Beginners - May 2012 (Page 50)

Program doesn't work
Hey, I am trying to make a program which simulates a game which works like this: The object of the game is to reach 21 points first without going over. When ...
[2 replies] Last: It works! Thanks! But Im wondering, what was wrong with my program bef... (by FrankSquirel)
My text based game - feedback appreciated!
I have made my first text based game in c++, and it is quite long(805 lines). I have taken some time to debug and make the code more readable. If anyone who tri...
[4 replies] Last: Pretty good. I'd put a boss zombie after a little while to make it mor... (by connorvba)
Terminating program
I have this very basic code that launches a .jar file. After the file is launched, the console window stays open and I was wondering if there is any way to auto...
[4 replies] Last: How would I go about doing that? Sorry, I've never really worked with ... (by opiop65)
arrays and functions
I am having trouble with the function I wrote, which is using values in an array. I am not sure what I did wrong, as this is my first time to write a function u...
[2 replies] Last: for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { sum += arr ; mean... (by closed account DSLq5Di1)
Return char array from function
Hello everyone! I have problem, i need to put file content(letters, numbers) in array and then return this array to main. As i understand there is no such a ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much, this is what i was looking for. I just need to wo... (by neandron2)
by linch
writing and using a C++ template to check for a function's existence
Hi community, in a template I have a class rho of a type RhoType. This class can have a member rho.dimensions(), but it must not. In this template I want to ...
[13 replies] Last: Generalized check for a const-qualified non-static member function R ... (by JLBorges)
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl
Hi, I am having a problem with this error message. I searched similar issues but couldnt find one that solved my problem. I am using Microsoft visual stu...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you ! That was it. I cant believe I missed that! Thanks again... (by jdwdrums)
Can't figure out how to fix this error code 2664
An error code 2664 pops up for this program I am working on and I can't figure out how to fix it. It specifically says: error C2664: 'menu::menu(const menu &)...
[3 replies] Last: also these aren't the only files that I have in this program. This is ... (by Guitarphreak26)
Char Array Help
I am working on this assignment for class and have been searching and can't seem to find a solution. I am having a problem after my program runs through one tim...
[6 replies] Last: For some reason I was unable to use getline(cin, string word). and wh... (by SunnyMcduff)
Program not executing anything
Hey my name is Justen and I'm a first semester C++ student and im working on some code that needs some help. For some reason it wont execute anything anymore an...
[12 replies] Last: Ok thank you for your input! I figured out that it is my laptop that i... (by jvinyard11)
pFile = fopen
I working with trying to access a file with pFile. I save my file I want my program to open as myfile.txt format on my desktop. In Visual Studio I set my code u...
[4 replies] Last: \ is an escape character. You'd have to replace all those \ s with ... (by Disch)
Stepping Up To Graphics
Hi guys, I'm pretty new to C++, only been programming in it for a few months and mostly just playing with it to see what I can do, I'm just about ready to sta...
[1 reply] : SFML and SDL are always suggested. If you want something low-level, th... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Reversing string
Is there a command, so that i can read strgin reversed or is there some way to reverse the string.
[14 replies] Last: That was the problem. Now its working. Ty for your help. (by vastrolorde)
Passing arrays through header files
So, I'm finishing up my first C++ class and am pruning our last project for fun. We were asked to reprogram our previous project where we created a vending mac...
[no replies]
If use starts with a space how to not cout it?
include <iostream> // libraries #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { char str ; int i; cout << "enter a string. R...
[no replies]
How to convert string array elements into a single string?
I have a string array with different letters in each space. How can I convert it into a single string so that I can compare if it is the same to a separate stri...
[13 replies] Last: Thank you so much!!! You have just made me quite happy. I couldn't fig... (by Confusedx)
by Owain
Gauging my level of experiance
Hello. I have been using C++ for a few months now and I want a good opertunity to test out how good I am. The trouble is, I cant think of any programming projec...
[2 replies] Last: c++ 11 added a couple containers to the standard. If you want a chall... (by rollie)
Need help
Hello! I am a beginner in c++ programming, and I need some help. I have a homework on the university. I have to write a generic array, and I got some with it....
[1 reply] : You didnt include iostream in the n on testing part, you still need to... (by closed account oN3AqMoL)
Help converting while loop to for loop?
string see; while (getline(ifile, line)) { istringstream iss(line); while (iss >> see) { cout << see; } cout << endl; } ...
[3 replies] Last: I jerry rigged it by adding getline (ifile, line); board =line; ... (by RENOxDECEPTION)
GUI? Combobox?
Hi. For an assignment, I am to use a GUI. I know how to youe the buttons and text boxes and stuff but for this assignment I want to use a combo box to let the ...
[no replies]
May 2012 Pages: 1... 4849505152... 59
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