by dragonbane
Using a property from one class in another class' member?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! I had forgotten all about them! I read about them a... (by dragonbane)
by joeyjojo
count in IF() not incrementing.
[2 replies] Last: Thats awesome thanks Albatross (by joeyjojo)
by KarlCat
Nested Loop issue
[2 replies] Last: Albatross: You were right. Thank you very much for your help. Sim... (by KarlCat)
by BaronInara
Program terminating issue
[4 replies] Last: Yeah, its bad style and can lead to memory leaks with things still nee... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by aneves
float array to bitmap
[2 replies] Last: thank you a milion. i'll try it frist thing tomorrow. (by aneves)
by BaronInara
Double to Int conversion issue
[4 replies] Last: Ya, I brought that up to him at one point and was told "Well I'm using... (by BaronInara)
Pointers with user input
[11 replies] Last: As for always returning the same address, that would be because you're... (by Albatross)
by tysonc
Array of Structures
[11 replies] Last: Guys, in case you haven't noticed I marked this topic as solved... m4s... (by tysonc)
by faraz76
Autochanging Variable In A Do-While
[1 reply] : So you want to declare new variables in a do-while loop per iteration ... (by Albatross)
by hassan424
[2 replies] Last: Ooh so it was a logic error! I thought my coding was somehow wrong. Th... (by hassan424)
by codder
c++ how to use erase
[1 reply] : One of the std::string::erase() overloads takes two integers (a,b), b ... (by helios)
by haggismn
fstream ignores reading numbers 9-13 from file
[2 replies] Last: The problem is that what you send/receive is characters. When you use ... (by m4ster r0shi)
by timbomo
read file into an array (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: Please start your own topic. (Grayscale is R == B == G. The OP of t... (by Duthomhas)
by mbrinkley
Illegal use of floating point???
[2 replies] Last: I see. Thank you. I just fixed it. Have a great day! (by mbrinkley)
by SoloXX
Problems reversing numbers in outfile
[2 replies] Last: Thanks jmsith. Got it working now! (by SoloXX)
by Aruisa3725
I'm learning C++ and I have a question about the tutorial on pointers
[3 replies] Last: Okay, that solves my question! Thank you very much for your help :D (by Aruisa3725)
by alMarshy
Pointer Trouble
[2 replies] Last: Okay thanks alot. (by alMarshy)
by mynameisokay
Signed integer representation in memory
[3 replies] Last: In other words, C++ does not doesn't have a standard way to do that, i... (by magnificence7)
by hadoque
testing bad_alloc exception
[5 replies] Last: One possible thing to do is to add a try-catch block in main around yo... (by jsmith)
by jbl09
what is preventing the arithmatic from displaying?
[1 reply] : Lines 30-34. You are looping correctly to read all the numbers from t... (by jsmith)