Beginners - March 2019 (Page 21)

Program to count number of words
Im trying to write a program to count number of words in a sentence. But whatever I input I always get the answer as 1. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio...
[1 reply] : The first thing to do is upgrade your compiler. > #include<iostream.h... (by salem c)
condition check is not working out as intended, why?
I'm making a small networked game, still learning networking so I might be missing out on something. I am using Visual Studio Community 2017. I am using Allegro...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks , I had been up all night and did never take into account that ... (by MatiasMunk)
error: ld returned 1 exit status
When ever I try to run my program I get an error saying ld returned 1 exit status and I can't figure out why. I have checked all spelling and type of variables ...
[1 reply] : void report(string name , string letter , int id , int grade , int o... (by lastchance)
Errors on OSX
I am on OSX and running Netbeans as my IDE when I build my code I get this error Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_CFArrayGetValueAtIndex",...
[6 replies] Last: I appreciate the help. I think I have narrowed it down to my specific... (by miketheknight2016)
how to make a program run in the background on chrome os?
i'v writed a keylogger for some fun and for beginning purposes.. to make it work totally i have to make the program run in the background ;P help? its on chr...
[no replies]
why this test cases wont automatically finish
i input test cases 5 5 ->5 is the aim node, 5 is edges 1 2 ->edges 2 3 ->Edges 3 4 ->Edges 2 5 ->Edges 4 5 ->Edges i want to find shortest path to the aim node...
[1 reply] : i need to input enter at last iteration why? Actually your code does... (by Enoizat)
Hi, I am trying to write a program where the user inputs strings (name, last name, phone number), and save these data into a notepad. The user should be able...
[6 replies] Last: Hello nypran, This may help: char cont{}; do { // lines 20 - 34 ... (by Handy Andy)
File save with iteration number
Dear Friends I want to save file with iteration number. What changes i have to do ? fopen_s(&fp4, "v velocity.plt", "w"); Thanks in Advance...
[1 reply] : char filename ; snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%d velocity.plt"... (by salem c)
Is there a way to make this faster?
I migrated following from REXX. As I am new to C++ my question is, if there is a chance to speed it up? /* Sieve of Sundaram */ #include <iostream> /* c...
[2 replies] Last: Just replacing array by vector results in a runtime reduction from 1.8... (by MikeStgt)
Convex Hull Jarvis march and Graham scan //I tried to place code in tags but it was too long Can I get the same efect without allocating memory for another linked list ? ...
[2 replies] Last: What I want ? Linked List which I have does not have functions for S... (by nowy20180820)
by Kreons
Unknown LNK2019 error
I keep getting these error messages "error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl ReadFile::ReadFile(void)" (??0ReadFile@@QEAA@XZ) referenced in f...
[2 replies] Last: ok problem solved. I forgot to take out the constructor. Thanks, ne555... (by Kreons)
stuck in test case
i would like to know , what is wrong with my code below i input test case: 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 2 and it stuck in last iteration in scanf. why this...
[2 replies] Last: > scanf("%d %d\n", &awal, &akhir); /*stuck here in last iteration */ Y... (by salem c)
Call Int32 Function From Main
I am learning C++ and I want to run a method, it doesn't have a return type or need any params passed to it. It just "does the work" from my main method. The ...
[2 replies] Last: You can call the function just as you did in line 3, unless you need t... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Question related to software architecture
Heyyy beautiful people! I have a question to ask :) Okay so I have 2 projects in my solution. In 1 of the projects, I have a header file which includes an ext...
[3 replies] Last: Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. Project B does perform window I/O... (by Angela1998)
Solved: init bool array
In the 'Prime' thread was a question about initializing an array of type bool, see The tutorials (...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you. (by MikeStgt)
When should I break up math equations or pre-calculate values, especially when concerning loops? (1,2)
I know that functions are used to eliminate repeated code, but I figured that a similar concept would probably help math equations in loops. My professor mentio...
[26 replies] Last: Yer welcome! But the point was: Using Abstractions Makes Life Easy. (by Duthomhas)
Help explaining the code please
Hey guys this is the problem I have to solve and explain, can you please help me out a little with it? "Write a C++ program that accepts n different numbers (0...
[1 reply] : Have you learned about recursion? This can be solved pretty easily th... (by dhayden)
Does this program work, or is it my compilier?
Hello everyone, new guy on the forum here. I've looked all over youtube and google as well, but I cannot seem to find what is going on with my program. Essentia...
[5 replies] Last: For about US$12 you can buy yourself a USB stick with a fairly large c... (by Duthomhas)
Calculate the average
How would I calculate the average of the numbers from the input file. I would like to put the average right after the last number of each class. Also each test ...
[2 replies] Last: So, you have a list of five test weights:     { 10, 15, 20, 25, ... (by Duthomhas)
Creating a running total from input file
I'm trying to create a running total that can calculate the weighted average of the numbers in each course. It will add up all the test than divide by the total...
[3 replies] Last: I will respond in your other thread. (by Duthomhas)
March 2019 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 25
  Archived months: [feb2019] [apr2019]

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