Beginners - May 2010 (Page 9)

by diz
passing vector to .dll
Hi All, I'm trying to use a 3rd party dll in cpp but am having some issues with using vector. I am reasonably experienced in using c but have never really lo...
[4 replies] Last: RedX, thanks for your replies. I've directly contacted the supplier... (by diz)
if else switch nt working
the programn is like this #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #define PI 3.1416 #define g 9.81 void main(void) { /*initialisation*/ int u,alpha,M...
[9 replies] Last: Yes, I was showing the numbers in binary. I'm aware. I was referrin... (by Athar)
sorting number in acsending order
hi I am trying to complete the following program exercise : write a program that prompts the user to input three numbers. The program should then output in...
[2 replies] Last: Just look at it as if it were a Sudoku game: int a=3,b=2,c=1; //1-... (by Athar)
Problems with a C++ Code
I am a student and I'm doing a project with C++. Actually my program should tell the user if the word given is a palindrome or not. However, it's always saying ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot ragn4rok234, now it works. I'm really grateful. Bye! (by steaua stasucia)
Linking Code/Objects Using DevC++ IDE
Hello everyone, Ive searched documentation all over the net and yet I cannot seem to find how to link code/object using Bloodshed DevC++ IDE. A simple exa...
[7 replies] Last: This is definitely a basic question, so this forum is the right one. ... (by Athar)
by kabom
Final exam problem :(
Hey guys , im glad to find forum like this where can i get at less little help for my Final exem - Exercise with Classes . Im beginer in this area , and they de...
[2 replies] Last: :/ Ok Thank You (by kabom)
Problem: Creating a variable
Hi! I am vey new to C++ and I hope you can help me. Here is what I want to do: I want to create a new vector inside a block, under centain circumstances ("if (...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much firedraco. The function of this program would b... (by BenjaminB)
Reading/comparing string
Hi! I am trying to create a simple administration system that takes in info from two files, AdminNum.txt and data.txt AdminNum.txt, which has the student's ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! I have another question, now that i can use substr to find the... (by iliketurtles)
double and long double
Whats the difference between double and long double?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by clover leaf)
Program skips over cin >> and starts an infinite loop.
I figured it out by changing cin >> eventName2; to getline(cin, eventName2); . However, I'd still like to know why the cin doesn't work? I'm trying t...
[3 replies] Last: The >> operator stops reading from the input buffer when he encounters... (by m4ster r0shi)
by Osor77
a problem with macros
Hi Guys! I'm having lots of trouble with this task: I have to design a macro to calculate the median of three numbers. It must work regardless of the variab...
[8 replies] Last: @Albatross You're right, if you know C++ you can read C syntax. Howev... (by Osor77)
program window closes to quick to view any output
Hello, I know there has been topics on this before and I have read them through, and tried the suggestions that people have made, but for whatever reason I can'...
[7 replies] Last: I wonder why people are using gets() when scanf() is so much safer. ... (by Albatross)
Problem with reading file (ifstream)
greatUnited Name (space) Goals Scored Josh (space) 1,0,1,-,0,1 George (space) 0,1,0,0,2,0 Nathan (space) 0,0,-,-,1,0 Andy ...
[1 reply] : struct Player { string name; int goals; int totalGoals ; }; Sh... (by m4ster r0shi)
by Morph
Newline at the end of file
I'm using mingw and it's warning me about not having a newline at the end . Why do I need a newline at the end ? Is that line is an eof line ?
[2 replies] Last: Some *nix shells don't add that newline, which results on one ugly lin... (by Albatross)
Character Analyzing
Is it possible to analyze separate characters in a string or numbers in an integer/float/etc similar to slicing in Python. Any help would be appreciated.
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. (by MottMan)
by Rtop
How to call a function method in a class from another class
I need to call compareTo method , which is in "class Book" . The compareTo is called in another class named "BookList". the concept is to pass pointer "curren...
[5 replies] Last: @arther this exercise is about link list insertion , but my textbook ... (by Rtop)
by Topaze
dynamic array problem
am new to C++ trying to create a dynamic instance of my class Genie & having issues, not sure what i'm doin wrong, help? Created in Codeblocks & these are the ...
[2 replies] Last: Oi! That's a class you're doing likes 12-14 in! You can't do those! ... (by Albatross)
by Topaze
can't figure print error
For "printCalBody (int& daysWeek, int inMonth)" I get error msg's (1) expected primary expression before "int" for this line. On following line I get error "exp...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks got it now (by Topaze)
by Adeon
Is there any way to have a timer in a program? Say, something to replenish a players stat in a game over time,
[1 reply] : Related discussion: (by moorecm)
by Sperry
A couple of questions from a beginner
Hi! I'm new around here and I would like answers for my following questions please. 1) I am trying to make a game and I don't want the problems onf nested fu...
[4 replies] Last: Having functions that perform a well-defined task and building functio... (by Athar)
May 2010 Pages: 1... 7891011... 33
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