by Huppa
Function Returns
[3 replies] Last: What compiler are you using? The current standard doesn't require C++ ... (by BHX)
by bathach95
Bad pointer error in linked list
[3 replies] Last: Yes, there is a leak when 'ex' goes out of scope at the end of main().... (by keskiverto)
by ak16
[2 replies] Last: In both cases you have uninitialised data. Since a c-string is a null... (by Chervil)
by Pauli
Returning two arrays from function
[2 replies] Last: Thanks that does it.. Works just perfectly. Its funny that i used lik... (by Pauli)
by ak16
What is diff between Heap and free store?
[8 replies] Last: Thank you Canis. As you said following is straight meaning? > Heap ... (by ak16)
by danzal
Why is my formula not working ?
[8 replies] Last: Well @danzal in resume: Fahrenheit = 9/5*celsius+32; We found that... (by eyenrique)
by Yeti86
String into float Array
[1 reply] : Is there a problem with my Question? I get no answers. Would be glad... (by Yeti86)
by Furjoza
Initialization list for array of struct
[11 replies] Last: Gratitude. Thanks again for your afford ;) (by Furjoza)
by tremmie
Sorted List Class w/ fstream int&string input
[1 reply] : To use iterators for your class you will have to define them first. L... (by codewalker)
by heraldo
homework please help me
[no replies]
It is a homework question but! |
[3 replies] Last: also currently you are taking an input of avg =0; into the function, w... (by mxood)
by Lim Boon Jye
read files to unsigned int
[2 replies] Last: so if want to output back the data with 0xFDA5 0xD54E 0xFC00 0xB55... (by Lim Boon Jye)
by closercase
how to change a string?
[1 reply] : If a user inputs a date and you want to change it, you need to know wh... (by PrivateRyan)
by allekj
Help.. How can I use arrays to make this more functinalbe
[4 replies] Last: allekj, make sure you pay attention to what wildblue has to say becaus... (by dub1987)
by BooYeah93
Input/Output file
[1 reply] : Do you already know about data file handling in C++? I'd suggest that ... (by The illusionist mirage)
by heraldo
[no replies]
by JulyZerg
output word in reverse.
[8 replies] Last: Prompt the user for a string. Output the string in reverse. that is th... (by JulyZerg)
by heraldo
[no replies]
by JulyZerg
hypergrade problem.!!!
[no replies]
by lays
problems about smart pointers
[5 replies] Last: JLBorges, thanks. It's really a good way. (by lays)