Beginners - May 2012 (Page 19)

by MD1212
Calculation of the first 50 Chiliads for prime numbers problem.
I know this program has been worked on before but whenever i use this it tells me this message : error C4716: 'primeCount' : must return a value. It is the pro...
[1 reply] : @MD1212 Yep, I think it's a very simple fix. primeCount wants to do a... (by whitenite1)
How do i connect for this two function??
//3.A void function to calculate total points and GPA for one student void Calculate_GP(float count, int Units) { float Total_Point; int Sum = 0; S...
[no replies]
by skarla
tic tac toe.
Hi i am noob in programming without experience and just learning 15 days c++ with 1 hour per day ,so i have 15 hour until now. so my question is when you belie...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, arrays and for loops for the most part. If you want hideous code... (by BHX)
How would I create an inventory list in a game?
I was wondering what the most effective way to create an inventory list. Should I create a vector, put the items in separately, create a class, or what?
[3 replies] Last: Maybe a struct with vectors? Have a file that has all the data in it (... (by BHX)
Beginners Advice Please.
Hi all, I'm new to programming, and i am looking for somewhere to start, I have some experience in C++ and a little bit in Java. I'm really starting to like ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks!, and i'm really interested in Game Development. (by anikan1297)
Need A Tutor Coding
I'm stuck with my assigment code right now. Someone know well about c++, please tutor me.
[2 replies] Last: Could you pm my skype: damonphan_dp (by darkmoon)
Trouble with arrays in my code.
The problem in my code I'm trying to fix is the last two for statements.My program always messes up the either the low/high value I check and display because th...
[3 replies] Last: Now I get it. Thanks for insight. (by codebug)
Created an Easy Console Wave Pattern
So this console program I made prints out a moving wave onto the screen. This demonstrates that you can create simple graphics with the console (although slow ...
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Using NuGet to install SFML VS 2010 - not 08
Hey guys can someone show me how to install SFML in visual studio 2010?
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Odd,Even and Factors
Guys! I need some help over here. I have problem making this program. I need to create a program that will ask the user to enter a positive integer, once th...
[4 replies] Last: @vlad thank you very much for your help! and @PRW56 thank you also for... (by markgreen)
Need help getting this to work
Alright, i keep getting a error saying that line 26 is unidentified, can anyone help me plz ? ive been working on this for like 3 hours and i really just dont u...
[1 reply] : Forward declaration: double calcScore(); Call: calcScore(judge... (by cire)
by LazK53
Code failed, but need to find output.
Hi - I'm supposed to figure out what the output of this code should be. However, when I run it in a compiler (using Microsoft Visual Studio at the moment), it ...
[3 replies] Last: However, when I run it in a compiler (using Microsoft Visual Studio a... (by cire)
by user98
multiple codes in One Program
Hi every1 i have more than one application(codes) - calculator,converter,math functions. so how could i compile them together and display a list for the user ...
[19 replies] Last: If you don't want to post your code on a public forum, please stop was... (by cire)
Missunderstand function and parameter list
I had read few time about the function but i seem like don't get what is pass by value and pass reference,also how i use return value in the function. Please he...
[1 reply] : count and Units are passed by value. That means that count and Units i... (by Peter87)
Function for the length of a hypotenuse.
I need help with this problem: Write a function that will calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle. The function will take two real number ...
[2 replies] Last: C++ already has that function, it's std::hypot() http://en.cppreferenc... (by Cubbi)
windows form app problem! lnk1561; entry point not defined
#pragma once namespace grosspay{ using namespace System; using namespace System::ComponentModel; using namespace System::Collections; ...
[4 replies] Last: so.. i created a new form .. and #pragma once namespace gros { usi... (by magadavixt)
by skarla
an easy program.
I created an easy program,but i want to know if i should make it better,and if can i how? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,...
[16 replies] Last: Less readability with no improvement in performance is certainly not a... (by cire)
by Kobe24
Declaring variables..!!!
Hey programmers. I have problem declaring SHARE in this function. I tried many different ways but it didn't work I hope somebody help me fix the problem. Here ...
[2 replies] Last: That is a snippet of code which isn't enough to illustrate your proble... (by cire)
10 to the power of 0
Hello All, I have this statement in my code: for (counter = 0; counter <= 2; counter++) { runner = (temp_value % 10); temp_value = temp_value / 10...
[2 replies] Last: I like to make a small function of my own for these positive integer p... (by Stewbond)
Date compare
I have a file, 'date.txt' which has date in it. Like, Mon Oct 13 09:37:08 2009. Now i want to compare this date with system date. How can i compare dates in C+...
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May 2012 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 59
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