by usmannazir
Description of the steps
[2 replies] Last: It allocates a bunch of memory to very badly named variables. I'd ad... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
[3 replies] Last: that's because you are invoking undefined behaviour by accessing `c' o... (by ne555)
by Cheddar99
Function Overloading - Amiguity
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the explanation @mbozzi. I'll read the info' at the links. (by Cheddar99)
by stoneJax
[7 replies] Last: You don't need that pointer. Furthermore, the syntax: ptr->countLette... (by keskiverto)
by jefazo92
Performing signed arithmetic on unsigned variable without storing value in another signed variable
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <climits> int main() { static_asser... (by JLBorges)
by John Davis
Assigning values to an existing vector
[1 reply] : std::vector<int> vec { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } ; vec = { 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,... (by JLBorges)
by kibasu
Creating a class for c++ Challenge
[2 replies] Last: The conditions in your setXYZ() methods are wrong: void setDay(int d)... (by dhayden)
by AL88
I think I got this logic wrong
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help. I am awful at logic. (by AL88)
by Myro
Global Var & multifunction
[4 replies] Last: Thanks coder77 i was able to fix it with that explanation (by Myro)
How to have a class array with non-static, const dimensions? |
[16 replies] Last: @Enoizat Thank you for your swift reply. It makes more sense to know... (by closed account Ezyq4iN6)
by HeavyDrugs
cannot conver 'node*' to 'node**'
[1 reply] : You pass a pointer as an argument where a 'pointer to pointer' is requ... (by nuderobmonkey)
by wowisay
need help to direct my approach
[6 replies] Last: wowisay, STOP deleting the content of your posts. It is rude and unhe... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
HELP PLEASE-Chef and a Beautiful Digit |
[5 replies] Last: yes. I got mine fixed but I do not like it. I ended up finding the ... (by jonnin)
by AL88
Why is the section to write the text file to the screen not producing any output?
[2 replies] Last: also try return(1) instead of exit(1). Exit is like pulling the cord ... (by jonnin)
by Angela1998
Static vs Dynamic Linking
[16 replies] Last: Yes, I am well aware of how to compile linux source code. The main pro... (by colt)
by jefazo92
Problem troubleshooting my "date" class
[11 replies] Last: Honestly, I only understand the #include to call header and source fi... (by jlb)
by jefazo92
Not being able to pass char array as an argument of a class
[5 replies] Last: Where are the modified class files? Did you change your header file t... (by jlb)
by birb
Equal elements in linked lists
[5 replies] Last: It doesn't matter what type of data is in the lists - int, double, str... (by lastchance)
by TomBradyGOAT
Need help troubleshooting 2D array (1,2)
[28 replies] Last: By the way, what does it mean when you say maxPeak = 0.0? Are you as... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by salem c
Help with Time Complexity of a Problem.
[3 replies] Last: dave please explain what is Q in "You need to observe some pattern i... (by jayasai)