Beginners - May 2012 (Page 21)

trubo c++ problem
hi, i am new in c++ programming, i use turbo c++ compiler. last few days i fall a problem that after writhing a progrmme when i compile it only the object fil...
[2 replies] Last: Unless you are researching history of programming, don't use turbo c++... (by Cubbi)
gcc4.7.0 makefiles & project examples
Where can I find the gcc4.7.0 tutorials on writing "makefiles" for c++ projects or a working project example of a c++11 gcc4.7.0 project example? Additiona...
[1 reply] : (by ne555)
Simple errors which shouldn't be happening
#include<string> #include<iostream> #include<sstream> #include<vector> using namespace std; int isnumber (char numb) { const int NoConstSt = 48; con...
[6 replies] Last: Then how come it allows you to do what I did? It didn't. You had er... (by Moschops)
c2061 error help
Running through a tutorial of sorts and got an error. I have looked through a few forums and tried what was suggested to no avail. I am using Visual Studio 2010...
[2 replies] Last: bool Game::run(void) the void is only needed in c and i am fairly ce... (by ui uiho)
Questions about college basic C++
The function is designed to the temperatures that come in from the various weather stations 2.display the temperatures in both fahrenheit and celsius ...
[6 replies] Last: but instead of system("pause"), what else should I use? std::cin.ign... (by ui uiho)
Method parameter pointer for object, without knowing class name?
Hello, I am trying to send objects of characters (people, creatures etc...) to a method: void attack(class * characterObject){} // EACH CHARACTER HAS THIS METH...
[10 replies] Last: Ok I now have a basic understanding of inheritance, so this makes much... (by leetmodz)
Needs to run at a certain time...
I need a program that runs at one specific time. For example, when Im out, my computer might be on. I need an application that shuts it down at 10. Or like a ...
[2 replies] Last: On Windows, use the Task Scheduler. (by Duthomhas)
by Grax
How to convert string to int type?
can someone help me that how to write a program for accept a large number (12 digits) that store in string and the convert it to numbers? --is that long lon...
[9 replies] Last: it works!! thanks for all the reply! really appreciated u guys! (by Grax)
by wizo0o
output problem
hey ppl i dono wats wrong with this ?? could any one tell me the output of this & what are the values of x, y, z when the program ends? #include <iostr...
[10 replies] Last: @wizo0o I added cout's to the functions to show what the values are i... (by whitenite1)
Sorting values of an array?
Hello World, I am having difficulty getting this final section of code to display correctly. My hopes is that my sort() function will sort the 20 randomly gener...
[8 replies] Last: Bubble sorts are really basic and time consuming. For small stuff lik... (by TightCoder)
typeinfo header file
QUOTE From where should I get this header file. This is required in one of the based program.Should I get this.UNQUOTE
[6 replies] Last: I also tried to add file extension <typeinfo.h>. Any way I shall try t... (by ballurohit)
char pointers in lists error
Why doesn't this work? Once I hit enter (cin.get()) I trigger a break point. I can omit line 26 and 29 and have no problems. I can omit line 10, and even wit...
[2 replies] Last: Got it working. Thanks for the explanation, this all makes sense now... (by Lowest0ne)
Char is not outputting what it is supposed to.
This program: int x, y; char grid ; for(x=0;x<16;x++) grid = '.'; for(y=0;y<16;y++) grid = '.'; for(x=0;x<26;x++) grid = '.'; for(y=0;y...
[4 replies] Last: change the loop for(x=1,y=1;x<15,y<15;x++,y++) grid = ' '; to ... (by vlad from moscow)
Command runs only once in a program
I've encountered a very strange event that happens when running my DisplayMenu function, it seems to run a certain line only once, heres the function: void...
[4 replies] Last: This code produced the desired output for me so don't know why it's no... (by vin)
by h4344
Whats a good easy game to practice modding?
Im looking for a game that i can practice modding for fun. I think i saw something about source modding before but i dont know what would be good for new progra...
[1 reply] : SAMP (san andreas multiplayer) you code servers and stuff. Alot of fun... (by leetmodz)
by shangy
read information entered and display
//the coding needs to read amount received and donor name until an amount of R0.00 is entered. //And display the name and donation amount of the donors wh...
[no replies]
by murdok
Linker error [undefined reference to ..]
Hello, this is the first time i post on this forum. I am a beginner in C++. I wrote some code in three files (sales.h, saless.cpp and main.cpp) and when i compi...
[9 replies] Last: How the hell is this compiling?? (it does compile in code::blocks!!) ... (by JCaselles)
by Ali89
how to write different types (string, int, double, etc..) into each line of a file ?
Hello, I have the following question. How can I write a line consist of different data types (string, double, int, etc...) into a file ?. Here are some lines...
[2 replies] Last: Do not include in an output stream new line character and all you data... (by vlad from moscow)
Trying to copy txt from one file to another
I am trying to copy text from one file while creating a new file and transferring the copied text over. Right now, I have created a new output file. However, no...
[4 replies] Last: wow. thank you LOL (by aznairjordan)
error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct Queue’
I'm getting a lot of errors on this code and I don't really know what this one means. Yes my code is probably all over the place but just bare with me. Could ...
[8 replies] Last: It is awully! I already wrote The compiler shall know the definitio... (by vlad from moscow)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 59
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