Beginners - May 2012 (Page 11)

Wo Wants to be a millionaire game
does anyone have a program like this thats based off this game if so can you share the whole programe with me?
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl;... (by Stewbond)
Read file of char and int into an array
Hi guys, I have a .txt file which contains 3 columns of data. Each column represents a integer to be used to set a read write flag, a hexadecimal number use...
[1 reply] : Hi there, I think you may want to give sscanf() a try for this. Have... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Convert to/use hexadecimal numbers
Is there a way to pass a hex value to an array element? I've been unable to find anything other than how to modify a stream such as for (int i=0; i<1024; i+...
[7 replies] Last: No problem NwN I will do so as soon as I have the whole program put to... (by solo2wolf)
Dynamic memory
I need to build a two dimensional array with three columns and a variable number of rows. The number of rows is to be determined by the user's input. I've tried...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks very much guys hugely helpful :). (by solo2wolf)
Saved projects do not show up in the workspace in CodeBlocks
When I open a project that I have previously saved, I am unable to build or run it. However, when I create a new project, everything works fine. I noticed tha...
[no replies]
Unknown trouble with short code for Project Euler Problem 3.
I am a new c++ programmer currently working through project Euler, and I've gotten myself stuck on problem 3: find the greatest prime factor of 600851475143. M...
[6 replies] Last: there we go! using <= n solved it. ...Is that because when the program... (by suitsexual)
Basic function to macro
I want to turn this simple function into a macro. Can anyone help me out? unsigned int Len(const char* s) { unsigned int i; for(i = 0; s != '\0'; i++)...
[2 replies] Last: Forced inlining in C. Even then, you are wasting your time. Just use ... (by Duthomhas)
by ortymd
program crashes in the end
Hi everyone. Program seems to work fine, but crashes in the end, after the destructors are called. Why??? #include "Furniture.h" #include <fstream> using...
[5 replies] Last: I should delete it ? No, you should delete anything that you create... (by Moschops)
chosing which variable to use in writing programs
I'm supposed to write a program that performs division of two numbers read from the user & prints out an exact result...well I was able to write a program that ...
[8 replies] Last: I know we shouldn't just , but this is painful :p Megz, the things y... (by Moschops)
delay() issue
Hi, im trying to write a program in C not c++ to print an array of chars one at a time with a one second delay between each char this is my loop for(k=0;k<N;...
[2 replies] Last: You have to flush the stream. Call fflush(stdout); to make sure that... (by Peter87)
by pule85
vector of vectors into a struct
Hello everybody. I'm running a bit short of ideas and an help would be really appreciated. I have looked a bit in previous topics and haven't found anything si...
[8 replies] Last: @framework:absolutely, the way people keep pointing it out, its not wr... (by SirSmilesaLot)
by Nacao
Basic read and write with files
This code I have made, is supposed to open a file (source) and copy its text to another one (copy). But what it really does is not creating the "copy" file and ...
[3 replies] Last: You're missing the 's' off the second scanf(). You should read this. ... (by kbw)
by craigw
Storing colour codes in enum/string ??
Hey all, I want to change the colour of text outputting to the screen, but dont want to constantly use the codes to keep switching colour. So instead of h...
[1 reply] : I'm guessing by the colour code that this is *nix and not Windows, cor... (by MrHutch)
Inheritance and getting started
I was given an assignment and am very confused not only on exactly is being asked, but how to get started. We were given the starting code and it does compile. ...
[1 reply] : Please use code tag from right hand side format, before posting code. ... (by SirSmilesaLot)
Pythagorean Theorem Program Help?
Hi guys, before I post the code, I want to give you some background. I'm a programmer/ gamer guy and I have been for a long time now. It's just that I am now ju...
[1 reply] : I think you are confusing terms. A "bug" is something different from ... (by Disch)
Generic Template Classes to implement a Doubly Linked List
For most of my programming career, I have been using Java and Objective-c. The more I learned the more I want to move to a more powerful language, so I chose c+...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks a lot. The comments are really helpful and I understand why pre... (by haglerchristopher)
HashTable error: multiple definition of 'HashTableSavitch::HashTable::HashTable()'
Hi forum people, I've typed up this code direct from the text book, Absolute C++ Fourth Edition Savitch ISBN-13: 978...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, only my 2nd post. Here 'tis. I bolded Line 12 where the error o... (by eiger3970)
writing program to set a desktop background at startup
Hi, I am having problems with my 32 bit windows 7, it says my factory installed os is not genuine, and everytime I start my pc the background reverts to black c...
[1 reply] : This forum isn't really about writing people's code for them. It's mor... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Some clarification needed...
I'm learning c++ to become a games programmer but I don't understand how Compilers or IDE's work. What I think I know is this: IDE's are to coding what Word ...
[9 replies] Last: Yes, you can code in Notepad and then use a compiler to compile. But ... (by codeFoil)
Can NOT get this array of pointers to an array of class objects to sort properly
Okay, I've tried this a few different ways now with varying results. What I'm trying to do is sort an array of Car class pointers (while leaving the actual Car ...
[1 reply] : Simple mistake. Read this a little more carefully. do { ... (by codeFoil)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 910111213... 59
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