Beginners - May 2012 (Page 39)

Help with outputting arrays
We were asked to write a program that will stimulate a high low game. User has 10 chances to get the random number between 1 and 100. Guessing it or not, the pr...
[no replies]
Turning a single letter into a different color using the console
Im trying to make my "characters" in my console game stand out more, these characters move through a 2d array using keys and can sometimes blend into the other ...
[4 replies] Last: Er, no, this makes a permanent change to the text foreground color. Yo... (by Duthomhas)
"RPG Frontend" IE A M.u.d.
Hello my name is james and this is my first post on this forum... I am currently working on a project that well, is an RPG... I use DevC++ I am sure m...
[no replies]
by ozone
loop iteration
#include "StdAfx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int user; do{ cout << "Please enter any number other than ...
[4 replies] Last: @codekiddy you are the bomb. thanks alot. you just relieve me of ma st... (by ozone)
SDL OOP problem
Hello. This is my first try to make my SDL program object oriented. it runs and render the background just fine. But it dosnt respond to any event. Nothing happ...
[1 reply] : The keys array is too small to store all possible key values. Either m... (by Peter87)
Function to convert string to uppercase
I need a function that takes a reference to a string object and that converts the contents of the string to uppercase. string function(string s) { for (in...
[8 replies] Last: @codekiddy Thanks a ton! (by Thomas Kurian)
casting or function prototype problem
Hi all, I have defined a class which constructor is : TableInFile(const std::string &aFileName, std::vector<std::string> &aColumnNames, std::vector<std::...
[4 replies] Last: After putting traces everywhere, I could localise the corruption at th... (by lalebarde)
need help (loop with switch)
hey ! (sorry my english is not good enough) i need ur help in my's about airplane reservation system. so i did all the functions right but i have a p...
[4 replies] Last: thanx Alot ! (by Rana Fahad)
Program to do simple fraction math...reduce function won't reduce.
Hey guys, I'm having a bit of trouble getting my reduce function to work on this. It's a homework assignment whose purpose is to do simple fraction math (in...
[no replies]
little issue
Hey guys I'm working on this last program that I have to make for my class and I'm one small issue. Here's my code #include <iostream> #include <string...
[16 replies] Last: // ... // unary predicate for std::find_if struct student_info_compa... (by cire)
linking c++ with python via Makefile
im trying to link python to c++. i am a beginner in programming both c++ and python. im trying to do the linkage with Makefile in windows 7. right now i hav...
[no replies]
polynomial class constructor
This is my first post and I am a beginner in programming. For my final project I have to implement the functions the professor has given us. This is the project...
[1 reply] : Look at the error you get, it usually (but not always) will point you ... (by rollie)
by atjm88
Hi, anyone know what's the different between debug version and release version in MsVS 2010? And also how to get both of them? Thanks :)
[11 replies] Last: Thanks codekiddy, I can only find the "Release" button on the top ba... (by atjm88)
by Ajay11
While loop executes one too many times (I believe)
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { double mCount=0, fCount=0, ccCount=0, unCount...
[5 replies] Last: I dont think you even need the != EOF in line 3 there, peek() fails, ... (by cire)
binary predication
I know basic binary predicate logic. Such as x > y . x or y . x and y . I've been asked for a class to program four binary predicates that can be used to es...
[no replies]
A problem with c++ program
I have a problem. I want to make a programm what counts words and then shows how many word there are in total and how often each word is in the text file. for e...
[1 reply] : I wouldn' stuff all into one function: you shoud have: - a function ... (by dadabe)
Can someone post an example of how to use pointers?
I have been looking up pointers and what they do and I do not understand them at all. Can you post an example of a functioning program using pointers. It would ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys. I kind of get it now after running and modifying a few of... (by Gregory Sakas)
Inserting into Binary search trees
The program that i have to create asks us to insert words from a file.txt into the tree and to keep track of the line where that word is. for example: apple ...
[4 replies] Last: (by ne555)
Passing by reference vs. Pointing to data?
When i am writing functions that require the original address/variable i always end up using reference. It seems like a much easier form of modifying data oppos...
[4 replies] Last: Use references in function parameters and return types to define att... (by Joshcschool)
Serial Ports
Alright, I am very much in foreign territory with this one, so lets start with the make or break question. Is it possible to access the Serial Port on a Window...
[1 reply] : maybe this can be of so... (by Joshcschool)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 3738394041... 59
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