Beginners - May 2012 (Page 52)

HELP - File Preview Problem
Here's the problem I'm working on: Write a program that asks the user for the name of a text file. The program should display the last 5 lines of the file on t...
[3 replies] Last: #include <vector> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <iost... (by cire)
I cant find whats wrong with this problem...
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { char ch; do { ...
[1 reply] : You forgot to add break after each cout in switch loop :D... (by codekiddy)
Ending with a space
How would i go about completing this programing without entering a space at the end when the user inputs ? #include <iostream> // libraries #include <ioman...
[2 replies] Last: while(cin.getline(buffer, 80, '\n')) { // ... } Now user c... (by codekiddy)
Need Help Please....
I need help. i need to Write a program, which asks the user to enter three different numbers in any order and then prints them out in descending order (hi...
[2 replies] Last: I got it any ways so, i don't really care i just wanted an explanation... (by rsanchez1992)
Writing the code for a queue
My professor is asking us to write a queue program, by which I mean that we are required to write out all of the functions of a queue like push, pop, etc. The p...
[no replies]
problems with File IO
Early warning this is for school work. I'm not putting the actual assignment but what I'm having a similar problem in a basic version of my assignment. #includ...
[6 replies] Last: I found it!!!! Thanks soo much (by ichigo917)
Best book for beginners?
Just curious what book or tutorial might be best for beginners? I have Learn C++ in 21 days second edition. Is this good enough?? What about the tutorial here a...
[12 replies] Last: (by newbieg)
Im doing Structured Data i have it down for the
most part but there is just one error that i have. :( Keep in mind that im adding to a prior lab that i had to do //glenda Hayes //lab9 //5-3-2012 // th...
[no replies]
Classes, inheritance, etc. Need help please
I am trying to share information between different pages, and am not having much luck, and don't know what I am doing wrong. I tried reading up about it, but it...
[no replies]
I am writing this program that needs a pointer. From the output below, I need to have the NEXT column point to the next president successor and show that presid...
[5 replies] Last: ok thanks for that... just work on how you upload the information into... (by ui uiho)
Help with multiple classes
So for my assignment i have a date class, time class, event class and schedule class. THis is part b of an assignment. For part A, I had to make the event class...
[no replies]
strtok and newline character
I have a problem for 2 days now I haven't been able to exactly figure out. I have a txt file that his a list of stuff divided by semicolons (; character) and at...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah well sure but this is where most people come for c++, not c. so y... (by ui uiho)
by AbR
Creating n objects of class
Hi, I'm rather new to C++ programming and I've ran into a problem. In the following the user is promted to enter the number of enemies he is to face. I now ...
[16 replies] Last: Couldn't be much easier. (by AbR)
Lvalue = ???
What does lvalue mean? what does the error "Lvalue required" mean.
[4 replies] Last: @framework and @ Zhuge Thanx (by Pter0dactyl)
Problem with arrays within a while loop
I'm basicly trying to load data from the keyboard. I have the limit of my array sizes at 100, but i want to stop inputting data from the keyboard when my first...
[2 replies] Last: Also, 0 is considered false. Every other integer is considered "tr... (by Kazekan)
My program stops after the first function and does not go to the next.
Hello Everyone, I am very new to C++. The program that I am trying to write is one that allows the user to type in characters into an array then it is suppose ...
[5 replies] Last: It works! I don't think I ever would have been able to figure it out. ... (by Amy Atangan)
Restarting a game with new objects
Finishing up on a small project i've created to improve my c++ skills. Im nearing the end and encountering some problems, after the game finishes i want to user...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks JLBorges! that helped organize my game a lot (by Need4Sleep)
What is the best way to pass these objects to a function?
I'm a Java programmer who's looked into C++ from time to time, but I'm no expert. I've been looking into C++11 and I came across the R-value Reference principl...
[4 replies] Last: #include <string> #include <iostream> //Function takes a reference a... (by Shinigami)
What is this unexplained result reason?
My question is, why da hell is the debugger giving me a different result for this code: int main() { int result1(2*7+3), result2(2+7*3); std::cout...
[1 reply] : Multiplication has higher precedence. Use parenthesis if you want 27 i... (by naraku9333)
How to pass std::array as a parameter irrespective of its size.?
I am trying to make myself more familiar with C++11. One of the new features is std::array which is declared as follows #include <array> int main() ...
[1 reply] : First of all there is standard algorithm std::accumulate which allows... (by vlad from moscow)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 5051525354... 59
  Archived months: [apr2012] [jun2012]

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