compile it gives me this error : This is my Toolchain executables settings : ...
[3 replies] Last: In the image the filename has an asterisk in front which usually means... (by Peter87)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 65
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