Beginners - May 2012 (Page 18)

by skarla
i want to do this calculating but it tells me error. I know that with float i cant use this(%),but if i want how could i use it,is there any way? look this ...
[6 replies] Last: The same as a % b only b was converted to int. (by vlad from moscow)
Calculate Percent
Something is wrong but can't figure out what.. //Purpose: to calculate the percent of registered voters who voted in each // precinct in an electio...
[4 replies] Last: Just looking at calcPercent(int, int), I think you have the calculatio... (by naraku9333)
Programme to find factorial of a number
I want to make a programme that finds the factorial of a number that i input: eg 6!=720. The following is my source code, it can compile but the logic is prob...
[7 replies] Last: This is what i got, but i am quite sure its wrong as the answer the pr... (by qawsed51)
Can't fix these...
I'm new here and I just want your suggestions guys on how to fix this. I got this 2 erros: error:new types may not be defined in a return type no...
[2 replies] Last: @Peter87 - is this correct?.. int choice; stocks my_stocks; ... (by holyboy2012)
Problem with creating an automatic message coder
Hi, I am a Noob programmer learning C++ to make my own games and am trying to make an automatic message coder (Inspired by my math lesson today :)) and can't se...
[11 replies] Last: Sorry I haven't gotten back to you for a while, i've been really busy ... (by DARKGASES44)
by mmason
Please Help
I am new to programming and have a project of setting up an arduino to control 3 strands of leds. I have gotten them to loop so each strand will flash one at a ...
[7 replies] Last: I am not familiar with the Arduino stuff. I don't know anything about... (by doug4)
by JonB
Dereferencing Null Pointer (1,2,3)
Hi all, first post, please be gentle! I am trying to write using Dragonfire SDK / C++ to create an iphone game. I am using Box2d as a physics engine. I k...
[51 replies] Last: thanks to everyone for participating. this thread is now closed. (by admin)
exam paper
hey guys, i got a question, i wrote exam and had to do nested if statements. let's say age is stored as a one dimensional array with range 1 to 50, and certain ...
[3 replies] Last: Is the range is a range of values of the array elements? What is the s... (by vlad from moscow)
by Tonxy
Problem with writing from file into linked list
Hi! I'm new on this forum but reading you at least 2 year's. I have problem with inputing some data from file into linked list but I just can't find where's ...
[no replies]
need help regarding assignment operator overloading
trignometery.h #ifndef TRIGNO_H #define TRIGNO_H class trig { protected: const float PI; float* angle; public: trig() : PI(3.14159...
[7 replies] Last: Haha, I guess I'd go with what your book shows you! Both ways work, an... (by BlackSheep)
How to overwrite a cout.
Hi guys, may i know how do i overwrite a statement in cout. More explanation on code-flow below Using a switch case and example. Menu 1 cout<<"Welcom...
[7 replies] Last: string filter_criteria = {"Point2D", "Point3D" /*...*/}; cout<<"W... (by ne555)
by skarla
a very useful tool for your school.
I have created a very useful tool for every person goes to school yet.I am 15 and i am going to school and when i am bored to do it with the pencil my program h...
[2 replies] Last: it is an equation. (by skarla)
by rock3t
Take Full Control on Files
Hi there, i have writing program which takes file name(full path) and do some modification on these file. Assuming we have a file that ready to work. fil...
[1 reply] : Read in the information, change it to what you want it to be, and re-o... (by paulthepenguin)
by komako
i have been trying to work on this do i realy solve it?
in c++..You are the developer for, a company which charters a light aircraft to Capetown from Johannesburg. Write a program to assign seats on ea...
[1 reply] : Wow, what a lot to do. first off do you know how to print and read fro... (by newbieg)
opening an image file
what is the syntax for this? do you want to see the image? -yes -no if yes open image.jpg if no exit program
[3 replies] Last: CImg (by Moschops)
Hi :) I have finally figured out how to make *password input. But, it's kinda working weird :/ If I do it like this: #include <termios.h> #include <unistd....
[3 replies] Last: I've just figured it :) cin.ignore(2048, '\n'); after Login and it w... (by justinko)
by Grax
need help in fstream, read input from txt
my txt file number name email 123 david john email@email 456 oscar tan sin yi email@email 789 mohammad ali bin abu email@email code while ...
[4 replies] Last: #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <st... (by cire)
Print 1 to N
I can trying create a programme that prints 1 to N. I tried compiling it but i keep getting these errors : 1) In function `int main()': 2) parse error bef...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks so much (by qawsed51)
boolean expression in file output
it is on the use of boolean expression to control the output to file, and this is the code: bool fileStatus; ............... ............... ofstream fou...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, thanks for explanation. It makes more sense to me now. Thanks for... (by jijijude)
Need to modify my first program.
Hi Guys, I hope some one can help me how to modifey this program, and make it better , i just need some one to answer my question by the codes. i am trying...
[1 reply] : 1. if (answer == 'n' || answer == 'N') or if (toupper(answer) == '... (by Stewbond)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 59
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