Beginners - May 2012 (Page 22)

editing saved records in a text file
hie evry1. so i have this program that i am undertaking.....this project needs to store customer details, edit them and delete i am facing the prob...
[no replies]
How to restart my game?
I have a little guessing game from 1 - 100 and you have to guess the right number, but problem is, my assignment requires me to ask the user if the user wants t...
[5 replies] Last: The problem is on line 89, the while statement is only true if ans is ... (by Ghost Slayer)
Determine prime number
Can someone tell me whats wrong with my code?? No matter what number i put in, the number is not prime, thanks. The following is my code: #include<iostrea...
[4 replies] Last: For example you may do the following way int x; bool is_prime = true... (by vlad from moscow)
by shangy
I need to find the find the highest final mark from 5
//trying to find the highest final mark #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void findhighest(int studentp ,int finalmarkp , float highe...
[4 replies] Last: I corrected the mistakes in my code but it still not doing nothing...p... (by shangy)
by craigw
Reading from file (into char arrays)
Hey all, I've been trying to figure out my problem for the past few days and haven't gotten any closer :( I have "names.txt" which i am trying to read from...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot JLBorges!! Worked a charm!! (by craigw)
If statement inside of a do while loop to error check user input
I am having some major issues error checking user input inside a do while loop. I want to post the code for it but I'm not sure how to do it on here. If someone...
[10 replies] Last: Ahh, I didn't look at the code closely enough. The error state would ... (by cire)
C++ Project Help
Hi , Im currently doin one mini project in C++ programming . My project concept as below :- This project concept is generated for shop owners to manage th...
[no replies]
Caesar Cipher, yes homework
I'll start simple how do I post in here so it shows my code lines?
[3 replies] Last: int largestLetter (int list ) { int index = 1; int maxIndex =0; i... (by blueberry)
cin and arrow keys
As far as I can tell cin>> can't take information from arrow keys on the keyboard, is there a way to force it to take that information, or is there a different ...
[8 replies] Last: if (Keyboard::IsKeyPressed(Keyboard::KEYNAME)) Did you even look at... (by ModShop)
return independant variables in functions
Hi I'm trying to create a function that returns two values independent of each other, like float inputInfo (int confNum) { return (weight, heightSqd); } ...
[1 reply] : The code you've written is the same as: float inputInfo(int confNum)... (by cire)
off line content "like java did "
could you guys please make the content of the cplusplus web site available in one zip_download like they did with java , that would be very appreciated for who ...
[1 reply] : You can download it as a PDF file: (by Myrco)
by Ch1156
Why does my code keep doing this
I have a program and i am using getline(cin, scname); but it skips the first input and gos to the second, why is that? #include <iostream> #include <cti...
[11 replies] Last: cin.peek() tells you what the next character in the stream cin is.... (by cire)
Having trouble with a template
Gosh, I'm about to sound like a total idiot. Why isn't this code working? #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> void swap(T& a,T& b...
[5 replies] Last: Ahaanomegas, I'm correcting you because you're wrong. "s are used for... (by paulthepenguin)
by adijo
Fun projects in c++ (1,2)
I know the basics of C++ and I want to do some fun projects in c++. Could anyone suggest something fun and interesting?
[20 replies] Last: Thank you for the help guys, I really appreciate it! (by adijo)
Interactions between two classes
Hello, I am a beginner in C++ and I am trying to implement a little game. I have a class maze (which is basically a matrix filled with 0's and 1's that sa...
[7 replies] Last: +1 hanst. (by Disch)
Need help for code
Hey I was having some trouble on this code that requires me to write a program where a certain amount of money is input and what prints to the screen is the amo...
[11 replies] Last: Its pretty good the program works and more importantly, I know how it ... (by randy825)
by Chryos
Trying to make a quicksort for a templated array
template <class DataType> void Array<DataType>::sort(int left, int right) { int i = left, j = right; DataType temp; DataType pivot = (*this)[(left + rig...
[8 replies] Last: and.....I'm an idiot lol, I tried it before but it kept throwing error... (by Chryos)
Accessing and retrieving data from a website
I want my program to access, input something, take the response, and then tell me the response. I don't know where to start really at all. It's fo...
[1 reply] : (by JLBorges)
Help understanding this code about pointers
Hi, I'm practicing with pointers and trying to have better understanding on how to use them but I'm having a hard time understanding something in the following...
[6 replies] Last: The way I understand it is that they will be basically pointing to the... (by fstigre)
SDL problem!
Hello. I have a big problem! I am making a "game" in SDL and the until i created a player object class in game class constructor everything worked just fine. Th...
[4 replies] Last: Yes GetKetState can be inaccurate but so can your approach too. If th... (by stoffe1100)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 59
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