by Jose94ji
Hw help
[1 reply] : You can't input integers more than 20 digits long in this program. If ... (by toum)
[4 replies] Last: // google does not do anything for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (by closed account oNRiz8AR)
by pata
iterator loop thru string vector
[2 replies] Last: ok I understand now after playing a bit it should be: #include <io... (by pata)
highscores from a text file |
[2 replies] Last: What do you mean? (by avalanche1933)
by vizorsx
[no replies]
by tpinon
file won't open
[2 replies] Last: yes that worked! i thought since fstream is for both read and write th... (by tpinon)
by Retrokin
Class within a class
[7 replies] Last: Ok now one last question, I did what you said but how can I change the... (by Retrokin)
by caveman127
Get Number of Unique Elements In Array
[2 replies] Last: Maybe it is not an effective method but it works :) #include <iostre... (by vlad from moscow)
by Tru3che
Sophomore cs major looking for advice
[1 reply] : Please edit your starting post and move the thread to the Lounge secti... (by Catfish4)
Need help with Ice Cream and Candy assignment |
[15 replies] Last: Oh, thanks. (by Junomaster2006)
by mhlester
Output contents of user designated file to new file
[9 replies] Last: Hi, again, Thanks to help from people in this forum, I have my file w... (by mhlester)
by cosa nostra
fibonnaci - sum
[2 replies] Last: thanks man (by cosa nostra)
by ma26657
Using Pointers and Arrays to Compare Files?
[no replies]
by luckyelee
switch statement using char
[2 replies] Last: I did! Thank you giblit!!! (by luckyelee)
by tina123
remove duplicate range of threshold
[7 replies] Last: For example #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <algorithm... (by vlad from moscow)
by billywilliam
Retrieving User Input
[1 reply] : You tried the *<conio.h> header? *The conio.h is no longer a standard... (by Aceix)
by ledzf
Read a \t and \n separated file
[5 replies] Last: You can use this code snip as a base for your code. struct record { ... (by vlad from moscow)
my turbo C++ ide not working |
[1 reply] : Can you use alt+enter keys to switch between full screen and windowed ... (by vin)
by FrOzeN
Pointer to Member Functions
[2 replies] Last: The MessageBox(NULL, fMain.Caption, NULL, 0) works fine. Caption is a ... (by FrOzeN)
by cosa nostra
display on separate lines
[5 replies] Last: thank you ..i have dev c++ (by cosa nostra)