Beginners - May 2012 (Page 15)

Help in fixing my Tic-Tac-Toe
At the moment im a beginner at programming and i wanted C++ to be my first langauges.Tic Tac Toe program isnt functioning the way i want it to do. key issues...
[1 reply] : put all ur game code in a function like playtictactoe. call it from ma... (by SirSmilesaLot)
by gian20
_sntprintf(szCmd, szCmdSize, szScanner , I am trying to add a space before szScanner in vb you do it using the ff. " " & szScanner & " " bu I do not kno...
[1 reply] : Well, the _sntprintf() function is NOT C++. It is C. In C++ is very ... (by webJose)
Error during a simple swap method?
When I call a simple swap method to swap two values in an array, my program crashes with an error. When the program reaches line 5 of this: void HeapSort::s...
[3 replies] Last: The compiler just wanted some bounds checking >.< Thank you very much... (by Halo Fan)
i need some usful links
hi guys, can anybody help me....actually i wanna make my programs of c++ in GUI...does it need any other language to be known to make my programs in GUI or c++ ...
[1 reply] : download this book... (by Grax)
break not working or code error
So I have code to push back in to a vector, but before it pushes back it is supposed to check if parts of the vector match and then perform a replace if they do...
[1 reply] : why dont u use the set container instead of vector, it stores only uni... (by SirSmilesaLot)
by ecchii
Finals Exam Cheat sheet/Notes
So for my programming final exam we are allowed an A4 note sheet with anything (back and front) I'm obviously putting in it what I find hard, but do you guys re...
[5 replies] Last: last bump (by ecchii)
While Loops
Hi again! I've got a new problem which is, create a program that will ask for three inputs, x,y&z. Once these numbers have been given...display allo numbers fro...
[3 replies] Last: @raban and @Robert LeBlanc, thank you very much for the big help! (by markgreen)
system() not recognizing commands?
So I am trying to run a Java application by running a program I am writing in C++. Everything seems like it should be working fine, however the commands for com...
[4 replies] Last: That, sir, is very clever of you. Is that what i need to do? Or will t... (by apache1649)
by kfong
reading Weapons from text file
Hi guys, This is my first time posting a topic in a forum and I'm pretty new with programming so there might be some stuff I left out that should be mentioned....
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the kind response guys! I'll see what I can do for now! =) (by kfong)
void* pointing to function pointer
Morning fellows, I'm stuck in a "passing functions as a function's parameters" issue. I'm trying to make a function that, passing to it other functions, it joi...
[6 replies] Last: Well, finally I made it work with code::blocks and default template pa... (by JCaselles)
by Jiksy
Finding Highest value
I need help finding the highest value in a vector and outputting the whole string. I created a vector and all data successfully is entered and can be cout fine...
[3 replies] Last: Only the first, but in the text files case there are two identical one... (by Jiksy)
by JAM96
Hey I was reading some topics on this site and I notice people comment not to use system("PAUSE") or other system() Why is that? I always use system in m...
[3 replies] Last: Oh I understand now.. So what is another way of clearing the consol... (by JAM96)
Latest correct tutorials for c++
Hi there, So, I find a tutorial on c++, they all have this hello.cpp tutorial, but can never get it to work. For instance every one of them says to put iostr...
[2 replies] Last: Perfect!! Thank you. (by teratosis)
Data Plotting
Ok, although I have experience in other languages, I am fairly unfamiliar with c++, and am currently writing some software to collect data for a project of mine...
[no replies]
by ozone
mean, median and mode.
hello, i am a newbie and am really stuck in this. i am to prompt a user to enter a number and print out what user input, if the user did not input 5 then it sho...
[5 replies] Last: wow @Vins3Xtreme you are the bomb. thank you so much........ (by ozone)
GCC 4.7 for windows??
Hi Where can I down load the GCC 4.7 compiler for windows? I've been scouring through Google and all I can is just a link to the gnu site which makes it diff...
[5 replies] Last: For free GCC toolchain binary packages for windows see http://www.gnup... (by wisementor)
Totally lost! dang@
Man! OS: Windows 7 64bit Ultimate I tell you this compiling thing kicked me arse tonight. Most tutorials aren't helping because they are leaving out thing...
[9 replies] Last: @Cire how am I supposed to know that? If I thought you knew it, I w... (by cire)
rereading a file.
I am working on a caesar cipher program. I have it so it will calculate the shift after reading the program through once however I can't figure out how reread ...
[no replies]
Group string by first integer
I want to print out CourseName by the first integer of the CourseCode. How can I do that? // Simple code to store courses using vectors and strings #i...
[2 replies] Last: i suggest u make use of STL container Map instead of vector, map holds... (by SirSmilesaLot)
Vector Dynamic Allocation
I am stuck in the following exercise: Can i get some help please Create a short program that: - Declares a variable named p that can point to a vector of str...
[3 replies] Last: "Vector" is ambiguous. A vector can be either an array of something or... (by closed account zb0S216C)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 59
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