Beginners - May 2012 (Page 25)

by xma23
Separating output display
Having an issue with separating values on my output display. The line in bold shows the problem. I put a spacer inbetween t and x, then tried to do the same be...
[1 reply] : I changed it to a y and it worked, nevermind (by xma23)
append a node
what does this mean? I have tried googling it but if someone could explain it in simple terms that would be awsome. cheers
[2 replies] Last: thanks alot! thumbs up! (by hakkenadlay)
Please help me(emergency)
i wrote the codes below then i encounter with std bad_alloc problem.Why it occurs and how can i fix it ? #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include ...
[4 replies] Last: thanks i will try on it (by sylvatica)
Creating User Defined Arrays
I was posted with this problem by my programming teacher: We are to preset 3 arrays, each having 3 elements (9 total elements) and are to calculate the dista...
[2 replies] Last: 1) Is this the most efficient way to write this code? Or is there ano... (by Cubbi)
multiplication table
Hi, can someone help me to write a MULTIPLICATION TABLE program, where u input a the out put ashould look like this: Please enter a number: 4 1 X 4 = 4 2 ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks! :) (by yungwhizz)
C++ Read Integers from a .dat file
need to read integers that are stored in a .dat file. They must be read, then each integer put into an array of integer type. this is what i have so far .. ...
[8 replies] Last: [quote=paulthepenguin]What are the advantages over while(!file.eof())?... (by cire)
Assignment help - Thrown in the deep end
Hi there. I'm very new to C++ (or any C related language) and have been thrown a rather difficult assignment. The ides is to implement a set class, with functio...
[3 replies] Last: if ( == m) is what you were probably thinking there. The re... (by moorecm)
I've finally gotten my code to the point where it should run without errors but when I try to compile I get this error Error 2 error LNK2001: unresolved exter...
[7 replies] Last: I fixed it I was defining it as double wage() { } instead of double ... (by jax666999)
by Ch1156
C++ general programming help
I was wondering if i can put a switch statement inside an if statement. i tried it and it worked fine but just because it worked doesnt mean there will be issue...
[2 replies] Last: I see. I downloaded the PDF of the book and i'll definetly read it tha... (by Ch1156)
Compound assignment
I read the article this site has on Compound assignments. And I have yet to find the answer to what "<<=" and ">>=" do in general. I tryed google searching on 1...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, except that the most significant digits are named first, so 00001... (by Athar)
using a boolean function to sort an array in ascending order
Hi all, i am having trouble in sorting my array in ascending order according to the area calculated. However, i have succeeded in sorting it in descending order...
[8 replies] Last: i understand what you are trying to say. i tried implementing counter+... (by CLearner88)
Project ideas
I am new to c++ and ive done hello world, key value thing, and a couple basic cmd prompt stuff. I am stuck on what to do next. If it helps I am running windows ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. I'll try lol. Would this be easier than a console game? (by feare56)
Help with learning C++
If you know the base radius and height of a right circular cone, then you can calculate the surface area (A), slant height(s), and volume (V) of the cone using ...
[5 replies] Last: BINGO! I didn't realize I had accidentally put the formulas in the wr... (by scu1casper)
by Ch1156
Cant add .h file to project?
I cant add a .h file to my project. i do this, (i am using code blocks by the way) i go to File > new > file > c/c++ header and i named it emotions.h, ok when i...
[2 replies] Last: ok i got it now thanks :P (by Ch1156)
Searching for a particular value within an array.
Hello there, I'm new to the forums, but am loving all the help that I've been seeing here. I'm having a little trouble with this code I made here. The idea is t...
[9 replies] Last: I declare at the top of my function purely out of habit. It's a ha... (by cire)
by bn1462
how to read data from stored files
i've been learning c++ for about 3 weeks now and i tried to take on a pretty difficult project. the aim is to write a program to be used by banks which allows ...
[1 reply] : -->Really, this tutorial is awe... (by JCaselles)
Restart If
I dont want to use a ton of while statments so is there a way if in its else statement to restart. Or to restart it before the command is enterd. I enter comm...
[3 replies] Last: Not that I've understood anything of your question, but it could be as... (by JCaselles)
Can't get split source files to work, please help.
First time using multiple source files and i'm having a bit of trouble, below is the error i'm getting from Dev C++ as well as the source code ISO C++ forbi...
[1 reply] : The classes source code #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #inc... (by JCaselles)
problem with rand()
Hey guys, I just programed the following random number generator: int randGen(int nMin, int nMax) { int nRandNum; srand((unsigned)time(0)); nRandN...
[3 replies] Last: thanks guys, that got it; thanks for the heads up about the unnecessar... (by Commisar Jimp)
this is really wierd and i need help. here is my code. #include <iostream> void fillBoard(int board ); void printBoard(int board ); void evaluate(in...
[3 replies] Last: You have an endless loop in step 4, not quite sure why you have a loop... (by Nixon)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 59
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