Beginners - May 2012 (Page 42)

Passing array
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; //Global declaration int table = { { 192,148, 1206, 137 }, { 147, 190, 1312,121 }, { 186, 1...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry,let me rephrase as I typed it in a hurry. int voteSum(int voteA... (by f1amingheart)
by kborg
Code Review XEDecryption
(Using MS VC++ 2010) The program i'm designing is to decypher an XECrypted message; i'm still in the process of understanding more complicated functions (point...
[no replies]
Using vectors and having wasted memory
Ok so let's say I have a vector, we'll just call it vec. Now let's say it holds a bunch of a certain object, and these objects can "die", and need to be discard...
[1 reply] : If you remove an object from the middle of the vector, all subsequent ... (by rapidcoder)
program not adding right...please help
I am in my first month of programming o be kind. I am taking at .txt and using its data to complete survey. It is adding an extra male and I do not know why.
[7 replies] Last: Thank you guys! @ccsdude this was my friends solution who I worked o... (by s13kcut)
by Reafer
MicroSoft Studio 2010 and This website
I just installed and started using Microsoft C++ 2010 Express and started the whole "Hello World!" Program. I start a whole new project and I'm looking at this ...
[16 replies] Last: Thanks I hate to admit it but since the colors on the tutorial was pur... (by Reafer)
My favorite program I've written yet
Is this: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { while(0 < 1) { cout << "55445654324565432345432455434564345654324565345675434...
[8 replies] Last: @Science man you can add text color by using the #include <conio.h> t... (by Amil Patel)
How to use file:> ?
As I was coding, all of a sudden when I typed in file:> , it turned into blue letters, almost like a hyper link, it looks kinda like a keyword? I am not sure...
[1 reply] : What compiler/IDE do you use? (by Need4Sleep)
Stumped (loops, if statements, arrays)
So I am slowly but surely getting better at writing code, but am still not quite able to read the description of what the program is asking for, and automatica...
[2 replies] Last: Are you familiar with arrays at all? This problem is easily solved wit... (by SunnyMcduff)
Help with copying and sorting arrays.
Been working on this for the past couple hours and still can't seem to figure it out. Posted the code below was wondering if someone can give me a direction in ...
[5 replies] Last: Probably because you need a separate for loop for the data array, your... (by SunnyMcduff)
by longr
Need help determining how many entries in an array
Hello everyone, I am writing a program that reads a list of positive integers entered by the user into an array and determines how many entries of a certain ...
[9 replies] Last: Its fine, I appreciate all the help you gave me. Thank you (by longr)
how to check for the enter key pressed using GetCh()
Im creating a little program that involes a menu i created(just a console application). I want to be able to read in when the user uses the enter key, currently...
[2 replies] Last: I've already tried that ui uiho, it does not seem to work. The exact c... (by Need4Sleep)
trouble with getting max and min and difference
stumped once again, something is wrong here. the math problems always seem to get me. #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using std::cout; using s...
[6 replies] Last: You're very welcome. (by paulthepenguin)
begrudgingly using win32 api
So I'm fairly new to programming, really new to graphical, and windows programming. I've written a command line based utility for windows which loads an image a...
[no replies]
by tmdm7
Confused on creating new random objects
Hello, I'm a little confused on this topic. Lets say I have these 2 classes. class Me { protected: vector<money*> myPocket; public: ...
[2 replies] Last: Neither pointers nor new are of any use here. The money should be in... (by Cubbi)
Never been great with classes
So I have an assigment where I need to create a class that stores 3 strings and an int for 3 employee data sets and then spits it all back out. The instructo...
[2 replies] Last: ............ HOLY CRAP IT WORKED!!! (by Blargenth)
Pointers Pointing to Pointers Pointing to Class Objects
As it turns out I need to point to a class variable from a certain function, but the only way this is possible is by pointing to a pointer in another function t...
[4 replies] Last: That never occurred to me to just pass the pointer along XD! Thank yo... (by Dissimulation)
Copying an array... help!
I'm writing a program that mines data from html texts files and having problems converting a list of strings to a list of ints using the function call atoi(...)...
[1 reply] : list_of_ints is permanently linked to the place in memory that list_... (by slicedpan)
by Joe42
help on this program (1,2)
I have a program in which i cant seem to display out the numbers to the screen.
[25 replies] Last: No problem dude, and congrats on getting it finished! (by Kazekan)
Assignment Problems
I appreciate any comments I can get on what I did wrong. Here are the errors I get when I compile: In function `int main()':
[9 replies] Last: Fantastic! I'm glad to hear that helped. :) Overtime hours are paid... (by Kazekan)
OpenGL question
Hi guys, I've been learning C++, and OpenGL for quite long now, I love learning this language and the library, I'm working towards a huge goal of making a succe...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=Firecracker] "will I be able to make progress if I carry on lea... (by closed account zb0S216C)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 4041424344... 59
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