Beginners - May 2012 (Page 23)

code::blocks .o files
How to get rid of .o files that code::block creates when i compile my project?
[7 replies] Last: Well, im not the one paying for it. (by vastrolorde)
My program keeps crashing!
So our objective here is this: Requirements. Write a program named nameSorter.cpp, to read names in a text file, sort them alphabetically, and print them to ...
[7 replies] Last: Sorry Chirrs: My bad! I was looking at too many things yesterday, and... (by kooth)
by skarla
i made this,but how can do it with better way? (i want to count the average of numbers into the list) : #include<iostream> using namespace std; main() ...
[5 replies] Last: You are right. std::iota is included in the C++ 11 Standard. But it ca... (by vlad from moscow)
Please review my code
Im very new to c++, and would like you all to review the source code I wrote for a program that calculates the users BMI and loops the program back to the start...
[5 replies] Last: Why is there endl all over the place? While (on most systems) it doesn... (by Cubbi)
i need help, i have to compute an approximation of sqrt(2) using Newton-Raphson method for finding the roots of quadratic equation (x^2) - 2 = 0. starting with ...
[2 replies] Last: i understand the method, i`m new to c++ i`m learning. (by yungwhizz)
cout > aligning & arrangement (like table)
Hi, I used normal cout to get the header & For-Loop to get the results. But all results are not same, some have few character, some a lot so its not arrangin...
[1 reply] : // example on insertion #include <iostream> using namespace std; int... (by shadow123)
Pointers/reference to objects
I was just curious how to make a pointer/reference to a class object in one function if the object was created in a different function. The only work-around th...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, my code's working now, woohoo! (by newbieg)
I cant figure out why this does not work.
Hi there, Im new to c++, and have been working on a program that talks to you and asks you questions. Anyway, the section just after you say pie in a fave fo...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for all of you guys helping! I havent had a chance to try any o... (by eggnoodlez)
saving a vector to a file
I have just tried to save data to a file from a program for the first time and I need to store a vector this is my code vector<staffMember*> _allEmployees =...
[10 replies] Last: depends on the type of your file. With .csv it should be fine, it's st... (by JCaselles)
program error
for( c<0; name.infoequalsIgnoreCase("ecstussy"))
[1 reply] : name1 is an array of strings. Declare a size constant const int name1... (by shadow123)
This may be a stupid question.But still if someone can answer
if this a = 2 + (b = 5); and this a = b = c = 5; expressions are right and working fine. Then why following is not working: int a,b; b=2; a=2+b=5...
[2 replies] Last: Ok Ok. It is because 2+b is not l-value. Got it got it. thx (by preetgill)
by xma23
Matrix to display
Hi After a long day coding for a deadline my brain is done. However there is one task to complete: How do I show a matrix on the output display? ie: ...
[2 replies] Last: You have to divide the numbers and add a decimal point. float mat1 =... (by whitenite1)
Beginner Excercises Pancake glutton
I have been dong the Pancake glutton exercise from this page I've been at this for 45 minutes and can't figur...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I will give it a try (by PETROS39)
Make constant available command (1,2)
So to learn C++ im making a basic text based game. I can make dision trees and stuff but how would i make a command that can always be axesd like an inventory ...
[22 replies] Last: Ohh cool thanks works thanks everyone! I might ask more questiosn her... (by sherlock)
Overloading operators in template class.
Hi all. I've posted here before, and with your help sorted out my last issues. However, I've gotten stuck again on part 2 of that question. I'm having problems ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, very much! Wound up declaring them inline. Makes life easier. (by Anderson85)
Type double
I've never perfectly understood type double . Type int is for integer. Type void is . . . um: void. Type bool is boolean. All of them are pretty easy to ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok well first you need to at least be familiar with a floating point n... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by j123t
Infinite Looping D: HELP!
Ok, so I am writing a tic-tac-toe program. Whenever I choose a spot on the board (ex: 1) then it does it correctly... but , if I put a letter or multiple number...
[1 reply] : well idk if this will help or not but i am having a hard time trying t... (by slider57)
by waxiz
Making a deep copy
Hi all. I can't get a grip on how to make a deep copy when working with more then one class. I have the two classes Transaktion and TransaktionsLista, where ...
[3 replies] Last: well you are assigning one pointer to the other of the same type, you ... (by slider57)
by Ch1156
Why isnt this working?
I have some questions about how to get this to run but first i was wondering why it isnt working? it worked before? #include <iostream> #include <ctime> ...
[5 replies] Last: What's the problem? You know how subtraction works, right? If not: htt... (by Athar)
by gaflhy
Class header and implementation in diff files
Hello, This should be a very basic question, I have my class defination and implementation in two different files, and in my third file I have my main() and ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks ModShop. (by gaflhy)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 59
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