Beginners - May 2012 (Page 17)

Why is my multi-function calculator not working?
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int num1; int num2; int sum; int difference; int pro...
[14 replies] Last: thank you so much! it works! (by closed account DiLwAqkS)
by devoid
EOF delete first cahracter
hi guys... i have problem about EOF. i'm sorry if my english doesn't good.. i'm working for make a program who can write file text like copy con (i think)...
[11 replies] Last: i try to commnet the fputs("\n", file) but the gets not attach a "\n"... (by devoid)
by raban
infinite looping, help
This is my program, doing conversions between F and C The only problem with this is that the while loop will loop infinitely even when the user input 1 or 2. I...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you all. That solved my problem. I guess I was paying too much a... (by raban)
Compile and run with codeblocks
I'm using code:blocks on Ubuntu 11.10, and when i try to run this program, I get this error. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout <...
[5 replies] Last: Not exactly, there should be another window like that somewhere... EDI... (by S G H)
Program compiles and runs, but crashes at output!
Just about have this finished, but the end result should take the input file, parse the emails, and create or aappend to an existing file the list of emails fro...
[1 reply] : nevermind, i figured it out! mistake was at line 140! XD (by chirrrs)
Binary array search (string) and array sort not working
Hey guys, wondering if anybody could take a quick look at this and let me know why my arrays aren't sorting or searching correctly. My brain is way too burned o...
[no replies]
Help with OSTREAM operator
I have a class, which has an object of another class in it. Like this: class parking { char adresa ; int cena; vozilo *voz; Now I have to write an operato...
[11 replies] Last: parking & operator +=( const vozilo &rhs ) { vozilo *tmp = new voz... (by vlad from moscow)
C++ intricacies
Hello. I have two questions: 1) Are nested classes legal C++03, and is there a limit to the nesting depth? class A {class B {class C {/*... */};};}; 2...
[2 replies] Last: There is a recommendation in the C++ Standard that "— Levels of nes... (by vlad from moscow)
Guys i need the code design for this question
Guys Please this was my coding test.......i am really finding it difficult Design a bus timetable system for 2 bus companies. Read the original timetable f...
[3 replies] Last: How WHAT is done??? Maybe I'm missing something here but if this was ... (by cnoeval)
i need help on how to reset a .txt file for a game show text game
I have been writing C++ for a couple of months now using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition , but i am having some trouble with a text game project that ...
[8 replies] Last: we apear to be taking the same C++ class, personally i couldnt figure ... (by Z3R0)
true vs. TRUE and false vs. FALSE
So I've heard that true doesn't work while setting boolean values and that I must use TRUE . I've tested this in the following program: #include <genlib.h...
[8 replies] Last: If not for the first three words, I'd say he's just agreeing with you.... (by Gaminic)
Wont write to output file
while I'm sure this code has other problems. what I'm worried about (hung up on actually) is why my code won't write to the destination file. any help is apprec...
[1 reply] : The loop between Lines 43 - 47 is going to the end of the input stream... (by Computergeek01)
Problem with using do while statement in an if statement
I have written a c++ code for a calculator and it is not outputting the results I want. Here is the outline of my code for a calculator: #include <iostrea...
[3 replies] Last: As far as I know this code already was demonstarted in this forum. (by vlad from moscow)
batch files
Hello I would like to know how to make .bat files with a time trigger some thing like this: I make a file with autorun and it ahs a time trigger and after ...
[2 replies] Last: Here is the command line for what webJose is suggesting: http://ss64... (by Computergeek01)
How to access members from a function declared outside the Class
I want to access members of classes, from functions that are declared outside the class. For example I have a class PC , and that class has an object member...
[8 replies] Last: class PC { CPU _cpu; public: const CPU& CPU() const { return... (by webJose)
in some instances when i run this program the AI part of the program will stop running after the player's 3rd move. i can not find the problem and if some1 coul...
[2 replies] Last: bool checkLose(int board , int sums ){ evaluate(board, sums)... (by ui uiho)
by zombie
memory leak?
I'm a little confused about why I don't get a memory leak: I use Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, C++, progamming a console application. I use a class: temp...
[8 replies] Last: _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks rules ;) (by Gorenko)
Some basic help with Operators
First, when do you know that an operator is overloaded? I see some exercises where they ask to overload the += operator. How do you overload, and not-overload i...
[4 replies] Last: Oh, I get it now, I missed the "return *this" for the first one, but w... (by Bashkim Ukshini)
Taking mathematical function as input
I am trying to write a numerical integration program. My program should obtain a mathematical function in c++ syntax via cin, and then use it in my c++ integrat...
[11 replies] Last: It's not really part of the topic, and I thought it was so obvious I d... (by hanst99)
small problem . please help me ..
Hello every one , Please check this code and help me .. The calculation of the age is WRONG . How could I fix it ..?! /******SQU*******C++******SQU******C++**...
[13 replies] Last: Think of arrays as a group of related items. As in the array, months ,... (by whitenite1)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 59
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