Beginners - May 2012 (Page 24)

please help me to solve this proplem ..
hi everyone ... please i want to descraibe this digram to code in c++ including these rule .... please help me !!! a qaustion in a photo >>> htt...
[2 replies] Last: i still working .... but i want a good work >>>> please help (by hamadaaaaaaa)
Give selling total for each month then display months with highest and lowest values.
Is there a way of doing this program without using lots of nested if's? I wrote the following, trying to use array, but it didn't work for minValue (which al...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks Rodrigo, I have appreciated your hint, I have not tried to sea... (by Ghost66)
Getting first character
Im trying to get the first character. in the string but it does not work here is my code. if (command == "a") { prinf("hi"); }
[1 reply] : Use single quotes: 'a' //This is a char "a"//This is a string ... (by BlackSheep)
Min Heap & Max Heap Tree's
can somebody explain how you build these trees from scratch and how to insert values? i remember that deletion always takes place at the root but not what happe...
[6 replies] Last: so if i were inserting these numbers in from left to right the tree wo... (by rro0035)
No match for 'operator[]'
I'm getting the following error test.cpp: In function `int main()': test.cpp:15: error: no match for 'operator ' in 'array ' test.cpp:15: error: no match fo...
[7 replies] Last: The error you are getting is because i is declared as an list<int>::i... (by Gulshan Singh)
copying a string to erase a space
beginner here: This probably look rudementary but I have having a hard time understanding strings. What I want to do is copy a single character back to the cha...
[3 replies] Last: Always read description of a function before using it. (by vlad from moscow)
Merge sort and returning references - a couple of questions
The assignment I have is to effectively write my own merge sort algorithm. I've started off fine but I'm having a bit of trouble working out exactly what I want...
[no replies]
Eclipse C++
Can anyone provide a step by step instruction to install Eclipse? I have a windows 7 64-bit with no compiler installed. Thanks!
[1 reply] : (by paulthepenguin)
by bn1462
problem with getline
i'm trying to get my program to receive a line from the user. cin didn't work bcos i wanted to receive more than a word. so i used getline(std::cin,line,'\n'). ...
[2 replies] Last: system commands are generally a bad idea anyway. do not use them if yo... (by ui uiho)
BillingSystem program(Help!)
write a program to help a local restaurent automate its breakfast billing system. The program should do the following: a)show the different items offered by the...
[1 reply] : assuming there is a '\t' "tab" after each of the strings, you can just... (by ui uiho)
root _2
Hi, can some help, i want to program for root 2, using Newton-Raphson method. x_(n+1)=1/2 x_n+1/x_n
[4 replies] Last: take my formula. start estimation as 1. and square_root as 2 and estim... (by ui uiho)
I am having a small problem with movement in tetris game
I am building this tetris game in c++ and DarkGDK. The movement works, but the computer is having a hard time reconginzing the left and right keys. you need ...
[no replies]
by bn1462
how to compare strings
i'd love to know how to compare two strings to see if they are the same. is there an inbuilt function that can do this? i tried (string1==string2), but it didn'...
[2 replies] Last: then, your definition about string is probably wrong... does your str... (by chipp)
naming variables
i have to name some variables, in the exercise they give me the type of variable and i have to name it, this are my answers. a) int a, b; int a; int b; b...
[17 replies] Last: i just did my first program :D got a game over instead of hello world.... (by Kronolynx)
by SeBeQ
Struct or Class notation with pointer inside Struct?
Hi! I looked through code of a large project and I saw this: struct SNVData { INT NumberOfCells; class CNVConn* Connector; ... struct SNVPoint*...
[6 replies] Last: I search in all files of project and found nothing. In that case. whe... (by SeBeQ)
what means this declaration?
I've found from Internet this code about a binary tree: =============================================== #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using names...
[6 replies] Last: It depends in whether the structure is used only for defining pointer ... (by vlad from moscow)
Naming variables & Division
Here I have two nitch like naming variables along with division. how to use a for loop that prints out the numbers 5 to 100, counting by fives? i`m new too c++,...
[no replies]
why is this happening?
if i run char * terry="hjk"; std:out << *terry; std:out << ++(*terry); it prints h and hangs out But if i do this way: char * terry; char b ={'h'...
[9 replies] Last: Yes, terry2 gets the address of the terry which is not a const array. ... (by vlad from moscow)
how to use a for loop that prints out the numbers 5 to 100, counting by fives? i`m new too c++, i`ll appreciate ur help bcause i learn something from that.
[2 replies] Last: for ( int i = 5; i <= 100; i += 5 ) std::cout << i << std::endl; Le... (by NerdTastic)
<< errors
My code is: #include <iostream.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <vector> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> using std::vector; using std::string; std::ve...
[18 replies] Last: you rock. (by NerdTastic)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 59
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