Beginners - May 2012 (Page 26)

by xma23
I am writing a code for a matrix calculator, I am reading the elements of a 3x3 matrix from a text file but how do I then use these in my coding?
[2 replies] Last: another options is std::vector < std::vector <_type_def> > matrix; ... (by ui uiho)
Doubly linked list
In a doubly linked list, does the head pointer's previous point to the node at the end of the list? // enough code to define my words struct Node{ int data...
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by Lowest0ne)
Beginner excerise while( user==guillible)
I'm doing the while (user== gullible) first star exercise on this page My laptop is still getting fixed and my ...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you, And in future I will use the Code Tags. (by Dark Raven)
C++ code needed
Hello, I need to write a code which would include Main (cpp file), Header (h file). Also, encapsulation is necessary (in private, protected or public zone) and ...
[2 replies] Last: Sounds like a homework assignment to me. Like a final review of all t... (by Disch)
is C to programming on a graphing calculator?
I can program on a graphing calculator, so I was wondering how difficult it would be for me to learn C. Obviously C is a much more complex language, but is it m...
[2 replies] Last: This is a C++ forum. Anyway, I used to program on my TI-83 (most fun ... (by Lowest0ne)
friend functions
I have declared the prototype of the friend function in the class Stocks. When I call such class in main i get: stock.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)...
[4 replies] Last: nvm you win I just tried it and it works, im an idiot. Thanks I apprec... (by slider57)
structure containing class; access problem.
im writing a programe to calculate the steering angle of a wheel given design specs. not to bore you all with trivial race car suspension geometry design, but k...
[4 replies] Last: disch, and vlad, you are my new best friends. it works, thanks a ton ... (by yetiking)
Scale to a range
If i have a float in range -1 to 1, how to scale it to be from 0 to 1? Thanks for your time.
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. (by morando)
Sorry for the disturbing title, but I got a problem. Why doesnt the IF statement need a break;? The SWITCH statement needs one... Please help
[10 replies] Last: case x: continue; case y: continue; case z: continue; case a: continu... (by Catfish)
by mj1709
true or false
the execution of program starts at main. plz anser
[9 replies] Last: Aren't you glad you asked??? 8^) Bottom line: If you're a beginner ... (by cnoeval)
Problem with abstract base classes
class mob { protected: condition monster_condition; public: int health; virtual void pass_turn() =0; void set_condition(condition set){monster...
[3 replies] Last: Alright, thanks, got it! (by Whovian)
by mj1709
data type
can anyone tell the significance of signed and unsigned char data types.... and their range of inputs....??? for e.g signed char c1=-127; unsigned char c2...
[4 replies] Last: > can we say that there is no difference between signed and unsigned c... (by JLBorges)
Cannot push_back new value
void exponential_moving_average(vector<double> series, int periods, vector<double>& EMA) { double alpha; alpha=(2/(periods+1)); double new_EMA; ...
[7 replies] Last: you are exactly right! its working now! many thanks! (by boscomanilow128)
switch case not working
Hi all, i would like to find out why my nested switch case does not work. It just hangs when i key in 1 in case 4. As you can see in case 4, i am doing a neste...
[7 replies] Last: Glad I could help. (by whitenite1)
valid data type
i started learning c++ and i have to solve a few questions for my class but i'm kinda confused. i have to specify if the next ones are valid c++ data and if ...
[4 replies] Last: thanks for the answers. (by Kronolynx)
multithreading/program execution
I'm trying to have my c++ program run another program during runtime, but I do not want the blocking effect of system("programname"). I don't care about securit...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. I just looked up ShellExecute() and it should do the job nicel... (by NerdTastic)
store filenames in an char array
hey I try to read filenames in a directory and after store them in an char array. My problem is that I can not store the filenames and I don't understand t...
[5 replies] Last: You could do it this way. Maybe there could be also some library funct... (by dadabe)
error c3867
I get this error Error 1 error C3867: 'manager::wage': function call missing argument list; use '&manager::wage' to create a pointer to member from this ...
[6 replies] Last: I fixed it I didnt notice that zero in the error message it needed mor... (by jax666999)
Can someone give me a very basic example of using glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix. Thanks so much. Firecracker.
[3 replies] Last: bump (by Firecracker)
Compiling Error: why expected primary expression before "Float"
HI: I am trying to access a variable from a different function to calculate height. There were no errors using xrandomAngle, however, there is a compiling error...
[7 replies] Last: ah >_< ;; that was the error ty. Hm another error popped up, but I jus... (by Moonwater)
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