Beginners - May 2012 (Page 40)

by Macki
array, classes struct and dynamic alloc not getting the layers?
How does array and struct classes work with dynamic alloc? I do not want to use vectors yet.. just dynamic alloc with 3 simple arrays.. this is useful for re...
[2 replies] Last: thanks will work on asap (by Macki)
Visual Microsoft is telling me this coding is wrong?
I was working on some coding and the book told me to do this : #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string name; cout << "Pleas...
[3 replies] Last: You also need to include string. (by firedraco)
Is there any good book for graphic programming?
I have just finished the part of general programming, could I start with graphic programming right now? I'm not sure what I can do with C++ study now. Thank yo...
[11 replies] Last: Why we need a console? .NET GUI has a kind of file system for Widgets... (by dadabe)
Question about passing by reference
Hello, I'm trying to model a graph. I made a point class and an edge class. An edge object takes two points, and also calculates the length in between them. No...
[1 reply] : Some help please? (by BananaCode)
Unsure, Point Distribution Task (trying to avoid messy code)
I've hit a wall. I'm not really sure how to go about handling the task I want to perform. The person has 32 points to distribute across 7 attributes. The ba...
[no replies]
A ton of repeating error messages
I just spent the past few days trying to put A* in my roguelike. For some reason it just took a minute to click. Anyways, after I was done, I hit compile. All o...
[15 replies] Last: And nobody is interested in my poems (by dadabe)
Flowchart software(sudo apt-get)
Can someone plz tell me what flowchart program is the best for beginners, I have Java block on windows and I love the way it works, is there a program similar t...
[no replies]
cout string order
Hello, (A) I am new and stuck on being able to cout strings that are found from "getline" & "find". I can cout the same order from the input file, but I can'...
[1 reply] : (A) you could consider adding the results in a vector. vector<s... (by Prestissimo)
Array Crashes After 7 Entries
I am not a programmer, but I've been given a programmer's task, so forgive any crudeness in my code. I need to take a text file and read it to an array. The t...
[8 replies] Last: [quote=Sean Morrow] "But would that actually cause the array to crash ... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by userid
What's up with incrementing character Arrays?
Hello, Would someone please explain how the following three bolded statements function? typedef struct { ulong dataBucket1 ; ulong dataBucket2 ; ...
[4 replies] Last: Regarding @ symbol, dataBucket1 equals 0. (dataBucket1 character poin... (by userid)
Need assistance for this "simple" program.
Long story short... I use to program in C++ awhile ago while I was still in high school. I ended up slowly getting out of it then joined the military. Since I b...
[2 replies] Last: @ Framework: That website isn't good enough for me. So I'm simply aski... (by Maztor Shake)
Createing a Text File utility structure
I'm working on creating a text file writing structure so I don't have giant chunks of code cluttering up main. For reasons beyond my comprehension the compiler ...
[4 replies] Last: RTFM... as in the c++ primer? Microsoft Visual Studio Help? WFM?! -th... (by Keith Decker)
if condition inconsistent
I wrote an exercise program on arrays and ASCII. It's supposed to: (1) Prompt the user for a letter. (2) Give the letter position in the alphabet, (e.g., use...
[1 reply] : That could be because it looks like you're trying to get input from th... (by cire)
vector<double>& V is this a valid function declaration?
Hello guys, I want to declare a void function such that, it will take a ifstream as input and two vectors as output, so I try to declare something as follow:...
[3 replies] Last: When something doesn't compile, there is an error message which tells ... (by Athar)
Need Help With Char Vectors (1,2)
I'm having trouble with casting int's into char's for some reason in my vector. Whether this is the casting itself i'm not quite sure, i think it's more todo wi...
[24 replies] Last: Ok I've just changed my vector to a string now and removed the for loo... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Do we need virtual destructor if we do not dynamic content in the derivative class?
Hello, If my class A derivatives from class Base and A does not have any dynamic data, do I need to define the destructor of A or to make the destructor of c...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, thank you : ) (by rincewind2)
Header file help?
I'm trying to get my head around including a header file. This is the source file for the function: int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } Thi...
[8 replies] Last: Cheers I was being a complete idiot. (by Amnesiac)
Good Books for learning OpenGL/Direct X along side with C++
Is there any free/cheap book for learning OpenGL or DirectX specifically to go along with C++ programming? Is there any books/forums that are designed for Total...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the update, i'll take a look (by TheBeardedQuack)
HELP! sorting string alphabetically
I am trying to sort the strings in array 'city' in alphabetical order. I am also re-arranging the content in array 'zip' to match the sorted city array void...
[1 reply] : (by paulthepenguin)
by jrmm
.D files. Progress Database or compiled C++ objetcs?
Hi I'm involved in a project to renew an old managament program. I've copied the whole folder to examine the language programming and database used. The folder ...
[no replies]
May 2012 Pages: 1... 3839404142... 59
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