Why is my multi-function calculator not working? |
[14 replies] Last: thank you so much! it works! (by closed account DiLwAqkS)
by devoid
EOF delete first cahracter
[11 replies] Last: i try to commnet the fputs("\n", file) but the gets not attach a "\n"... (by devoid)
by raban
infinite looping, help
[6 replies] Last: Thank you all. That solved my problem. I guess I was paying too much a... (by raban)
Compile and run with codeblocks |
[5 replies] Last: Not exactly, there should be another window like that somewhere... EDI... (by S G H)
by chirrrs
Program compiles and runs, but crashes at output!
[1 reply] : nevermind, i figured it out! mistake was at line 140! XD (by chirrrs)
by projectfilly
Binary array search (string) and array sort not working
[no replies]
Help with OSTREAM operator |
[11 replies] Last: parking & operator +=( const vozilo &rhs ) { vozilo *tmp = new voz... (by vlad from moscow)
by Catfish
C++ intricacies
[2 replies] Last: There is a recommendation in the C++ Standard that "— Levels of nes... (by vlad from moscow)
by rey6630
Guys i need the code design for this question
[3 replies] Last: How WHAT is done??? Maybe I'm missing something here but if this was ... (by cnoeval)
i need help on how to reset a .txt file for a game show text game |
[8 replies] Last: we apear to be taking the same C++ class, personally i couldnt figure ... (by Z3R0)
by Ahaanomegas
true vs. TRUE and false vs. FALSE
[8 replies] Last: If not for the first three words, I'd say he's just agreeing with you.... (by Gaminic)
Wont write to output file |
[1 reply] : The loop between Lines 43 - 47 is going to the end of the input stream... (by Computergeek01)
by noblegas
Problem with using do while statement in an if statement
[3 replies] Last: As far as I know this code already was demonstarted in this forum. (by vlad from moscow)
by dimitrije17
batch files
[2 replies] Last: Here is the command line for what webJose is suggesting: http://ss64... (by Computergeek01)
How to access members from a function declared outside the Class |
[8 replies] Last: class PC { CPU _cpu; public: const CPU& CPU() const { return... (by webJose)
by ui uiho
[2 replies] Last: bool checkLose(int board , int sums ){ evaluate(board, sums)... (by ui uiho)
by zombie
memory leak?
[8 replies] Last: _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks rules ;) (by Gorenko)
Some basic help with Operators |
[4 replies] Last: Oh, I get it now, I missed the "return *this" for the first one, but w... (by Bashkim Ukshini)
by Hilbert
Taking mathematical function as input
[11 replies] Last: It's not really part of the topic, and I thought it was so obvious I d... (by hanst99)
by sanalbarq
small problem . please help me ..
[13 replies] Last: Think of arrays as a group of related items. As in the array, months ,... (by whitenite1)