Beginners - May 2012 (Page 30)

How to count amount of letters?
I have written the code to have the file specified read and shown on the screen. Then I have it so that way the letters are all shown. However, I want the lette...
[1 reply] : This might work for strings, not sure though: (by Gregory Sakas)
[1 reply] : You could use an std::map with the word as the key and the count as th... (by BlackSheep)
How to print 10 numbers on each line
So we have to include an array with a variable alpha made up of 50. the first 25 is to square the index variable and the second 25 is to times the index variabl...
[4 replies] Last: thanks! (by madinsane)
Using getchar to populate an array
After just getting my head round using scanf to read from the keyboard and populate an array, using ints. I now have to do this: 1. Create an array with 8 char...
[9 replies] Last: I could say: I suggest really, you should look at my example. Norma... (by dadabe)
Heap Corruption
So, I know there are a million threads out there, and it's almost always to do with pointers. I'm at a loss though, I've debugged the code step by step, and ev...
[8 replies] Last: Problems were many... after an exceedingly excessive number of _CrtChe... (by ekisner)
by Ch1156
How to delete a line after a few seconds without win API
I am making a program that shows a number then after a few seconds it should erase it having the player remember it the type it in but i dont know how to get it...
[3 replies] Last: @Stewbond I believe your last line should be.. std::cout << "\b\b\b\... (by whitenite1)
Command prompt?
Is there a way to run a code through the command prompt w/out installing anything? I use a school computer and I wanted to know.
[3 replies] Last: If the school allows you internet access you can use if all... (by naraku9333)
Struct/File Problem? Need help!
Okay, so the program I'm working on is too rewrite a program I've already done. The prompt of the first program is: "Write a program which allows a user to pi...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! I figured it out :) (by ProgramminNewby)
by mj1709
transferring contents from 1D array into a 2D arrray
how can you transfer contents of a 1D array into a 2D array as in; if the sentence "i am a good boy" is stored in a 1D array text then it should be transferred...
[4 replies] Last: @vlad ur right but since its the precursor to c++ it wont matter reall... (by mj1709)
Decimal to Binary (1,2)
Hello there. I'm trying to write a converter (DECimal to BINary). The problem is that the BINary number 'cout's' incorrectly. It has to be reverse. How do i rev...
[35 replies] Last: check this #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> int n,i=0; vo... (by Zu007)
guys i really need help. i am really struggeling with arrays and writing exams in 2 days, can some 1 help me solve this prob so i can understand how to do array...
[5 replies] Last: Probably not, for more about array, check out: (by Lowest0ne)
help with logic error
Hi guys this is a gannt chart for our activity in programming 2. I am just a beginner . There seems to be an error in my code. It is not quite evident. But I th...
[1 reply] : This construction int p = {0}; is invalid in C++. So your code d... (by vlad from moscow)
String Extraction
I have been working on this now for two full weeks and am still unable to have my code do what I want. I have 380 emails-converted-to-text files that I need to ...
[1 reply] : I usually use strin... (by moorecm)
Different Ways for pausing
system ("PAUSE"); cin.ignore(); getchar(); There's another that I am forgetting. What are the differences between these different ways to pausing the s...
[6 replies] Last: I think Xcode C++ doesn't differ at all from Vanilla, other than the o... (by Whovian)
arrays with double letters
Hello everyone . Can you help me with this : Write a full program (starting from #include) ) that is supposed to get an input sentence from the user and wri...
[5 replies] Last: Read in the word into an std::string. Strings allow accessing by index... (by Gaminic)
Writing small c++ program from a flow chart algorithm I'm trying to write it in c++. But I really don't have a clue about writing that orderless loops. Can you give little hint a...
[no replies]
int main()
As you might notice, I am a new user. I apologize if this is the wrong forum and/or if this question sounds silly. Well, my question is about main() . In every...
[7 replies] Last: In the D language, they allow a "void main()". This is because most us... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Loop output help
void main() { int ID,hours,pay1,staff,OT,OTH,GP,NP,i,total; char enter,grade,depname ,b,B,a,term; //Welcoming message cout<<" ------...
[no replies]
by skarla
learning c++!!!
HELLO, i know the basic of c++,but i want to learn more. so what do you suggest to me? book,e-book,tutorial or other? also if you tell me something i would a...
[4 replies] Last: Maybe, you should think of some practical, which you could need? (by dadabe)
by Nacao
Refreshing command prompt screen
Hi there! I have just made a game to play with the keyboard and using the command prompt (cmd). The thing is that you can move the character (it's an "O") an...
[no replies]
May 2012 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 59
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