Beginners - May 2012 (Page 33)

General question on pointers
Noob here... If you delete a pointer to an object, does it also destroy the object? If so, how can I delete the pointer but have the object remain? Thanks, ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks everyone. This is a school project, and it's the biggest one I... (by credentialed)
Okay, this is the prob. I can't seem to find out how to set up a a TEXT condition in C++, mac. this is the code snippet I plan to use: if (choicetext == yes), u...
[3 replies] Last: Is this what you want? if (choicetext == "yes") (by Peter87)
by Nacao
Basic setter and getter definition
Hello! I am new to C++ and I am coding my first programs but I have a couple problems here (though very basic, I guess). I just want to define a class and it...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot Peter87! That was the problem. protip: never code with ... (by Nacao)
main() parameters
int main(int argc, char *argv ) or int main(int argc, char **argv) ? The first would read "array of pointer to char". The second would read "pointer...
[2 replies] Last: Another guy deleting his main post? Wait... (by firedraco)
SFML for beginners
So I finally got SFML installed and working in Visual C++, but I'm still a bit new to C++ in general and all the functions that SFML offers are a bit daunting. ...
[2 replies] Last: Try these out. It's how I learned the library: (by Stewbond)
incorrect output
when i run the following program and input .99 as the money amount, it tells me that i used 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and 3 pennies. it should use 4 pennies. cout...
[1 reply] : If you are using float as your type, then you are getting rounding err... (by Stewbond)
by tesh94
hello beginner here
need help with my assignment... the ques goes as follows the loan intitlement for students in the library is up to 3books and they must be returned within a...
[2 replies] Last: well nvm.. i'll jst pass in the program i made even though im unable t... (by tesh94)
Hello Little bubble help please?
i have a bubble sort problem. it s kinda: i have an array with n natural number elements, and a p value ( p< n). Need to sort numbers ascending till p , and...
[no replies]
Selection Sorting
I want to ask question about selection sort that when we do dry run of selection sort for an array,will there be n-1 passes every time for any length of array ...
[2 replies] Last: hamsterman@ But when i do selection ascending sorting of arr ={3,2,1,... (by jahanzaib ali khan Iiu)
how to check if the input is double
Hi guys . I'm new to c++ . My last objective is to check if the input has a decimal value . If it has, then it will not be accepted by the program and it will u...
[6 replies] Last: @maschops . sorry , i have some misconceptions in what I had said . Th... (by closed account 48CM4iN6)
Word comparison - Vectors /Getopt
Please Help!!! My understanding of getopt is very limited. I do however realise that argv is the exe file, argv is the option, argv is the word to compa...
[3 replies] Last: Would it be best practice to open the dictionary / text file within th... (by anonymous123)
How can I get an array or string to output everything in it?
THERE IS MORE TO THIS QUESTION THEN IN THE THE TITLE. I have an array that has some numbers and some letters. If I cout it with for(random=0;random<myArray....
[4 replies] Last: > I have an array that has some numbers and some letters. An array ha... (by JLBorges)
menu's, interface, borders
Edit to original post. Original was overly lengthy. I'm having issues finding examples, which is what I need to learn the most effectively. I'm looking for m...
[no replies]
How to define an array with an arbitrary size! Reading the size of array from a file?
I'm trying to declare an array with size of non-constant. g++ compiler was ok but CC compiler asked me to define a constant one. Here is an abstract of code: ...
[4 replies] Last: Also, don't forget that an array allocated with  new array   shoul... (by atrium)
In my code I have: switch( choice ) { case 0: Chapter1( ); case 1: Chapter2( ); } It works fine if I select chapter 2, however if I select chapt...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, my program is working as intended now :) (by Praetorx)
toupper function
I am really confused. There are 2 types of strings. C-string (which is more like an array of chars) and string as a class (to use it you need to use header ...
[1 reply] : The function toupper() in <locale> comes from <ctype> and is there for... (by ModShop)
Reading a file
i have a file that looks like this: integer integer integer integer string integer integer integer integer string and so on... i need to assign these va...
[no replies]
How can I declare a letter into a vector of chars?
ie. int count; vector<char> myVect(10); //Lets assume that the numbers 1-10 are stored in here; for(count=0;count<10;count++) { if(myVect ==3) ...
[5 replies] Last: Oh my bad i was using double quotes (by Gregory Sakas)
Help with making a linked bribe list
Hi, I'm doing a linked list for a waiting list that is sorted by bribes (If student A pays 5 dollars and student B pays 6 dollars, student B will be in front of...
[1 reply] : Line 108, you allocate a new PersonRec in AddToList. Line 124, you all... (by cire)
Array-reading function problem
I have built a function that reads numbers from an array (that stores a map) to determine which directions the player may move. It was intended to scan the tile...
[no replies]
May 2012 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 59
  Archived months: [apr2012] [jun2012]

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