Beginners - May 2012 (Page 51)

How to use a value in a fuction in another fuction
^ Question :)
[3 replies] Last: You have two functions f(x) and g(x) . You want f(x) to be 3 time... (by Mathhead200)
Memory leak
In lines 25 & 35, I bail from application before CBuffer is established. CBuffer is determined in line 39, but like a bad lama I modify it in 44 and therefor...
[2 replies] Last: I was aware of this in the Windows environment, but as I've just switc... (by TightCoder)
Division via subtraction. In assembly!
OK, so this is kicking my ass, and I don't even know why. As the title says, I need to do some division using only subtraction. And it's in this ridiculous asse...
[8 replies] Last: And to guestgulkan, here is the working code. As far as I know, there ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
General Container Issues
I've got a class that for all intents and purposes is: class Entry[ public: Entry(){}; ~Entry(){ delete word; } unsigned int letters; unsign...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help :) (by Lowest0ne)
While Loop
Hi! I'm doing a class project where you read in from a master file and a transactions file and output/delete based on certain criteria. I validate and sort the ...
[1 reply] : Such posts are often very time consuming without a "test harness" Cou... (by JMJAtlanta)
Range in a for loop
I am trying to read a string and tell whether or not it is a number or not. The program below work but i believe my problem is in my range. the loop is only rea...
[2 replies] Last: isdigit() (by codekiddy)
InStreams and OutStreams. Anyone have any insigh they can share?
My task was to write a program that reads several lines of information from a data file and prints each word of the file on s separate line of an output file fo...
[5 replies] Last: That is definitely quite odd. Try changing your code to #define in... (by Kazekan)
Need help understanding passing file stream to a function using a Switch statement
I am brand new to trying to learn C++ and have signed up for a class to expand my knowledge in this area. The instructor has never taught a class before and sad...
[1 reply] : A couple of things: First, in main, put your DisplayMenu() call in ... (by kooth)
Error in running a .exe file!
Hi, I was trying to run a exe file using the program. I used, system("myapp.exe"); to run it. But when i executed it i got an error saying Cannot load...
[2 replies] Last: No... I get that error only when i try to execute it using a program. ... (by learner21)
Could someone explain me what does this funcion do. English isnt my native tongue, so it causes me some problems. If this doesent do it, then what function ...
[8 replies] Last: > so each time i get a new 0 or 1 it is added to the begginning of the... (by JLBorges)
binary search tree width
hi i need a code that compute the longest width of a binary tree in c++... the idea is to go on each level of the tree and put it's width in an array then we ...
[4 replies] Last: Again: you're not making your intentions clear. What do you plan to do... (by Gaminic)
Need help with a puzzling outcome.
I'm working on a science experiment to see which is faster: Java, or C++. I've been working on the code for the experiments but in one experiment where I'm see...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! That did it! (by closed account oN3AqMoL)
Need help with h/w program
hey guys so i need some help with what im doing wrong here please. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void printDescription(); void calFreightOrde...
[10 replies] Last: Try use cin.getline(weight); rather than cin alone. sometimes once ... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Accelerated c++ istream&
In this program there is the following function: istream& read_hw(istream& in, vector<double>& hw) { if(in) { hw.clear(); do...
[2 replies] Last: Please note that in this example it is ok to return a reference becaus... (by bartoli)
help with mode program
I want to build a provram that calculates the mode,and I'm stuck.I have all the necessary knowlege to build the program,but then I'm stuck on planning the thing...
[9 replies] Last: Try int freq[a huge value here]; for(int i=0;i<mode.size();i++) ... (by uhraurhua)
Core dumped after do-while loop
Hey all, First post here. I've only been at this a few days, probably about 5-6 hours or so in all. I've written a shoddy little "game" if you will but I'm havi...
[2 replies] Last: The amount of time I've spend scouring this code and I didn't even hit... (by nhawdge)
print contents of array
I am trying to print the contents of perSecondData below. How do I tell cout or printf to output contents perSecondData for example? typedef struct _tagT...
[1 reply] : Something like: printf ( " %f %f ", perSecondData .front, perSecondD... (by Moschops)
Trouble returning value with function
Hello everyone I am lost with functions. The only part I am stuck on is the functions. I can't seem to grasp the concept. Any help would be greatly appreciat...
[3 replies] Last: I had to step away for a minute and come back to it. Sometimes that'... (by MrHutch)
UML tools?
Ok so I've been looking around for a decent UML tool. I found StarUML, but wasn't very impressed with it. Seemed too buggy. Ran into some other tool, but it was...
[1 reply] : This thread seemed to die, but I found a decent answer on my own. So, ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Please help with this struct declaration
i know that module its a void pointer in PluginLoader but , What means the whole expression: PluginLoader () : module (0) { } struct PluginLoader { ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for your help now i got it (by hexduhax)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 4950515253... 59
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