User: miketheknight2016

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  • miketheknight2016

User profile: miketheknight2016

User info
User name:miketheknight2016
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Errors on OSX
I appreciate the help. I think I have narrowed it down to my specific MacBook but how to resolve is...

Errors on OSX
In my post there I had downloaded a GitHub repo and was trying to build it to use the header files i...

Errors on OSX
I didn't run cmake - I build it in Netbeans, and it could possibly be that I need to add an addition...

Errors on OSX
I am on OSX and running Netbeans as my IDE when I build my code I get this error [code] Undefin...

Call Int32 Function From Main
I am learning C++ and I want to run a method, it doesn't have a return type or need any params passe...

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