by wuwy
Why does this "for cycle" keep looping?
[4 replies] Last: pointSum=18. As there are 18 total votes Using i (or j) < pointSum... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
A+B Problem |
[3 replies] Last: Again, don’t be dismayed. We all have had to learn at some point. M... (by Duthomhas)
by DdavidDLT
Stopping while loop
[6 replies] Last: Lines 9 and 10 together form the condition of the for loop. In Engli... (by JLBorges)
by CoolAvocado
HELp me (1,2)
[23 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; const str... (by lastchance)
by redfury
The default Constructor of "input" cannot be referenced -- it is a deleted function
[2 replies] Last: Got it, thank you very much! ^_^ (by redfury)
by CoolAvocado
[1 reply] : Not a switch/case. But you can replace arrays with switch/case if desi... (by salem c)
by Vetzo
Class declaration and its methods.
[5 replies] Last: Hello Forum, Think I get it now. A.cpp: #1 = include B.h, with forwa... (by Vetzo)
by CoolAvocado
I set a limit for the code using if but it doesnt work
[3 replies] Last: copy that! tnx (by CoolAvocado)
by CoolAvocado
Who wants to teach me switch
[5 replies] Last: tnx alot everyoneeeeeee promise i read and understand everything you t... (by CoolAvocado)
using pixels and parameters to render images !! |
[no replies]
by cpd2019
Help with Line Justification
[1 reply] : When you find yourself doing the same thing over and over, that is a h... (by Duthomhas)
by MikeStgt
No leading zeros?
[5 replies] Last: And yet it ended up costing extra keystrokes for FurryGuy, you and me! (by dutch)
by Repeater
Print function from class
[no replies]
by skiner36
FFTW Amplitude and Frequency
[3 replies] Last: Each bin (index) of the discrete fourier transform is a frequency, but... (by Ganado)
by Vetzo
const class method problem
[7 replies] Last: A pointer allows ... So does the reference: // Header: class MyClas... (by keskiverto)
by Alienguard
How can I avoid long if...else if chains
[5 replies] Last: So, I went through a second iteration as promised and this is a prelim... (by Alienguard)
by DinoSomebody
I'm trying to write a code that outputs a number spiral, but it outputs very large numbers, and I can't find the problem.
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> using namesp... (by lastchance)
by tomisrb
help plz
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by tomisrb)
by redfury
Problem with Constructor of Class (Program not running after input is taken)
[2 replies] Last: Ok I got it. Thank you! ^_^ That was such a bad mistake lol (by redfury)
by WaddleDee
Printing solutions to a brute force search-- error in print conditions?
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> int main() { int n ; std::cout << "n? " ... (by JLBorges)