by irkzuptang
how do string accept characters having spaces?
[1 reply] : Use std::getline function. For example std::getline( std::cin, first ... (by vlad from moscow)
by Datolius
C strings
[2 replies] Last: Thank you :) (by Datolius)
by Datolius
[1 reply] : There is no such thing as "does not compile". There is "compilation fa... (by keskiverto)
by cosa nostra
[no replies]
Colored shapes |
[4 replies] Last: struct rectangle { enum colour_t { WHITE, RED, GREEN, BLUE, MAGEN... (by JLBorges)
by rvangend
Static (?) class
[1 reply] : You can do like //Math.h class Math { public: static double sin(d... (by MiiNiPaa)
by irkzuptang
class program
[2 replies] Last: well, i know how to create an array, but not a class. i don't know wha... (by irkzuptang)
I hate programming |
[6 replies] Last: You do not have to be a genius to program nor have the best grades bec... (by backslashx00)
by elattar
Matrix multiplication
[12 replies] Last: any help ??? (by elattar)
by xavier108
Need help with my snake game
[11 replies] Last: Technically speaking, plagiarism is not against the law. However, it i... (by Daleth)
by genius9955
help me please....A function to read vector???
[no replies]
by jag64
Creating a Hashing program?
[12 replies] Last: [quote=cire]Neither sum , nor i , nor hashword , nor firstlet , no... (by cire)
by Jacob Curtis
while (!ourfile.eof) not working
[5 replies] Last: Just kidding. After I just input.clear(); after the input>>number loop... (by Jacob Curtis)
by Vash
Having trouble formatting whitespace when reading from a file
[5 replies] Last: blastspace is used to know if we have continued spaces. It is set to t... (by writetonsharma)
array of different types |
[5 replies] Last: @spiritedDedication My base class is shape. Point derives from shape... (by TheIdeasMan)
by AlitCandle
How do I use a pointer of a parent class to call a child's function?
[2 replies] Last: virtual And mak... (by JLBorges)
by warryan
Data Structures, would appreciate an example of something in particular. (See post for details)
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both very much. Thank you aceix and thank you cire! Marked ... (by warryan)
by bdwg
Passing Polymorphic Pointer to Pointer into Function
[1 reply] : void interpolate(function* infunc) //pass a copy of the pointer { ... (by ne555)
by fetzjr
SFML Code will not compile?
[1 reply] : That 'sfml::Renderwindow' needs to be 'sf::RenderWindow', plus 'int ma... (by closed account D3pGNwbp)
by odai
small help !!
[3 replies] Last: Both vector and queue are templates. A vector of queues is simply: ... (by AbstractionAnon)