User: lays

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User profile: lays

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User name:lays
Number of posts:35
Latest posts:

What if integral meet float point? type conversions.
Books don't say more about when integer meet float. [code] cout.setf(ios_base::fixed); float f ...

What does this mean? A exercise from C++ Primer. (someValue ? ++x, ++y : --x, --y)
due to the precedence and associativity, the ?: operator is higher precedence than the comma operato...

size_t is unsigned, but built-in subscripts can be negative
thx alot

size_t is unsigned, but built-in subscripts can be negative
thx, Cubbi do you mean that size_t only for arrays not for pointer index, pointer index is of type p...

size_t is unsigned, but built-in subscripts can be negative
like title, is that size_t just for built-in arrays? cause pointers can use negative index.

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