by volTron
saving to dekstop
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for this. I tried this with my existing projects and found t... (by volTron)
by Tavalya
Re: Function to calculate Tax
[8 replies] Last: Thank you very much Enoizat and Jonnin. After those hint and example, ... (by Tavalya)
by Faruk1
Student's T-distribution
[5 replies] Last: I should just make sure that you understand the code. If you feel lik... (by lastchance)
by zspar
Doubly Linked List Copy Constructor and Overloading = operator
[3 replies] Last: You can explicitly call a destructor, although the uses for it are rel... (by mbozzi)
by Najam489
[2 replies] Last: Posting your question twice won't help you. (by Kiryu)
by stav
array incomplete type not allowed ?
[1 reply] : ' Flexible array member ' is a C99 feature (thre must be only one such... (by JLBorges)
by Najam489
[1 reply] : rand() generates a fresh value each time it is called. In your case,... (by Chervil)
by callmechewy
Difficulty grasping exactly what a defines a function
[5 replies] Last: To give another example from some of your own code, http://www.cpluspl... (by Chervil)
by Caruso
Classe Constructor
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much. It is indeed the copy constructor that I was miss... (by Caruso)
by a1699151
'undefined reference' problem
[1 reply] : for class template compile the header and implementation in the same f... (by gunnerfunner)
by VX0726
Array Duplicate Output Is Repeating
[1 reply] : Since the final destination of the numbers is std::vector<double> why ... (by gunnerfunner)
by toklo
Recursion Question
[14 replies] Last: Thank you. Figured it out. (by toklo)
by Miles Hikari
Yesterday's time as a string
[4 replies] Last: Thank you JLBorges, this looks like it's exactly what I'm looking for.... (by Miles Hikari)
by keh k lenge
Accessing private members
[2 replies] Last: I have a private *Text in Menu (by keh k lenge)
by seungyeon
how do i access my command line?
[7 replies] Last: probably didn't press <Return> and turned off echo (by ne555)
by seungyeon
How do i open a binary file?
[3 replies] Last: "text" files are binary files, by the way. The binary functions can ... (by jonnin)
Tic tac toe game. |
[2 replies] Last: thanks, simplified that! also noticed i was missing curly brackets aft... (by stayinside4ever)
by longberns
Reading "complex" data from .txt file : revisited (1,2)
[24 replies] Last: SOLVED ifstream readTrain(TRAIN_FILE); if (!readTrain.is_open()) ... (by longberns)
by Vahagn8
Vector of structure
[9 replies] Last: I edited. I do not know how it ( cp.clear(); ) got in to the struct ... (by Vahagn8)
by CBeggar
Question on Iterators
[8 replies] Last: Note that a range-for loop is a deliberately simple construct. For ex... (by JLBorges)