Beginners - May 2012 (Page 43)

Troubles with Assignment
I am currently frustrated with the current problems from my assignments and not sure how to do the following. bool IsAnInt( float a ); // Returns true if ...
[11 replies] Last: i assume that this test is all about checkingi f a float is a whole n... (by guestgulkan)
Quick question
A quick question... Where would you guys suggest going to improve programming skills? I find it very difficult to find a good series of tutorials on YouTube ect...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you all, very helpful! (by robkavanagh)
assigning pointer within loop
I have a loop in my code which I would like to take an image, make n number of copies and stretch each one to different dimensions I think it makes the most se...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, I'm dumb. I didn't think that would work so I didn't even bother... (by Dan Feerst)
Issues passing an array to a function
Hello, I'm trying to write a program that will solve wordsearches. Right now, I'm running into a problem where I cannot pass an array as a parameter, even thou...
[3 replies] Last: for (char x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++){ for(char y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++){... (by Amil Patel)
by ZionZJ
Help! dont know the problem
I am trying to make a program that counts how many times you enter it.Trying to make it so you can enter any number of integers then press enter or by pressing ...
[10 replies] Last: You'll just need to add a statement in before the first if statement t... (by Kazekan)
Can't see where my errors are
nevermind. Got it I think.
[no replies]
Linking sourcodes from different folders
Im using code::blocks, i want my source codes to bet at a folder named src and the progrm itself to be at bin. how do i place them so that it takes the sourceco...
[2 replies] Last: Anyone knoe Code::block (by vastrolorde)
by Bestor
making an executable file problem
Hello everyone, I have a question about how to make an executable file. a few hours ago i finished my first game and wanted to make an .exe of it. I have b...
[2 replies] Last: I don't think he didn't. He did include it, he didn't link the right l... (by S G H)
Reading in formatted data from file
So I have to read formatted data from a text file in to a vector. The data looks like this and is stored in a .txt The only data I care about for this problem...
[2 replies] Last: double temperature; ifstream ist(filepath); vector<double> t... (by cire)
Using cc compiler
Hi everyone, I'm going to compile my program with cc command on Linux terminal but I can't remember the format. by the way I used to use g++ in this way...
[2 replies] Last: g++ sorce1.cpp main.cpp -o run I use this command for normal cpp fil... (by Shinigami)
local variables vs. Global
Sorry if this is a dumn question. I'm fairly new to programming. Is it more efficient to memory allocation to use local variables whenever possible to global...
[1 reply] : No. But global variables are bad for big projects. As here could be sa... (by Shinigami)
by cshu
help with linear regression analysis
This is my last assignment of the year and i absolutely dont know how to start this program. I need to Write a program that uses linear regression to determine ...
[4 replies] Last: ok how would i do that?? Utilizing the IDE or editor of your choice... (by cire)
by riha20
i need help about writing lottery program...
subject is: Write a program which allows to simulate a lottery. In the lottery, the user first bets six numbers from 1 to 49. Then the program generates si...
[3 replies] Last: Well, just use the rand() function and give it a seed with srand().. A... (by Jason777)
Sort Projects
Test tomorrow please help Write a program to read in the data (can ask how many names) and print out the alphabetized data. Sample data: Meus, Amistal, Kie...
[2 replies] Last: What's wrong with that? By the way use the code format. <> (by behzadkh)
Array: adding values into existing variable using loop
here is my code #include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main() { int first; int second; int n=1; //maybe i hav to dec...
[6 replies] Last: tnx again Framework. but again, array length will be UNKNOWN. i cant d... (by dracula51)
Code won't let me divide
Hello guys, I'm currently in the process of my final coding exam and i encounter a problem. My code won't divide nor display result at the end. I tried to sum,m...
[7 replies] Last: Ok, I finally managed to get a result. Here's what I had to do. perc... (by Frozen Ray)
Error: Incompatible type in Assignment
I seriously need some help! I get error "cpp.51 error: Incompatible type in assignment of 'double' to 'double '." I am trying to get this program to write som...
[6 replies] Last: Yes, very clear. There are no more errors, now it's not displaying any... (by Joshua Spears)
Hello, I've made some critical changes to my current project that I feel should have improved the runtime of the algorithm significantly. Turns out, it doesn...
[12 replies] Last: Sadly I'm on Windows. To provide a bit of an update: After some sear... (by Gaminic)
Please explain this. TOO MANY REFERENCES
Please explain this line by line. The user enters -2 and -5 the input respectively: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { int x,y,*u,*v; /* Po...
[8 replies] Last: Seeing people's typical response of "BHUH, JUZ FIGUR IT OUT URSELF! UL... (by Keith Decker)
Pointers question
This example was given on this site for help but I do not understand it. I am lost. Could someone please help me out step by step // more pointers #include...
[1 reply] : (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 4142434445... 59
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